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Name : Gohan
Race : Saiyan
Father : Goku
Mother : Chi-Chi
Cyblings : Goten
Wife : Videl
Children : Pan
Rivals : Cell
Abilities :Kamehameha, Masenko, SS, SS 2
Weakness : He's a sissy until the Trunks Saga.
Strength : Has a pure heart, and very strong when angered.

Gohan was very weak in the Saiyan Saga, but does help in the demise of Radditz. After the battle with Radditz Piccolo begins to train him. At first he doesn't want to train and he just whines. But Piccolo quickly shuts him up. So he trains by himsef in the woods pretty much for a while. Then he attempts to fight Frieza and doesen't do too bad, but does get beat. And then Goku dies killing him and Gohan is sad. He then fights Garlic Jr. and his minions. He is very relentlss in his attemps to destroy them. Even with Piccolo supposedly evil, he still fights. And at first he ad Krillin get a major spankin'. But when they knock Krillin uncousious and he starts to plummit to Earth. He saves him and gets pissed. He then does away with one or two of the Spice Boys. After that you see them witness the demise of Frieza and King Cold a second time. Then they await the arrival of the greatest warrior, Goku. When he arrives Trunks talks to him. Then they train for 3 years for the arrival of the Androids. Then they find themselves on a mountain waiting for 19 and 20. Then Yajorobi shows up with some sensu beans for the battle then leaves. When he flies off in his craft it is blown up by the Androids. Then the search begins. Then Gohan is sent to rescue Yajorobi. By then they have found 19 an 20 an they have gone to fight, but Gohan can't find them. Then Goku goes SS and he enses his power. He goes to find them. By the time he does Goku is already starting to feel the effects of te heart virus. He then is instructed to take his dad back to their house, where he, Chi-Chi, and Yamacha care for him. Then you see Krillin, Trunks, and Gohan in a ship and they get a call from Bulma saying a man has spotted a ship that looks like Trunks'. They then go to check it out. The nextmajor part is wen everyone is taking turns in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. While in there with Goku, Gohan attempts to go SS. And is successful once or twice. But it takes a lot out of him at first so he can countinue to be SS like Goku or Vegeta. So he trains and trains. and when he comes out he is a Super Saiyan. They then relax and wait til the Cell Games begin. When they finally do there is a huge showdown type warm-up for Goku and Cell. But after that, Goku senses he can't beat him and tells Gohan to fight. Everyone thinks he's gonna get his own son killed, but he has faith in the young Gohan. Well Gohan accepts the challenge. They fight for a while and Gohan hangs with him.Well Cell tries to ager Gohan at every turn to see his true that Goku talks about. But Gohan don't want to hurt anyone, but when Cell kills 16, he thinks of all the people Cell has killed and the gentleness of Android 16. Then his power just bursts like a dam. He then goes SS 2 and Cell does witness his power and it was a fatal mistake. They fight for a while and Gohan gets the best of Cell, he's just not strong enough for a Saiyan. So as a lat resort he tries to blow him self up and everything else as well. But Goku ues his Instant Transmission to go to King Kai's to prevent the world from being destroyed. But Cell doesen't die when he blows up, he regenerates from a single cell, comes back and kills Trunks. In a burst of rage Vegeta tries to kill Cell. His efforts were in vein though, he is batted down and Cell tries to blast him, but Gohan jumps in the way and he takes the blast, it breaks his arm, but Vegeta is safe. Well by this point Gohan is pissed beyond return and he just doesen't care if he hurts Cell or not. They get in to a Beam stalemate (Kamehameha v.s. Kamehameha). It takes a while but Gohan does overpower Cell with the help of Goku. And Gohan saves the day. After that you see Gohan in H.S. not much really happens, until they begin to train for the World Tournament. You get to see Goten. Well Gohan takes him along while he trains. Goten keeps annoying him so he asks him if he wants to help. Goten says yes. Gohan wants Goten to throw rocks at hm so he can dodge them. Well the first rock he throws almost hits Gohan and goes through a mountain. Well then he moves the line whre he throws the rocks from back. And they do it fora while. Then Goten asks if he can be like him now. Gohan laughs and says "you can't be a Super Saiyan yet maybe in a couple of years". Gohan says " Dad and I had to train hard to become Super Saiyan's", "You know I was the youngest Super Saiyan". Then Goten powers up. And he's a Super Saiyan!! Gohan is amazed. On the way back to the house he tells Gohan that he and Trunks always spar together. Then he teaches Videl and Goten how to fly. After that the biggest thing is when Goku comes back and they have to go fight Babadi and his clan. Well needless to say all of his cronies get slaughtered. And Buu is about to be released. Gohan tries to stop Babadi and Dabura while Goku an Majin Vegeta fight. But he fails and Buu is hatched. Gohan tries to fight him but dies......