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Southern Women Newsletter
April 2000 Edition
Volume 2   Issue 1
"Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May."

"If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you,
if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive . . . "
Eleonora Duse

Welcome to the Easter edition of the Southern Women's Newsletter!!!

In this issue you will find news of interst to everyone!! Louise has made 
a special tribute to honor one of the South's little known 'Special Days'. 

Preamble To the Confederate States Constitution:

We, the people of the Confederate States, each State acting in its sovereign
and independent character, in order to form a permanent federal government,
establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, and secure the blessings of
liberty to ourselves and our posterity - invoking the favor and guidance of
Almighty God - do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Confederate
States of America.
(Please visit our confederate memorial day page! click on flag below!)


Southern Cooking!!!

Southern Women also received some excellent recipes we are SURE you 
will wish to add to your collection!! From a wonderful dessert to some 
Cajun Cooking!!  Click HERE  to add some great recipes to your collection! Tested 
in AUTHENTIC  Southern Kitchens...*S*

A special Easter Recipe for You!!
Dying Easter Eggs is part of the celebration of the season. Below is a wonderful 
recipe for dying eggs 'The Natural Way". Shown on this page are 2 examples 
of "Natural Colors" .  Serendipity is like a rainbow of colors.

For a full explanation of Serendipity and "How Toos" please visit here:

Hippity Hoppity Easter

Natural Egg Dye

Spring Chicken Yellow

1 tsp Turmeric
2/3 cup boiling water
1 tsp vinegar

Easter Bunny Brown
(beige to brown)

1 heaping Tsp instant coffee
2/3 cup boiling water
1/2 tsp vinegar

Spotted Eggs
Put about 2 tsp. of cooking oil in your dye. When you dip in your egg, it makes the dye not stick to the places where the oil is, thus making mysterious spots on your egg!

This section includes the talented efforts of YOUR Southern Sisters!!
Please click  HERE! for a wonderful collection of OUR Southern Members writings. I will be amazed at the talent in our membership!!

This section of our Newsletter is YOUR pages.  This is an area we hope
will expand and grow with your particiaption.  We are looking for 
reviews, new pages to visit, tips, ideas, prayer request, announcements of
any kind.  You get the idea....anything you wish to submit!!!  The page this 
month is almost bare...but we hope that next month this page will be 
filled with your contributions!!! Click HEREto visit this month's Southern Bits!

Louise's daughter, Denise, being an expert on kids and what they like , has donated her time and effort to putting together an excellent "Kid's page". Visit Denise's page and grab some KIDSTUFF!! for your children or grandchildren!! You will also find here stories sent in about our kids and grandkids!

Please visit Denise's Kidstuff pages  to read a delightful tale 
from one of our members, Stormie.  It is the cutest story...LOL 
and will make you have a good laugh!!! 

Psssst.....adults are allowed...*S*

Mz Millie has returned. I am certain that all you Southern Sisters will 
extend a warm welcome and a "Welcome Back"! This has been a month of 
'travel' for her and she has discovered many wonderful places to visit 
in our great webring. Just open the treasure chest and see who is there!!

Sterling Silver Award
Southern Grace Awards!!!
Easter Page Awards!!

The News is OUT!!!
Our Sterling Silver site,Southern Grace awards and Easter Contest page
awards have been chosen. Visit the Southern Women award page 
IN this newsletter to find who was chosen!!!YOUR site may 
be the one honored this month!! Your personalized award can
be picked up NOW!!!
Simply open the chest...*S*

April Birthday Wishes!!!!


We have a new volunteer from Southern Women Webring who has graciously 
volunteered her time and talent to help with theBirthday and Anniversary Pages. 
Aquarious/Jean has done a marvelous job on our pages....she has really devoted 
extra time and effort to this cause.  Thank Jean!!!! 
These pages are always a 'work in progress' so book mark this page!

Remember to wish these special Southern Sisters 'Happy Birthday'
Make their day special!!!
Please April Birthday Members...grab this Birthday wish
from Sweetmamapam and Louise!!
Also below is a list of April Birthdays for this month. Included are the 
homepage link and the email.

