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Leon and his best friend Bandon

The Bandon Story

This is a story of a pup that was found in a garbage bag about dead.
The kkk county animal shelter found her and brought her back to good health.
And this is her story!

One day setting at home ,My son came in with a little puppy called bandon,
unknowned to me this would be my greatest challenge.

I would have to house break her and that was the roughest job.
I had to spank her and put her outside.
I was the one that ended up taking care of her.
Every day went by and I thought i couldn't put up with it!

Well the day came when my son
got a job and moved to Michican,
so we had a problem,keeping bandon or have him,
take her back to the animal shelter.

Me, having heart trouble
we didn't believe we should keep her.
So we had our son take her back.

A week went by, and i got to
missing bandon so i thought i would go out and visit her,
one time wouldn't hurt anything,so off i went with a bag of treats.

When i got there i went back, to the cages
where they kept her,and when she saw me,
she started jumping with joy,and i felt the same way,
we would play ball and I would give her
a treat and we would play,
some times i would put her on a leash and walk
her across a field and set and talk to her.

Bandon was about one and a half years old then
,this went on for about six months,on one visit
i was back playing with bandon
and the women came out and asked me.
why didn't I bring her home
they knew how much i loved her,
I said with my heart trouble
I hated to take her home ,
and she might end up coming back,
and getting used to it all over again,
and I couldn't afford to pay the adoption fee,

They said they would pay the fee,
so they would like me to take her home for a week tryout,
so i took her home for a week try out.

A week went by and I had to just keep her,
she had alway been my dog and there would be no other.

Bandon is the smartest pet i ever had,
she didn't forget
she was house broke ,infact she didn't forget anything,

She would watch the washer
and dryer for judy my wife,
if it got off balanced
she would bark and get judy!

If water was boiling
over on the stove she would tell Judy.
She was and is so smart.
We was living in the city then,
now we moved to the country
where she can run and go to the woods
and she loves that.

She is about nine years of age now and
her eyes aren't as good
and she has to take three nerve tablets a day ,
but she loves me and i love her even more,
the pup my son brought home
that i thought i could not put up with
has always been my dog,
and the best friend a guy would ever want!

She is still with me today
and i hope she will be
with me for a long time to come.

This is dedicated to my best friend Bandon

Love Always

Harley Leon Lackey

In Loving memory.My best friend Of 14 years Pasted away January 28 2006,and well never be forgotten

"I thank of you every day"

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