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Cloud Strife

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Character Stats

Lvl: 11

Exp: 3995
Exp to next Lvl: 455

Hp: 664
Mp: 389

Attack: 97/97
Defence: 71
Magic: 26
Magic Defence: 56
Speed: 28
Evade: 11

Stats to add:

Chocobos: 1
Clouds Chocobos


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Class and Spells

Character Information


Class: Priest
JCM: 1
Point to next JCM:

Sub-Class: Wizard
JCM: 1
Point left:

Spells/Skills: Fire: 15mp/45Fdmg, Blizzard: 15mp/45Idmg, Blizzara: 30mp/90Idmg, Thunder: 15mp/45Ldmg, Reflect: 30mp

Special Tactics: Double Cut, Strong Arm, Exp Plus

Un-used Spells:

Gender: Male
Age: 23
Alignment: Bad
Team: Black Hearts Clan (Leader)

Battles Won: 4
Battles Lost:
Monsters Slayed: 52
Bosses Slayed: 1

Gil on hand:
Gil in bank:
Jp: 70
Job: S.E.E.D., Judge
Currently Doing:
Current Town:
Current Limit Break(s):
Braver: 348dmg
Cross-Slash: 435
Blade Beam: 522

Weapon Mastery: Lvl 7 Swords
Weapon(s): (RH) Ragnarok+50A, (LH) Ragnarok+50A
Unequiped Weapon(s): 2-Double-Bladed Broad Sword+30A

Armor: Leather Pants+10D, Dragonscale Armor+20D/MD, Starw Hat+12MD
Unequiped Armor: Cloth Shirt+4D

Items: (7/20)
4-Potions(+3-Hp), 3-Pheonix Downs


Cloud, fearless and powerful, this ex-soldier is always ready for battle and will not walk away til the other man's cold corpes is motionless on the ground. His past has drove him insaine and we will never ever back down from any challenge. Three years ago a doctor placed a curse on cloud for all the lives he has taken. This curse turned him into a half winged Demon, but he also has enofe control of his-self and his body to change forms from to human now. Now Cloud uses this curse as a gift to hunt down and in his path. Where will he go, who will die? Lets sit back and watch!

Limit Breaks:

Level 1: Braver: A leaping chop that splits a single enemy in two. - +100%

Level 5: Cross-Slash: Slashes three times cutting an enemy down to size. - +150%

Level 10: Blade Beam: A beam shoots out of Clouds weapon and strikes all enemys. - +200%

Level 15: Climhazzard: Skews a single enemy and then leaps high into the sky. - +275%

Level 20: Meteorain: While leaping into the air, unleashing a barrage of meteors upon a group of foes. - +310%

Level 25: Finishing Touch: Creates a large whirlwinnd that sucks a group of opponents into oblivion, which causes them to perish or fall back to the ground. - +400%

Level 30: Omnislash: Assaults his opponent with a long series of powerful sword attacks vs a single foe or a group of foes. - 550%