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Neurobiology: Neurotransmitters, Genetics, and Biomarkers

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Last Updated: July 16, 2003

Neurotransmitters: Serotonin, Dopamine, Norepinephrine

Abnormal Serotonin Synthesis and GABAA Receptors Measure with Pet in Autistic Children">

Learning about Neurons...It's a Synapse

The Serotonin System in Autism

The Biological Basis of Mental Illness

Abnormal Serotonin Synthesis in Autism

The Extreme Male Brain Theory by Simon Baron-Cohen


Dopaminergic Mechanisms in Depression and Mania

Autism Linked to Abnormal Serotonin Synthesis

Serotonin Deficiency Syndrome: The L-Tryptophan Alternative


Serotonin and Depression

The Causes (Etiology) of Mood Disorders

Beyond the Catecholamine Theory of Mood

How is our brain affected in stressful situations? Good intro to neurotransmitters

Brain buzz that proves Chinese is harder to learn than English [Different sides of brain function for different languages], from The Guardian Monday June 30, 2003

Brain Cells Seen Recycling Rapidly To Speed Communications, from The National Institute of Mental Health

Many Pregnant Women May Have Depression, But Few Getting Treatment Symptoms may pose risk to fetus, raise chance of post-partum depression, from Journal of Women's Health, Vol. 12, No. 4, May, 2003

Regional Cerebral Metabolism and Treatment in Autism Spectrum Disorders, from Psychiatric Times May 2003

References for Dopamine

Genetics and Biomarkers

ABSTRACT: Disease susceptibility genes for autism, from Ann Med. 2003;35(4):274-81

The Genetics of Childhood Disorders: Serotonin and Autism, from J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry,41:12,1513-1516 December 2002

Genetics of Childhood Disorders: Autism and Neural Foundations, from J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry,41:12,1513-1516 December 2002

Genetics of Childhood Disorders: The Genetics of Autism, from J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry,41:12,1513-1516 December 2002

Genetics of Childhood Disorders: Autism: Duplication an dINherited Susepibility of Chromosome 15q11-q13 Genes in Autism, from J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry,41:12,1513-1516 December 2002

ABSTRACT: The neurobiology of autism: new pieces of the puzzle, from Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2003 Mar;3(2):149-56

Drinking and Drug Abuse in the Genes

ABSTRACT: Genetic and neurological evaluation in a sample of individuals with pervasive developmental disorders

ABSTRACT: Mutations of the X-linked genes encoding neuroligins NLGN3 and NLGN4 are associated with autism, from Nat Genet. 2003 May;34(1):27-9

ABSTRACT: The genetics of pediatric-onset bipolar disorder, from Biol Psychiatry. 2003 Jun 1;53(11):970-7

Doctor Issued Patent on Biomarker Linking Autism, ADD and ADHD

Patent for Discovering New Way to Reach Brain Cells with Drugs

New Genetic 'Fishing Net' Harvests Elusive Autism Gene

The Origins of Autism

International Team Wraps Up Chromosome 7

Autism Advance: Mutated genes disrupt nerve cell proteins

Shyness Gene Discovered

ABSTRACT: Genetic and neurological evaluation in a sample of individuals with pervasive developmental disorders

ABSTRACT: Parents and collateral relatives of children with pervasive developmental disorders: a family history study, from Am J Med Genet. 1995 Aug 14;60(4):282-9

ABSTRACT: Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder: review of genetic association studies, from Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci. 2003;40(1):57-66

Clinical And Familial Feature Differences Between Bipolar II And Unipolar Depression Not Related To Age, from Journal of Affective Disorders

The Neurology of Autism

ABSTRACT: Autism and auditory brain stem responses, from Ear Hear. 2003 Jun;24(3):206-14

ABSTRACT: Motor performance and anatomic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the basal ganglia in autism, from J Child Neurol. 2003 May;18(5):317-24


ABSTRACT: Mismatch negativity in socially withdrawn children, from Biol Psychiatry. 2003 Jul 1;54(1):17-24

Neurobiology: General

ABSTRACT: Evaluation of regional cerebral blood flow changes in panic disorder with Tc99m-HMPAO SPECT, from : Psychiatry Res. 2003 Jun 30;123(2):135-43

E-Mail Lists, Chats, and Forums Related to Neurobiology

E-Mail List: AutismMeds

E-Mail List: Biomedical Discussion Group


TASK Home Pages
TASK Home Page
TASK E-Mail List
AutsimMeds E-Mail List

Basic Information
For Those New to the Diagnosis of Autism: The First Things to Do and the Initial Visit to the Neurologist
What Is Autism, PDD, and Asperger's Syndrome?
Neurobiology: Neurotransmitters, Genetics, and Biomarkers

E-Mail List: AutsimMeds
E-Mail List: TASK
Tennessee Resources
National Resources
Northwest Tennessee Resources
Pediatric Neurologists in Tennessee
Optometrists in Tennessee

Therapies and Treatments
Sensory Integration
Applied Behavioral Analysis
Auditory Integration Training
Diet and Nutrition
Vision Therapy and Autism

Medication Use and Autism
E-Mail List: AutismMeds
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) as a Treatment for Autism
A Parent's Decision to Use an SSRI for her Young Autistic Son
Sleep Problems with Autism and Other Related Conditions
Risperdal and Other Atypical Neuroleptics as a Treatment for Autism

Speech and Communication
Sign Language
PECS and Other Picture Communication Systems

The Speech and Communication section is still Under Construction. Please feel free to browse the section, but keep checking back, as I will be adding new Speech/Communication therapies in the upcoming weeks, including:

*Verbal Behavior
*Sensory Integration Therapy (how it affects speech)
*Oral Motor Exercise
*Videos, Activites, and Books that Encourage Speech

Misc. Info
Conferences, Workshops, Events, and Summer Camps
A Mother's Reflections on Life with an Autistic Child
Cafe'de TASK, a place to relax and grab a much-needed break!

NOTE: The information contained on the pages of TASK are for informational purposes only. TASK does not endorse any particular therapy, organization, or professional, but is, rather, informing site visitors of the existence of such therapies, organizations, and professionals.

This site is UNDER CONSTRUCTION! I'll be adding new sites and information in the following days, so feel free to check back!!

If you have any links, books, articles, lists that you would like to see on here, please send them to me!! Thanks!!

Lori at TASK