Will of Jeremiah Inman; April 8, 1839 Jefferson County, TN; Jeremiah Inman beingthe son of Shadrach and Mary McPheeters Inman.I, Jeremiah Inman of the County of Jefferson and State of Tennessee. Planter. do make and publish this my last Will and Testament hereby making and making void All former wills by me at anytime heretofore made-- And first I direct that body be decently interred At the family burying place in Cocke County and in manner Suitable to my condition in life - And As to Such wordly estate As it haspleased God to entrust me with I dispose of the Same as fellows.
First I direct that All my just debts And Funeral expenses be paid as Soon After my decease As possible out of my Landed or Real Estate which I hold by deed Entry or otherwise have equetable title to. After the payments of my debts I give and bequeath All my land As Aforesaid to my five Sons to wit: - Ezekiel, Shadrick, Charlie, Daniel, Jeremiah.
First to my son Ezekiel An one hundred & fitfty tract of land willed to me by my father And granted to him by the State of Tennessee on the 14th day of May 1824 No. of grant 11.194 No. of entry 96 dated 15th April 1824.
Second,I give and bequeath to my son Shadrack the one fourth part of all the remainder of my lands to be laid off the lower end of the plantation So As to include the house in which he now resides.
Third, I give And bequeath to my son Charles the one fourth of all my lands except the 150 Acre tract given to my son Ezekiel to be laid off the upper end of my plantation So As to include the house in which he resides.
Fourth, I give and bequeath to my Son Daniel the one fourth of ___ my land except the 150 Acre tract given to my son Ezekiel, to be laid off above and adjoining my son Shadrack so as not to include the house Slave in or out houses.
Fifth, I give and bequeath to my son Jeremiah except the 150 Acre tract which I have given to my son Ezekiel, to be laid off above my son Daniel and below my son Charles so as to include the dwelling house and house in which I now reside. And it is also my wish and desire that in making the division line between Son Daniel and my Son Jeremiah the line to so run as to give each equal advantage of the spring and the spring branch. It is also my wish and desire that in laying off and portioning said land between my four sons, Shadrach, Charles, Jeremiah, Daniel regard be had to quality and quanity but not to improvments. It is my wish that upon settlement with the estate of my brother John Inman if any there be coming to me that it go the Settlements of debts, I wish it expressly understood {my sons being of age and consenting} except my Son Jeremiah, the conditions upon which I have given them my whole landed estate is that they pay my debts and relinquish to my daughters Sarah Tally, Polly Witt, Susan Goins, Elizabeth Inman, Rachel Inman, Anny Inman, and Prudent Inman, all their right to the claim and interest they have or may have to the Negro estate of their grandmother Sarah Conyers which is coming to them as well as well as to my own negro property. I hereby will to my seven daughters, Sarah Tally, Polly Witt, Susan Goans, Elizabeth Inman, Rachel Inman, Anny and Prudent Inman, All my interest in the estate of their grandmother Sarah Conyers negro property which has come to my possession or may come and I also give and bequeath to my seven daughters aforesaid my two negro slaves Tobe and Mathew which two negroes are to remain in the hands of my Executor until my youngest child Prudence becomes of age to be used by them for the support of my five youngest children to wit: Elizabeth, Rachel, Anny, Prudence and Jeremiah until they marry or become of lawful age.
Sixth, It is my will and desire that all my personal property be sold by my Executors and out of the proceeds of the ---- I direct that the sum of Fifty Dollars be paid to my daughter Elizabeth, and to my daughter Rachel Fifty dollars and to my daughter Prudence Fifty dollars and to my son Jeremiah one hundred and forty dollars. And with the remainder of the sale of my personal Estate to be equally divided between my daughters Elizabeth, Rachel, Anny and Prudence as they become of age or marry and with my daughters Sarah Tally, Polly Witt and Susan Goins. I do hereby Make and ordain and appoint my two beloved sons Ezekiel Inman and Shadrick Inman Executors of this my last will and testament written on one sheet of paper.
In witness where of I Jeremiah Inman the testator have set my hand and fixed my seal the eighth day of April AD 1839 Jeremiah Inman (SEAL)
Signed sealed & published in the presence of us who have subscribed in the presence of the Testator and of each other.
Test. James Scruggs
his markJohn McClister
Note: Daniel and Shadrach Inman received a Deed from Sarah Conyers, JeffersonCounty, TN 1827 Vol. U Page 51