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Cold Water Chapel
How to Read The Bible

      There's really no right or wrong way to read the Bible. Nevertheless, there are wise and foolish approaches to this task. I won't go into the foolish ways. You can find them easily enough on your own. Many wise ways exist. I'll point you towards them. Explore. Find what works for you; this is the best way to read the Bible.

      Read with an open mind. This is not as essential as you may have been lead to believe. Trust me God has a way of opening you up. An open mind is a kinder, gentler approach. Let the Bible speak to you of its own accord. Argue with it if you like.

      Read prayfully. Nothing fancy is required. Just ask God to reveal His truth. Don't worry if you don't understand everything the first, or hundredth time through. Take what comes. Mark twain once said he wasn't troubled by the parts of the Bible he didn't understand. It was the parts he did understand that caused him great consternation.

      Read a little everyday. As opposed to huge amounts scattered over weeks or months. Take small bites and savor them. Chew them over the whole day through. In a very real are what you eat.

      Read the Bible as a story. There are law books in the Bible, but the Bible itself is not a rule book. It is a story. The story of God, Man, and their relationship to each other. There is a beginning, a middle and an end. Still, you may start anywhere and get the whole story. I suggest you start with one of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John.

      Take notes. When you stumble (?) across a verse that strikes you; write it down. Think it over. Handle it. Try it out. Christianity is an experimental knowledge. Go back to it a week later and look again. Dare I say...memorize it? Of course, I do.

      Read the FAQ's of this section. Ever wonder what all the names and number business is all about? how we got the Bible? who wrote it? Click here to learn more about this unique Book.

      Okay, that's enough. Start reading! That's the greatest advise there is. Reading the Bible will change your life, but you actually have to read it. "Taste and see, that the Lord is good."


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