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"If You Are Gonna Go Greek, Why Not Be A Goddess?"

Formal Recruitment 2005

Recruitment information should come with your other Lambuth University information during the summer. Contact Colton Cockrum, director of Greek Life, with any questions.

"Recruitment? What is Recruitment?"

A very good question to begin with! You may have heard the formal recruitment period refered to as "rush". Recruitment is the time where sororities recruit potential members! We spend a lot of time preparing for recruitment so that we can get wonderful new Phi's for Phi Mu!

At Lambuth, there are 2 other sororities that participate in Formal Recruitment along with Phi Mu. These sororites are: Alpha Gamma Delta and Alpha Omicron Pi.

"So, I'm interested, but I really don't think that I can afford to be in a sorority..."

This is a concern of many potential members. But really, in Phi Mu, it is a lot more manageable than you may think! We have the lowest dues on Lambuth's campus. We also spred out a lot of the costs over the first year, which include fees that are one time fees. Once those are over with, you NEVER have to worry about them again!

Phi Mu also offers scholarships through the Phi Mu Foundation which can help pay for school and for Phi Mu dues!

"I am afraid that if I join a sorority, it will hurt my grades."

Phi Mu prides itself in having members who get good grades. Scholarship is very important to our chapter. Phi Mu has programs set up to ensure that each girl has the help she needs to make good grades, such as study buddies, study hours, and study files! We even have an entire committee dedicated to scholarship within our chapter. We also had the highest average of any group on campus, last year and many years before. Our G.P.A. was above the all Greek average, the all women average, and the all campus average.

"What are Phi Mu's academic requirements?"

"What about that MTV show 'Sorority Life,'... Is Phi Mu like that?"

The only thing that Phi Mu and that show have in common are letters that are in Greek! Phi Mu does not believe in or participate in hazing. PERIOD! Please do not let a television show like that influence your decision to go through recruitment or pledge. If you have any questions about how Phi Mu really is, just ask a sister. Each and every one would love to help you out!