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Mustard (pinch)
Pickle Relish
Celery ( finely chopped )
Onion (optional)
Lettuce (optional)
Tomato (optional)

In a med. size pan, put on water and eggs to boil. Place bread in the oven and toast lightly. Wash a few whole leaves of lettuce and lay out to drain. Thinly slice the tomato. (Very thin) Place tuna (drained) in a latge mixing bowl. Add Mayo, and the "pinch" of mustard. Mix. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add pickle relish. (We southern ladies chop ours fresh...) Chop and add celery. Mix. Add either raw or sauteed onion. Peel eggs, and chopping thinly add into the mix. Blend.

Grab a plate. Cover the bottom of the plate with the now dry lettuce leaves, forming a "bed". Slice the toast in half and place on both ends of the plate. In the center of the plate, arrange the Thin tomato slices.... ( I use a circle pattern ). With your ice cream scoop, place tuna onto the tomato slices. You might want to add a small scattering of Paprika to "finish".

Serve slightly chilled.

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