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Big Lottery Fund (National)
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Stuart Linnett Head of Trust & Corporate at ActionAid said: "The exciting thing about this money (grant of £504,226) is that it will help rebuild a country. Practical help will be provided to thousands of people in Somaliland to improve access to water and tackle HIV/AIDS


Big Lottery FundWater is essential for life. Yet many desperately poor people living in impoverished countries face water shortages and lack access to clean water. UK based organisations committed to addressing these concerns will be among 27 groups to benefit from more than £12 million announced today by the Big Lottery Fund.

The funding comes from the International Programme and will be shared by UK organisations that are working on life-changing projects for the most marginalised and disadvantaged communities in the world.

Sir Clive Booth, Chair of the Big Lottery Fund, said: "In his speech to mark 2005-2015 as the beginning of the "Water for Life" decade, Kofi Anan said that the world needed to do more to provide safe, clean water to all the world's people.

"I am delighted that the Big Lottery Fund is reacting to these global problems by supporting UK organisations to undertake projects focussed on responding to these needs. To date, we have funded over 700 projects totalling £179.5 million to tackle the root causes that not only make people poor but also keep them poor in the longer term."

In October this year countries in Central America were devastated by hurricane Stan. Over five days the region was hit with twice the normal rainfall for the whole of October. El Salvador is a country coming to terms with what has proved to be the worst storm in living memory.

There is extreme destitution in El Salvador with 60% of the population living in poverty. This poverty is exacerbated by the fact that nearly all rivers and lakes are polluted. As a result only a quarter of the rural population has safe drinking water. Many areas were badly affected by the civil war, communities have been destroyed and people displaced to steep unproductive lands with no safe water supply, leading to high levels of infant deaths.

Leeds based Permaculture Association will use £190,919 from the Big Lottery Fund to help communities better understand their environmental problems and take the appropriate measures to tackle them. The project will build rainwater tanks with solar filters in 10 communities to provide safe water for 1,200 people. Families will be taught basic hygiene and latrines will be built to improve sanitation. Farmers will be shown soil and water conservation measures.

Karen Inwood of the Instituto de Permacultura de El Salvador and Andy Goldring of the Permaculture Association (Britain) were both delighted and deeply relieved to hear the news about the Big Lottery Fund grant. "El Salvador has been devastated recently by Hurricane Stan and this grant will enable us to help communities in El Salvador to develop new strategies and infrastructure for water provision, sanitation and disaster prevention. The support of the Big Lottery Fund will make a huge difference to the lives of the people in some of the poorest and most vulnerable areas of El Salvador."

The cold desert area of the high altitude Himalayas is one of the harshest yet most fragile landscapes in the world. It is an area defined by uncompromising winters, an arid climate and unproductive soil. Receding glaciers and severe droughts are increasing the challenges for local communities.

The Whitley Fund for Nature (WFN) will use a grant of £516,429 to target the needs of the communities in the Himalayan desert. Working principally in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, WFN will link with Pragya - an organisation working for the development of vulnerable communities and sensitive ecosystems - to ensure that people have greater access to food security and credit during recurrent droughts. The project will boost access to clean water for the landless people, farmers and pastoralists in the cold desert areas, who will be trained to build simple snow harvesting facilities and irrigation structures.

Edward Whitley, Chair of The Whitley Fund for Nature said: "This funding is an exciting development for WFN and PRAGYA. We have been working together for five years on a pioneering environmental project, conserving and cultivating medicinal plants in the area. With this funding we can now build on that work to implement a more ambitious, but still practical initiative to improve access to water and to rehabilitate degraded lands for up to 40,000 people living in the project area."


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A breakaway, semi-desert territory on the coast of the Gulf of Aden, Somaliland was formed in 1991 following three years of civil war. Tens of thousands of people were killed and towns were flattened. Following a period of inter-clan conflict peace was established. However, poverty and unemployment are endemic, with drought striking Somaliland every five to eight years. When there are periods of shortage, the competition for access to water can re-ignite inter-clan rivalries and the threat of renewed conflict. Whilst the present level of HIV/AIDS infection is still quite low there is a potential for a rapid increase as communities have a very poor understanding of the condition and how to prevent its spread.

ActionAid will challenge these issues by using a grant of £504,226 to improve access to water by bringing in simple technologies to harvest rainwater, and develop the capacity of community organisations to manage the supplies. The grant will help purchase materials and tools to build water reservoirs for rainwater, construct wells and hire heavy equipment to build simple earth dam structures. It will also fund events and training developed in collaboration with national government and other organisations to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS.

Stuart Linnett Head of Trust & Corporate at ActionAid said: "The exciting thing about this money is that it will help rebuild a country. Practical help will be provided to thousands of people in Somaliland to improve access to water and tackle HIV/AIDS. It will underpin the huge strides that communities have taken in managing their own development and in ending violence since the Civil War."

Big Lottery Fund
Public Enquiries Line: 08454 102030
Textphone: 845 6021 659
Full details of the Big Lottery Fund programmes and grant awards are available on the website:

Notes to Editors
* Big Lottery Fund is the joint operating name of the New Opportunities Fund and the National Lottery Charities Board (which made grants under the name of the Community Fund). The Big Lottery Fund, launched on 1st June 2004, is distributing half of all National Lottery good cause funding across the UK.

* The Big Lottery Fund is building on the experience and best practice of the merged bodies to simplify funding in those areas where they overlap and to ensure Lottery funding provides the best possible value for money. To date, the two merged Funds have committed more than £5 billion to initiatives with national, regional and local partners from the public, voluntary, charity and private sectors, with a particular focus on disadvantage.

* The International Grants Programme awards grants directly to UK based charities and voluntary sector organisations to support their efforts to alleviate poverty in the developing world.



Click here  - The History of  Somaliland