Howdy Ya'll. This is the Second Tommy Shane Steiner Fan Site! (A link to the first is in my Links Section.) It's still in the works and will take me most of the summer, but I'm already taking suggestions for what you want to see here!
The Pictures on this page and any others are not mine and were pulled from different sites (most were pulled from TommyShaneSteiner.com). All links can be found in the links section! I can't find an email address to email them about using them so If anyone has a problem please feel free to Email Me, and I'll do something about it! |
Use the links above to surf around my site. And just so ya know TSS = Tommy Shane Steiner. Its my little abreviation (this html stuff takes awhile!)
If you have a chance fill out the form in the feedback section. I'd love to hear what you have to say! This Web Site Copyright ©Amber Johnson and Was Last Updated Friday April 26, 2002. Thanks For Checking Out My Site... Spread The Word, and if you have a TSS site send it to me Here