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Postpet - Momo

update on Nov-23-2003

  <-- my sister bought for me ka!!  super cute!!!

  <-- this comomo also my sister bought for me ge, hee~

<-- my sister bought for me ka, it's strawberry biscuit!!!

my bf bought to me ka~  super cute comomo & momo :)


my bf bought for me, momo doll

<-- my fd bought to me ka, surprise lei~

  <-- momo & comomo ruler ar.. my sister bought for me ka!

  new stickers of postpet ar!! comomo & momo ar~~  super cute lei~

   <-- my sister bought for me ka, soooo cute ^^

  <-- one of my old friend bought for me~~

      my friend went to Beijing study also bought this cup for my birthday~~

      also one of my fd bought for me~~


<-- my bf bought for me --->  

     <-- my boss gave me ka, haaa

<--- my sister bought for me~~

<--- my bf bought ge~~    



the above three things... my bf bought, haaa, most of the momo stuff are bought by him ka~~

 <--- my bf asked his fd bought for me in Japan ka~~

   <--- i like this very much ka... my sister bought for me~~

  <--- it's 2001 schedule book lu~~


     <-- only HKD35 jar

  my fd bought for me again, haaaa~~

   my sister bought for me ka, CUTE
