The First Easter
"King of Kings"
they shouted
As they hung him on the tree.
A crown of thorns upon His head.
Mocked, for all to see.
They cursed Him, spit on Him,
And pierced Him in the side.
They showed no love or mercy,
When our Lord they crucified.
As He whispered
"Please some water"
They laughed some more with glee
Instead they gave Him vinegar.
They were cruel as they could be.
He didn't call the Angels
To come and save Him then.
He knew He had to die
To save man from his sin.
As the hour came upon Him
He knew He soon would die.
The clouds began to roll
In a dark and ominous sky.
Instead of bringing wrath
And judgment on their heads.
He whispered,
"Father, forgive them."
Then at long last He was dead.
They carried Him to a grave.
His life on earth was through.
On the third day He arose
God's promise had come true.
I thank God for that Easter
So very long ago.
He sent His son to die for all.
His love for us to show.
God had no other purpose
When His son died on that tree.
But to save man from his awful sin.
He died for you and me!
Louise P. Heckman
God Bless us all.
Happy Easter to you
and your Family.
Thank you for visiting with me!