State of Tennessee Jefferson County August 25th 1832
On the twenty fifth day of August personally appeared before me Alexander McDonald one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Jefferson and State of Tennessee Colonel Robert McFarland, Senior a resident of said County and State aged seventy three, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth, on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832. That the Deponent Colonel Robert McFarland Senior was born on the fifteenth day of March seventeen hundred and fifty nine in Orange County, North Carolina. At eight years of age he removed with his Father to Beford County, State of Virginia. Four years thereafter he removed to Boutetourt. Remained ten years in Boutetourt, where he married and moved with his wife to Washington where he remained till the close of the War of the Revolution. He then moved into what was called Greene County - Now Jefferson County, State of Tennessee, and has lived in Jefferson ever since. This Deponent served about four months under Captain William Russell. Two of the Lieutenants of Captain R's Company came to his Father's house near Reed Creek, where Wthye Court House now stands, and this Deponent agreed with them to join the Company in November 1776. William Bowen was another Lieutenant and James (?) the Ensign of the Company. This Company was raised to guard the Frontier Garrisons. Captain Russell marched with his Company from Reed Creek to Ramseys (?) Fort Five miles above Long Island.Deponent (?) remained in the Fort until the latter part of February 1777 when discharged. The company got no written discharge but received Certificates of Service, upon which they got their pay, which was forty shillings per month. In the following March, 1777 Captain John Mongomery came to Deponent's Father's house and got Deponent to join his Company. Michal Dougherty Lieutenant, John Simpson Ensign marched from Reed Creek to Blackamoores Station on Clinch River ranged to Houston's Station on Moccosin Creek - Bledsoe's Station and Shelby's Station - returned to Long Island in the First of October. There joined General William Christian's Army consisting of upwards of two thousand men. Captain Mongomery's Company was annexed to Major Evan Shelby's Battallion. Colonel Hill and Major Winston of North Carolina were on this expedition. This Deponent served through this expedition against the Cherokee Indians. Marched through Greene County, East Tennessee, by the bend of Chucky - along the Indian War Path to the Tennessee River crossed said River at the Town of Tomatlow, thence Island Town below the mouth of Telico - four miles - which town was burnt -Taco, Chota, and Citico (beloved towns of the Indians and our commander Genl. Christian would not permit the men to burn them) to Tuskega, where a young white man had been burned by the Indians. We burned Tuskega - The Indians fled before our Army and departed their towns - so we had no fighting on this expedition. Returned in the month of December under our respective Captains to our homes - Our Company got no written discharge. Our Captains returned a pay roll and he men must have received their pay upon this evidence. This Deponent was but eighteen years and nine months old at this time, and his father may have received his pay, though this Deponent does not know. He did not receive it himself but thinks his father did. Though even then it had begun to be worth much less than the first year of the War. In the following September 1778 volunteered under Captain James Mongomery at Wythe Court House, Wm. Doke Lieutenant -Robert Davis Ensign - Marched to the head of Clinch Maxwell's fort - was detached as one of a guard for Major Robertson to (?) Valley on Blue Stone Creek - again as a spy down the Tug fork of Sandy River on to the Level Country To ascertain whether the Indians were disturbing or about to disturb the border settlements - Returned Maxwell's fort the first of December after having ascertained that the Indians were quiet on Sandy and beyond that time - From Maxwell's fort Captain Mongomery's company returned home in the month of December 1778. Received no written discharge. In 1779 removed with his wife to Washington County, Virginia. Shortly after was appointed as Ensign in Captain John Campbell's Company - received no commission but was appointed by Colonel Arthur Campbell the commander of our Regiment, Arthur Bowen lieutenant. In 1779 this Deponent volunteered and marched in the expedition under Col. Arthur Campbell against Col..Roberts of North Carolina, who had come over into Virginia to plunder the Whigs and recruit tories. This deponant acted as the Ensign under Captain William Edmonson,. Robin Edmonson and David Beattie Lieutenants, Col. Campbell and Col. Crocket and Major Edmonson - with 500 men started on this expedition - Rendesvous at the head of Cripple Creek - thence through (?) Creek Settlement, up to Baker's settlement - then learned that Roberts had recrossed the mountain and been defeated at Ram Jowers (?) Mill. The main body of the men turned back. Captain Edmonson and the company of which this deponant was Ensign, was ordered to the three forks of New River into Perkin's settlement to quell Tories in that secton - took two tories, gave them up to Colonel Cleaveland and returned in the latter part of July after an absence of two months. This Deponent was prevented from marching with his company to the Battle of King's Mountain by receiving orders from Col. Arthur Campbell to return and collect a force to march against the Tories at New River. He was with his company at the Rendesvous, James Thompson's Ebbing Spring -whence the troops marched to King's mountain - This Deponent returned, collected some men, was joined by Lieutenant Davis at the Blue Springs, and marched to Elk Creek. At Clem Lea's took sixteen of the tories, and sent them to the lead mines, there to be garrisoned & kept from mischief - pursued the Tories into the edge of North Carolina, returned home in ten or twelve days. In two or three days started again with 30 men passed over the mountain, higher up (?) severely the Tories that had been destroying and carrying off the property of our Citizens - and returned in three weeks, the same day the men returned