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rude.jpg (130338 bytes)

Character Stats

Lvl: 8

Exp: 2522
Exp to next Lvl: 374

Hp: 437
Mp: 154

Attack: 55/55
Defence: 39
Magic: 10
Magic Defence: 15
Speed: 15
Evade: 15

Stats to add: 35


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Class and Spells

Character Information


Class: Monk
JCM: 2
Point to next JCM: 43

Point left:

Spin Fist

Special Tactics:

Un-used Spells:

Gender: Male
Age: 35
Alignment: Neutral
Team: Solo

Battles Won:
Battles Lost:
Monsters Slayed: 79
Bosses Slayed:

Gil on hand: 1752
Gil in bank:

Jp: 399
Currently Doing:Training with gloves(will end 1/8)
Current Town:
Current Limit Break(s):
Arm Thrust: 68dmg

AIM: bowlkart64

Weapon Mastery: Starter (Claws)
Weapon(s): Mythril Claw+15A

Unequiped Weapon(s):

Armor: Leather Pants+10D
Cloth Shirt+4D
Unequiped Armor: Cloth Pants+2MD

Items: (2/20)


Rude was a part of a mean gang butt after his home town was destroyed he turned to the way of the monk and vowed to be nuetral to all

Limit Breaks:

Level 1: Arm Thrust: Rude charges the opponent and dives his fist into the opponent with all his might. (+100%)

Level 5: Fire Punch: With a extreme speed, as Rude punches a flame surrounds his fist causeing fire dmg. (+150% Fdmg)

Level 10: MBarrier: Creats a magical barrier that can deflect basic elemental spells, and halves magic and physical dmg. (Add: Mighty Guard)

Level 15: Rocket Punch: First an burst on energy out of his fist that strikes all of Rudes opponents. (+250%)

Level 20: Grand Spark: Rudes strikes the ground causeing a fissure under his opponents by forcing bolts of lightning through the ground and exploding under each of his opponents. (+150% Edmg, +150% Tdmg)