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Cold Water Chapel
How to Pray

      Prayer is as indispensible to the Christian as breathing. Failure to pray leads to spiritual death in short order. However, unlike breathing, prayer does not come naturally. Prayer takes practice, comittment and perserverance. As with much in your relationship with Christ, prayer is individualized. You will find it necessary to work out your own prayer life. Never fear, the Holy Ghost is here to help.

      This little column is meant only as advise. It's a place to start. Use what you find useful and discard that which does not help. Ultimately, it is your prayer life. I reccommend that you read On Prayer by E.M. Bounds and follow the advise given to musicians wishing to play Carnegie Hall...practice, practice, practice.

      As you set out to pray, think of being CLAD in the armor of God.
      "C" is for Closet. As in Matthew 6:6. "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." Everyone needs a prayer closet. A prayer closet is any private place where you may be alone with God. Solitude is the essential element here. The closet must be free of distractions, noise, hearers and especially telephones. If you cannot part with your phone long enough to prayer; turn off the ringer and the vibrator. Who is it you wish to hear from? God? or the devil? Because you may be sure whoever is on the other end when you are praying was sent by the devil. The closet is a place where you can be free to pour out the deepest well of your heart to God. You may move your lips silently as did Hannah or cry out like Peter sinking into the waves. Whichever you choose, you'll want privacy. That place may be beside your favorite stream or in your bedroom. Where ever it may be it is your place to go to talk to God.

      "L" is for the Lord's Prayer. This is Jesus' model for His disciples. There is nothing wrong with reciting the Lord's Prayer, but it was not given for that purpose. It is a model for how to pray. Volumes have been written on the Lord's Prayer and endless sermons preached on the subject. We leave experience to flesh out your understanding. Here are the bare bones.

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
(Addressing the King. Remember you are the helpless
petitioner; God the all powerful King who wishes to grant your request.)
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
(No matter what we've come to ask; the will of God is our supreme desire.)
Give us this day our daily bread.
(Petition for the needs of the body.)
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
(Petition for the needs of the soul.)
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
(Petition for the needs of the spirit.)
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
(Acknowledgement of God's power to grant our petitions,
our thanks for His provision, and praise for His Lordship over us.)

      "A" is for Aim. Pray with purpose. Then pray until that purpose is acheived and God has sent His answer. While it is true "prayer changes things", that which is most changed by prayer is the petitioner. Be prepared for God to show you something greater than you expected or thought to ask. Be ready to follow Christ through the door you have opened by your prayer. If you have come to pray for world peace; God may reveal your hair trigger temper (I wonder how he knows that?). You can be sure the road to world peace starts with you.

      "D" is for Depth. Pray with passion. Pray like you mean it. Don't bother reading God your wish list. Pray for the desires of your heart. "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Depth is a measure of need, not intelligence or eloquence. True, heartfelt need will be quickly ushered in before the throne of God. Don't know what to say? When the need is great, and the heart broken, the Holy Ghost will take up where words fail. "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." That is the promise of God.


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