from King's Mountain. On Saturday after our return, the first or second Saturday in December 1780 Mustered at Captain Bowen's home and there received orders that every man who had not been wounded at the battle of King's Mountain should be ready on Monday to start on an expedition under Col. Arthur Campbell. Captain Bowen (who had now become Captain of the Company in place of Captain Campbell resigned) Remained at home and this Deponent with part of Bowen's Company, joined Captain Crabtree of Washington, who had not a full company - George Finley Ensign. The Rendesvous was at Honey Cutts 3 miles west of Rogersville - 300 men rendesvous at Honey Cutts - Col. A. Campbell of Washington Commander. Col. Clark of Sullivan commanded the regiment from that section. Marched from Honey Cutts by the bend of Chucky thence down to Tennessee River - Crossed said River at the Virginia ford, to Chota - burned it - to Chilhowah burned part of it - But Captain Clark retreating through panic (hearing that some indians were on the heights above the town) left Crabtree with only 30 men. The indians retreated after loosing three men - and Crabtree retired to the main body at Chota - Returned to Chilhahwah the next day -back to Chota - Thence to little Tilico - burnt it - Lost Capt. Ellit at Tilico - Capt. Ellit was in front crossing river - as he rode the oppisite bank, one of the indians who lay concealed shot Captain Ellit who fell from his horse. The indians (?) (?) immediately shot at the next man who ascended the bank.The Indian fell dead before he could <FIRE>a second time. After a little firing the Indians retreated - (?) burnt Tilico. The troops now divided - part went to Old Hywassee - the balance to Big Tilico - From Old Hywassee went to Cheeatowah burnt it marched back to Big Tilico - After return to Tilico made preparations for home - We killed forty or fifty Indians in the expedition and cost but one man Capt. Ellit - a brave and gallant officer. Returned to our home about the first of March. This Deponent served four months under Captain Wm. Russell from first of November 1776 to the latter part of February 1777 nine months under Capt. John Mongomery from March 1777 to December 1777 nine months under Captain James Mongomery from September 1778 to December 1778. This Deponent served as an ensign in the Expedition against tories two months in 1779 - as a Lieutenant he was in constant service from just before the battle of King's Mountain until the first of March following about six months. This Deponent after passing the meridian of his life in prosperity & enjoying the confidence of his fellow citizens in various public trust and honourable employments - had been reduced by misfortunes to a want of many of those comforts with which he had hoped the industry and exertion of earlier years would have crowned the evening of his days. The last act of Congress for the relief of the soldiers and officers of the Revolution he hopes will be found to reach his care, and he places the facts of his service before the Honourable Secretary at War in the confident hope that they will be comprehended within the meaning and intention of that act. The Deponent has no documentary evidence in regard to his service, nor does he know of any person living from whom he could procure this testimony as to his service. He was very young when he entered the service, and there were none younger than himself in his company - He believes that there are very few survivors of the services in which he was engaged. This Deponent hereby relinquishes any claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State. R. McFarland Sworn to and subscribed before me Alexander McDonald Justice of Peace We Soloman Wyatt a clergyman residing in the County of Jefferson and William Cox residing in the same county hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Colonel Robert McFarland Senior, who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration, that we believe him to be seventy three years of age; that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier and officer on the Revolution, and that we concur in that opinion. Soloman Wyatt Clergyman William Cox Senior And the said Justice of the Peace declares his opinion, after the investigation of the matter, and after putting the interrogations prescribed by the War Department: that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary soldier and officer and served as he states, and I further certify that it appears to me that Soloman Wyatt who has signed the preceding certificate is a clergyman, resident of theCounty of Jefferson, and that William Cox who has also signed the same is a resident in the County of Jefferson and is a credible person and (the)Their statement is entitled to credit I further certify that the applicant Colonel Robert McFarland Senior is very infirm from old age and consequently unable to attend the court. A .McDonald Justice of the Peace To all whom it may concern, Be it known that I Robert McFarland Senior do hereby constitute and appoint Pierce B. Inmann Esq. My attorney and agent to receive my pension, I have applied through him to the War Department. Witness my hand and Seal this 25th August 1832. R. McFarland Senior his signature appears here as does his seal. September 9, 1999) State of Tennessee Jefferson County The Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions setting and holen for the County of Jefferson at the Court House in Dandridge on the second Monday of September (being the tenth) 1832 hereby declares their opinion that the above named applicant, Col Robert McFarland Senior of Jefferson County, was a Revolutionary soldier and officer and served as he states and they further certify that it appears to them that Soloman Whyatt who has signed one of the preceding certificates, is a clergyman, resident of the County of Jefferson and that William Cox who has also signed the same as resident in the County of Jefferson and is a (?) and that the statement is entitled to credit.
Richard Bradshaw
Job A. Thornton
Thos Snoddy
Revolutionary War Pension
Robert McFarland
Jefferson County Tennessee
Lieutant - Captain
$153.00 Annual Income
April 24, 1833 Pension Received
Age 75
$459.00 Amount Received
North Carolina Militia