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Credits Page

~To My Friends and Fans~

I just want to take a moment away from the studio and life of music to thank a few people who have helped me get to the point in my life that i am now. Without you i could not gotten thus far. I am finally becoming somebody in this crazy world and believe i have found myself, but before this buisness takes me away to Bigger,and Better places i believe it is now time to say my thanks to you all.

First off in my life, and always will be is my Mother. Mom, i just know that you are beside me each and everyday. I know that you are my biggest fan. I know that you have helped me every step of the way. I just know that you are with me helping me reach for the top. You are truly missed more then ever. I love you
R.I.P.- Joan Cook

Next off,id like to thank Bailey. The reason why i push on and on everyday and trying to make something of myself. Although you are miles and miles away, and i'll never see you again, you are always right here by my side. There are alot of things that cannot be changed nor fixed, but one thing that will never change, is how very much you are missed and loved. You have a wonderful mother and father raising you. Hopefully youll have the chance to read this someday and know that somebody out there is always thinking about you every second, every minute, every hour, every day. Even when im passing them STUPID TRUCKS on the road. Remember them? Theres so much to say but i dont believe the internet could hold it all... I miss you Bailey

The Entire HiLL Family.....Thank you for all your support since the very first day we've met. You have treated me like your own son and have simply given me a whole new outlook on life.Without all your care,love,support and shoulders to lean on, there is just no way possible for any of this. Ok, maybe its more then a shoulder lean, maybe more like carrying us on your back lol.....In short, I love you guys and thank you so much


Next off id like to thank Team Hawk Dance Crew. Lauren,Brecken,Brittany,Jen etc.. All of you who have made it this far lol, its been nuts. You girls are the spotlight of every show. Weve been through alot together. From the Stage, to partying, to tears,to happiness,the good, the bad, the spotlights the cameras. You guys have always been there. Its our year in 2004, and i couldnt pick a better group to be by my side other then what i have now. In fact, i wouldnt be thus far without your Talent and support On and Off stage. Thank you all so much....

Uncle Andy..... A Huge THANK YOU!! Your kindness, your sponsorship getting us into shows, and your support and faith in Hill and I. Now if we can just borrow that bmw for a month or so, hehe. You are the best Andy. Thank you for being there for us and especially me when i needed......

Mandy, how many times can i say thanks? I dont think a million would be enough. You've gotten me from the streets and back on my feet. And everyday your still offering to help in anyway you can. Someday i will be able to pay you back 100,000 dollars. Thats about right isnt it? Thank you so much....

The Entire Hawk Entertainment Staff,Artists,Reps,Industry, and affiliates. Chandon,Stizz Agression,Sybil,Ruckas,Mike Deginto-MDG Entertainment,Grand Master Faustus and The Professor,Jessica,Lauren,Brecken,Jen,Brittany,Albert and TimesTwo,Frankie,Judy,OneTime Productions,etc... oh my the list will be forever. Here we are guys. All the marketing,collabos,millions and millions of emails, music biz meetings,shows,radio interviews, partys road trips you get the picture. The family is growing and i hope to see our relationship inside and outside the biz progress further. Now you know its the year for Hawk Entertainment. Youve all built an empire w/me, now lets finish it huh. 2004 is Us.......

And they say to save the best for last, so here it is.....Andrea Hill. Wow i dont know where to start. In less then a year i dont believe anyone has accomplished what we have girl. I mean think about. The Auditions,The Shows, Entity Studio's,Longevity Records for our first album, Atlantic City Idol,Apollo Theatre,Rutgers,Ears Showcase,Philly Teen Dance Hour,Madison Square Garden,Club Bokus,Indie Expo, and more....Now on our third album, HUGE fan base,two magazines, choreography, collabos, the list is just endless. You are truly the highlight of this company and you probably dont even know it. You keep everyone laughing and smiling. Your voice just steals every show. I promise you we'll get there this year. I mean look at what we got hill....We said it since Day One right? All or nothing.... You are just the greatest and i just cant wait till the day when we will be standing by each other in front of 60,000 screaming fans and i can look at you and say welp....Here we are.We did it!! I dont have to tell ya how much you are loved. I think i speak for the Entire Team Hawk Dancers, Hawk Entertainment Co when i say you are the one carrying us to our goal.Love Ya Brat....

Celebrity Of The Underground: Hawk