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Hart Family Legal Matters
James HART to John SMEDLEY
23 November 1774

Edgefield County South Carolina, Deed Book 16

This indenture made the twenty-third day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy four and in the fifteenth year of his Majesties reign between James Hart of Colleton County on the waters of the Little Saluda on a branch thereof called Red Bank in the Providence of South Carolina of the one part and John Smedley of county and providence aforesaid on the other part.

Witnesseth that the said James Hart for and in consideration of the sum of, ten, shillings, lawful money of the providence aforesaid to him in hand willingly and freely paid by the said John Smedley at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt is hereby acknowledge have granted. He the said James Hart hath bargained and sold and by these presents doth bargain and sell unto the said John Smedley all that plantation or tract of land containing one hundred acres (Bounty) situated in Colleton County on the Waters of the Little Saluda on a branch thereof called Red Bank bounded all sides on vacant lands granted by his Em. The M. Honorable Charles Greeenville Montague with the said James Hart the sixth of February anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and seventy three and in the thirteenth year of his Majesties reign. Together with all and singular the houses, out houses, edifices, buildings, barns, stables, yards, gardens, orchards, woods, underwoods, timber and timber trees, meadows, pastures, ponds, lakes, fishing ways, water and water courses, paths, pastures, abilities, privileges, profits, herditance cuts, rights, and opportunities whatsoever, these unto belonging or in any wise appertaining to the revisions and the reversions remainder and the profits thereof and of every part and parcel thereof. To have and to hold the said plantation or tract of land containing one hundred acres with opportunism thereunto belonging to the said John Smedley, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns form the day next before the day of the date before these presents for and during and unto the full ends and terms of one whole year from thence next ensuing and fully to be completed and ending yielding and paying therefore unto the said James Hart the amount of one pepper corn at the end of said term if the same shall be lawfully demanded to the intent and purposes that by witness of these presents and by force of the Statute of laws for transferring of uses into possession so the John Smedley may be in actual possession of all and singular, the premises above mentioned with every affordance thereunto belonging and enabled to have and receive the reversions and inheritance thereof which is intended to be him and his heirs granted and released by the said James Hart by another indenture the day after the date hereof.

In witness where of the said James Hart have hereunto set my hands and seal the day of the year first above.
Written signed sealed and delivered. Signed James Hart
In presence of Thomas Deloach Richard Williams James Scott
Edgefield County, South Carolina Deed Book 16, p. 263-271

** Contributed by M.A. Hart who received a copy from Ms. Clara Williams, Sylacauga, AL. She stated that in 1774, John Smedley bought the land from James Hart, then in 1790 John Smedley died, and Thomas Smedley, being the eldest son and heir at law, sells the land to Lewis Clark. Then, in 1791, Lewis Clark sells the land to William Burditt.

***There was a William R. Burditt born about 1755, who married Patience Delacey Hart who was born about 1760 in Edgefield SC. I personally feel that Patience Delacey Hart is more than likely a sister of our James Hart, or at best somehow related.

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