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Jack LaFountain
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Jack's Shorts
Jack In The Blog
Cracker Crumbs

Welcome, to my website.
We're undergoing some redesign right now, but I'm trying my best to keep all the links working. With that in mind, feel free to offer suggestions for improvement. I've brought the blog over from Blogger because it's easier for me to use and share. New articles will be posted to the blog every Sunday and shared on Facebook. After the redesign, I hope to add a few more free short stories and expand the devotion section.Remember you can download the Kindle Reader for free from Amazon's website and get access to my books online. I plan a new work to debut on Kindle within the next two months.
Learn about my works in progress click here.
         Books by Jack

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Anchored Publishing 2014
E-book. Approx 32 pages

Death By Sin is a Christian devotional study that explores the origin and consequences of sin. Whether we admit it or not sin plagues the best of us. From denial to inescapable feelings of guilt, everyone finds some way to deal with the pressing issue of sin. Death By Sin explores the dodges, excuses and types of sin. Whether you are a new Christian or an experienced spiritual warrior this book will help your understanding of this controversial subject.

Death came into the world by sin and holds mankind hostage to the grave. There's a cure for the curse of sin and freedom from the grave.
Death By Sin is now available on Kindle for only $0.99.
Click here

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Anchored Publishing 2011
5.5 x 8.5 Softcover. 200 pages
ISBN 978-0-615-45867-0

    What do grave robbing angels, undead television hosts and homeless ghosts have in common? Hatchlings--this collection of fourteen tales of the supernatural.Whether you want to shoot it out with the undead or just spend some time with those who haven't yet moved on, Hatchlings is for you. You may even get used to sleeping with the lights on.
    Ghosties, beasties and creepy cralwers wait to take you on a supernatural journey of greed, jealousy and murder that stretches from ancient Canaan to the golden days of television and beyond. Slip between the covers for a delicious bit of bayou romance. Take a hypnotic flight to madness or join in the Great Wolfbat Hunt of '53. Hatchlings will take you there. Getting back? Well, you're on your own there.
    Yes, Jack is Back. And he's not alone. Hatchlings is Creep Show with a rodeo belt buckle. Join Jack for these fourteen sleep-with-the-lights-on tales of the supernatural. Now only $6.95

Hatchlings is now available on Kindle for only $2.99
Click here

Hatchlings is also available free to Kindle Prime members.

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Publish America 2007
5.5 x 8.5 Softcover. 170 pages
ISBN 1-4241-6070

There were many things about the war that Nate Carson wanted to forget. None more than the night on Culp’s Hill when he saw something he was never meant to see. He rode a thousand miles to Texas, only to find that some memories have a way of following no matter where you go. Those memories can be real killers.

Nate’s quest for peace and solitude on the banks of the Red River becomes a fight to simply stay alive. Help comes from across the river, but will a pair of Chickasaw hunters be enough? Nate and his friends must take on the Texas Rangers, the local sheriff, Pinkerton detectives, a crooked congressman and the inhuman killer the government has loosed upon them.

Buy it here.

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Jack LaFountain

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