April 11
DiDi's Home

April 16
Welcome to the Buckingham's

April 19
Apple Mountain Home

April 25
No Website

April 28
Jane's Lazy J Ranch

April 30
Capital Cow

If your birthday is NOT here and you wish to be listed on the 
Southern Women Birthday Page Email Jean  here:

Birthday Additions

The Southern Women Birthday Pages and Anniversary pages 
are available at :

Southern Women Homepage

**Special Notice about Changes at Webring Org!!**

Webring Org has implemented a new "Auto Ring Check" function that began operation in March. Several of the sites in Southern Women have experienced the growing pains of our new Auto Check.  We have tried to get these sites corrected and back in the ring as fast as we could.

You can help!!

If all ladies would check their Southern Women Webring fragment this would help tremendously.  Just be sure that the links are all correct, that you have the correct site ID# in your fragment, and that your current email is in the fragment.

Editing your site is quite simple:

Go to the Southern Women Site ,

Scroll down until you find EDIT MY SITE.

You will need your SITE ID# and your password to EDIT.

From this link you can change 'any part of' or all your information.

If each lady would check her Webring Fragment then we would have a near perfect ring.  It would save us valuable time and effort.  We now have 300+ sites in the ring and anything to facilitate our efforts will be appreciated!!

**Also please note that any site in the queue for over 7 days is automatically removed.**

Southern Women Webring!!
New Members!!

A 'New Look' for the Webring
'The graphic Addict strikes again'...HeHe. read that  correctly..*S*.   Southern Women Webring's graphic addict has HIT again...*S*  The website has been completely revamped.  New Logo and new fragment graphics (in different colors I might add)...*grin*.  You may visit the Southern Women Website and see for yourself.  If you wish, you may grab the new ring fragment and logo.  THIS IS NOT A REQUIREMENT.  I am so fickle that no one should have to keep up with my wild hairs...LOL

Southern Women Website

Welcoming Committee!!!

Thanks to 6 ladies in our ring who are  always
there to make a new member feel welcome. 

Misscrafts (aka Cyndie)
MAry Bear (aka Mary)
Aquarius (aka Jean)
Headladee (aka Annette)
Bosslady (aka Delwyn)
Serena (aka Rena)

We applaud you!!!

We have some Brand spanking new members in 
the Southern Women Webring.

Let's all go sign their guestbook and welcome them with that good old Southern Hospitality!!

The Southern Homefront

Roberts' Home

Best Wishes, Eudora Welty

Cheryl' Shady Spot

HarperKay's World

Serenity Springs

Emerald Angel

Virginia Iota Tau

Suzin's Hide away

TEREASA's MS (multple sclerosis) Page 

We Are Family

 My Florida SonShine Page 

Patty's Pages

My Mississippi

Ms. Cindy's English WebSite

Ruthann's Web Home

The Beach Nut

If we overlooked any site please let us know and we will include 
it in the next newsletter. 

Virtual Quilting Bee!!!!!

has come up with some exciting and new
programs and activities for the webring!!

The newest one (and one that we think will be exciting and fun )will be 
our Belles and Beau Quilt.

Our Belles and Beau's quilt is a place to spotlight your kids, and or grandkids! Just go to PSP or your graphics program and make a quilt square 100x100 in size with your childs name on it and any special background you wish. Please be sure to provide a 'link' to either your family pages or your homepages when you send in your 'square'.  We will link them all together in one big "quilt" over the next couple months and then publish the final quilt in the newsletter. (If you have any questions please feel free to email us and we will help you out) This quilt will promote your Family pages and your loved ones.  Please make this a success !! The quilt will be available on our Southern Women Webring site when it is finished!! So get those squares in!!! We are having a virtual quilting Bee!!!

Get the latest on Louise's new program and the ones that are ongoing 
by clicking on Swampys gator!!

Or Click

This is YOUR newsletter ladies and your contributions Count!
If you have anything you wish to include in next month's newsletter whether it be a tribute to someone that has been extremely helpful to you,an award your proud of, a new page, or a grandchild. Please drop us an email and your announcement will appear in the next edition.

[Front Page][Kids Page][April Programs][Awards page][Confederate Memorial]
[Members Page][Recipe Page][Southern Writers]

Happy Easter, Ladies!!
Enjoy the Spring Season
Have good health
God Bless!!

Southern Women Webring News
All Rights Reserved
April 2000