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Date Night

The Impossi-Mobile pulled up to a two story suburban house, straight out of a 1950's sitcom. Multi Man grabbed his guitar and jumped out.

"What time do you want us to pick you up?" Coil Man asked.

"Around ten or ten thirty," Multi said. "Shawn and I have a big night planned."

"You're lucky you've got a girlfriend," Fluid Man replied. "Even if she is a smart alecky so and so who knows nothing about crime fighting."

"Why don't you like Shawn, Fluey?" Multi asked. "Coiley likes her."

"It's probably the same reason she doesn't like me," Fluey replied.

"We'll see you later, Multi," Coiley said, and he pulled the Impossi-Mobile out.

Multi walked up the driveway and rang the doorbell of his girlfriend's house. He was expecting her to answer, but instead, her older sister, Susan, answered.

"Hi, Multi," she said. "Shawn told me to tell you she's running a little late. You want to come in?"

"No, that's okay, Susan," Multi said. "I'll wait out here."

"If you want."

Susan closed the door. Usually when Shawn was running late, it didn't take too long for her to pull herself together. As he was waiting, he heard crashing sounds coming from the city, and they seemed to be getting closer and closer.

"What in the world is that?" he asked.

Multi decided to go check it out, considering Shawn was running late and all. He managed to get a look, and there was a giant lizard of some kind, smashing up the city.

"Leaping lizards!" he shouted. "Looks like big trouble."

At that moment, Multi's guitar began to beep (not only did Coiley's guitar have a TV screen in it, so did Multi's). But it wasn't Big D who happened to be calling him, it happened to be Coiley.

"I hope you can take time out on your date for this, Multi," he said. "We've got trouble."

"If you mean that lizard, I already know about it," Multi said. "Shawn's running late, anyway. This shouldn't take us too long."


Right then, Multi changed from the average rock and roll singer to his superhero persona, and went to join his comrades in battle.

"Rally ho!" he shouted, as he ran off towards the city.

Multi arrived to the scene of the disaster in under two minutes. Coiley and Fluey were already there, trying to figure out where the lizard had come from.

"You think it's some criminal master mind?" Multi asked.

"No," Fluey said. "I think it's a lab lizard. I've seen one exactly like this at State University. Looks like one of Professor McDonald's kooky experiments backfired."

Professor Jerry McDonald was supposed to be one of State U's most brilliant young minds, but more than often, his experiments tended to get a little out of hand. This was one of those times.

"Well, we'd better stop it before it destroys the city," Coiley said, springing into action. "Rally ho!"

Coiley shot forward and clobbered the giant lizard right in the nose. It stumbled backwards.

"Rally ho-ho!" Fluey shouted, transforming to liquid. He turned himself into a puddle, and the lizard slipped on him, and landed flat on his back.

"Rally ho!" Multi shouted, duplicating himself and surrounding the lizard, creating a cage. The lizard was too dazed to move.

"I think that about does it," Coiley said.

"Sure does," Jerry said, driving up to the scene, along with Professor Questology, another scientist from State U. "Sorry, guys. I was trying to develop a fast growing liquid fertilizer, and my lab lizard got into the formula."

"You gotta be more careful about these experiments of yours, Jerry," Professor Questology said.

"I hope you have an antidote for this thing," Multi said. "I think he's coming to!"

"No sweat," Jerry said, and he pulled an eye dropper and a bottle of some kind of liquid out of his lab coat. He stuck the eye dropper in the bottle, squeezed it, and then dropped some of the liquid on top of the lizard. It shrunk down to size and ran right into the cage Professor Questology had opened.

"There," Jerry said. All's well that ends well."

"Not quite," Multi said, looking at the clock tower. "I'd better get going!"

With that, he was off.

"What's his hurry?" Jerry asked.

"He's got a date," Fluey answered.

Multi had good timing. He made it back to Shawn's door and changed back to his rock and roller persona just before she opened the door.

"Hi, Multi," she said. "I hope you weren't bored waiting."

"Nah, time just flew," Multi said.


The End