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A little about me and my Family
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Hi I am known as Shyrobyne or Shy on the net.

I use to be shy but when I got online it seems to have got me over it a little.

Isnt the WWW a great little toy? I love it.

I have met so many fine people on here and have many friends here.

I'm aged to perfection *smile*.I have 5 kids. Damon who is 34 ,Brian is 31 .Mindy age 24, Meshach and Shelly my babies. They are Meshach age 13 and Shelly age 12.

I love to listen to music all kinds really except hard rock and metal music.

I leave that for my older kids who love it!

I have favorite singers they are Reba, Johnny Cash, Vince Gill, George Straight,in Country.

Gospel its,McKamies, Ray Boltz, Gold City,The Perry's.

Pop its Celine Dion,Elton John,Rickey Martin.

Classical its Beetovan, Strovaski.

I really like a lot of different kinds of music.

I love to watch movies. My favorite all time movie is Titanic.The 1997 version.

What a powerful movie I have seen it well over a 100 times.

I also love the movie Somewhere in Time and Beautician and the Beast.

Some of the movies I have watched many times and like a lot are Men in Black, Fried Green Tomatoes, Grease, Sound of Music,Man in the Iron Mask,To Dance With a White Dog.

There are to many to name but all in all Titanic and Beautician and the Beast are my favorites.

I live in the South. I love the Southren U.S.A.The winters are mild.

I love Italian Foods.And southren foods.

I have 5 grandchildren.

I have had many ups and downs in my life. I have lost both parents to cancer.

I have lost children, and I have almost lost my life.

I have ovecome some illnesses and I give God the Glory for me been healed.

Many heart achs in my life.

I have always felt God in my life even as a child but ran from Him as it just wasnt cool to be a Christian.

You know what? It isnt cool not to be a Christian.

When I was 27 I gave my heart to Jesus and I have never regreted it since.

I have pulled away from time to time but always what ever trial I was going through made me stronger for Him.

I have a love for Jesus that is awsome.I know he loves me and died for me. I know he sits at the right hand of the Father right now.And someday I will be with Him.

So I have told you a little about myself,now I would like to introduce ou to my Children.

Damon ,He is 34 and a mechanic. Damon is my oldest Son.He is very respectful of others and he loves Metal Music.Damon likes to go to car races and anything to do with cars.He has 3 daughters.Deanna, Haley,& Shyann

Brian,He is 31 and loves building things.Model cars and so on.Brian builds furniture. He loves to do things with his hands.He loves to fish,go camping,anything out doors He has 1 son.His name is Dominick

Mindy is my 24 year old Daughter she loves all music and reads a lot.Mindy is married .Her and lyn live Tennessee.They have 2 sons James and Jordan

Meshach is a typical 13 year old.(I will have updated pict later)
He loves church and Jesus. Meshach loves school and is very smart.He learned to read when only 05 He will be startin 8th grade in the fall.
His favorite things are football and basket ball.

Shelly.She is 12 years old and she is a typical red head.LOL. Shelly loves church and Jesus also.Shelly has a need to always know more and she is nosey.She will be starting 7th grade this fall Shelly is very smart..She loves music and nick t.v.

I hope you have enjoyed this page.God Bless You.
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