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Southern Women May Newsletter
Volume2 Issue 2

Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.
    ~ William Makepeace Thackery

My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.
    ~ Mark Twain 


Welcome to the May Issue of the Southern Women Newsletter!!

May is:

Lillies of the Valley,
Mother's Day,
May Poles,
Blue Skies,Memorial day,and
Gardening Time.

American women have two glorious days to celebrate this month.
Mother's Day and Memorial Day.
In this issue we will honor our Mothers and our Veterans.
One of our longstanding members, MAry Bear, has created a beautiful page
to honor our men and women who have dedicated their lives to the 
cause of this great country we live in.

"Soldier, rest! 
Thy warfare o'er,
Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking,
Dream of battled fields no more.
Days of danger, nights of waking." 


~Sir Walter Scott ~
"Your silent tents of green
We deck with fragrant flowers;
Yours has the suffering been,
The memory shall be ours." 
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ~

Please Visit MAry Bear's tribute to Memorial Day. 
A moving tribute to our American Veterans.

Louise has loads of fun programs for this month!!
Participation has been great and we would love to hear 
from YOU!! Visit Louise's Program Page and see what 
the program gator has come up with this month!! 

Everyone loves the 'Morehead Angels'.  Please feel free to take this little 
precious with you to put on your pages. The May Guardian watch over 
you and keep you.

~Pam and Louise~

Southern Women Newsletter
All Rights Reserved
May 2000


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