"Someone Like You"

*This is an Alternate Realty Story, so things may seem strange. Remember only the commoners speak slang and the time period and the things in the story may not match. The women will dress in a mixture of 19th century and 20/21st century clothing, and so will the men.

Ch. 6

     +  1497, January 2 +

+ Andreas Palace: Mikaela's Room+

       Today has been the busiest day of my life, there is so much going on around me that even I feel the strain on everyday life. It's been six months since I decided to become the future Mrs. Omari Grandberry. And what a whirlwind it has been.

       It's almost been a year since we met and I can still remember the way he looked when we met after Bella's wedding. He was looking quite regal and sexy in his dark tuxedo. And I was infatuated from moment one.

       The women who are doing my hair keep forgetting that I am human and am treating me like a doll, pulling my hair. And the seamstress is in the corner with my wedding dress mumbling to herself about horrible last minute adjustments.

       "Where's my future sister-in-law?" Draco asked walking in, without knocking.

       I smiled looking at him through my mirror, "Trying not to kill any of the maniacs around me."

       "Ah, relax, after a while the moment we've been waiting for will arrive," he smiled leaning against my vanity while one of the women curled my hair.

       "Tell me who is here. OW," I yelled as she burned me for what seemed to be the sixtieth time this morning.

       "Um all your cousins, the Ladies are dressing, and the Queen's family has just arrived from Jamaica. My mother and father are dressing, and our cousins are arriving," Draco said from the top of his head, his grayish-green eyes glowing in his white tux.

       "My grandfather is here?" I asked excitedly, he was my only living grandfather and I loved him dearly.

       "Yea, the Earl and Countess of Rifenal are here, Prince Brian von Hertor and your sister Bella are here from Germany. Rhett William is here with Aria on his arm, the Prime Minister De Jion and his family are here, and this time several commoners were permitted to watch the wedding from the balcony in the Chapel.

       "God, it's going to be packed," I sighed as my other beautician started on my hands. 

       "Yep, sure is. Oh yea, Omari told me to tell you that the Royal family of Madison are here," Draco smiled watching my eyes light up.

       "Oh, now I'm really excited," I whispered, I was really worried what his country would think of our marriage but they seem to be just as happy with it as my country seems.

       "Look, your father is here so I'm going to go bug Omari. You are going to look great," he smiled kissing me on the forehead, making the woman, who is styling my hair, pull it.

       Just as he walked out my father, the king, walked in, "Darling, my daughter is getting married."

       "I sure am," I smiled, as he dismissed the woman from my head to my other hand.

       "Is this what you wanted?" he asked much like he had six months ago, making sure this marriage was exactly what I wanted.

       "Exactly what I wanted father," I say, as he stands behind me smiling at me in the mirror.

       "I was always inquisitive about what made you fall in love with this unlikely candidate," he whispered running his fingers through my thick black curls.

       The women finally moved from my hands to my feet, I raised a hand to my shoulder and sat it on my father's, "He had this poise that pulled me in immediately, then the mystery behind who he was, and by the time I found out I was already in love. I couldn't stop it and I don't think I would if I could have."

       "I don't think I would want you to try to stop it. Love is a strange thing, I had never seen another woman like your mother until the moment I met her. And Lord, I loved your mother from the moment she curtised and I kissed her hand," he smiled squeezing my hand.

       "You have two left daddy," I grinned, forcing back tears, this was my father on my wedding day. It was our last moment as parent and child in a way and I knew I would miss more than I could ever express.

       The king squeezed my shoulders before walking to the door, "I think I'll miss you more though."

        My father's visit reminded me that I had only a few minutes before my dreams would come true.

+ Andreas Palace: Omari's Room+

(Omari's POV)

         God, I'm nervous. She's marrying me, me, of all people are getting married on this day. The tailor is pulling on me to stay still but I don't care, it's my wedding day. I'm marrying the most wonderful woman in the world, second only to Portia Maine.

       I close my eyes, thinking of the smile that would be on her face at this moment. She would have wanted this more than I did, she would have encouraged it. And for that, I'm grateful, I'm a totally different man from the Lord that stepped foot in the Chapel on March 3, 1496. Yes, I'm happy, I'm in love, and strangely enough it's Portia's fault.

       "Thank you Portia, for everything," I whispered as my brother opens the door  with a smile.

       "You know she'd be so excited for you today," Draco says handing my white tux jacket to the tailor so he can adjust it.

       "Yea, I was thinking of her," I reply putting on my jacket with a flawless smile, the white Tux made my dark skin look even more smooth.

       "It's almost time to go to the church," he says sitting in the chair next to my bed as my groomsmen come in and take their jackets from the tailor.

       "Yea," I reply as I adjust my tie, "you look good brother."

       "I know that but thanks," Draco smiled as a maid walked over and started to fix my tie.

       "Vanity working on a weak head, produces every sort of mischief," I mumbled over the maid's head.

       "Shut up and finish before you are late," he laughes pulling at his cufflinks, I know he hates them, that's why I asked the Tailor to put them on his jacket.

       "I'm actually pretty excited about this," I grin walking toward the door, we have ten minutes to get to the chapel.

       "I'm happy for you bro," Draco smiled as he closed the door behind me and followed me down the carriages.

+ Andreas Palace: Omari's Room+

(Mikaela's POV)

      The chapel was full of people from everywhere, I could smell the Vanilla candel burning just beyond the door, and the red roses were mixing with Vanilla candels making the chapel smell sensual and sweet.

       The roses matched perfectly with the Bridemaid's blood red dresses. My dress fits me perfectly, sleevless, with a short train. I feel like a Queen, so much more than the youngest Princess I was used to feeling like, with my gold, diamond filled, Tiara sitting on top of my head.

       I don't think things could get any better, but they do. The moment the wedding march begins and my cousin, the flower girl, starts down the red carpet. I begin to shake, I'm so nervous, this moment that I have waited so long for.

       "Don't be nervous," my father whispered as we started down the alise and the whole chapel take a collective gasp.

       I stare straight ahead, right at Omari, he's it for me. There is no other man that I could love like I love this man and from here on out there is no turning back. He smiles at me and I grip my father's arm for support. He still gives me butterflies, after all this time, he still has a huge effect on me to this day.

       As we reach the alter and come to a stop the Priest asks, "Who is giving the bride away?"

       "I, King Iaian Andreas of Acadia, am giving this young Princess away," my father recited as was cutomary in our country.

       I kissed my father on the cheek before stepping in front of Omari, holding back my tears. He grabs my hand and whispers, "You look beautiful Princess."

       "Thank you," I whisper as the first tear falls.

       And before either of us could say another word the Priest began, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here today, January 2, 1496 in the year of our lord, too join together this woman and this man in holy and eternal matrimony which is an honorable estate. If anyone should show just cause, why they may not be joined together in holy matrimony, speak now, or forever hold your peace."

       We all stayed quiet just in case, and I was praying no one spoke. And thankfully none did so he continued, turning to Omari, "Omari Grandberry, will you take Mikaela Andreas to be your lawful wedded wife ? Will you love her, comfort her, honor her, and keep her in sickness and in health until death do you part?"

       Omari smiled at me and answered instantly, "I do."

       The Priest nodded and turned to me, "And Mikaela Andread, will you take Omari Grandberry to be your lawful wedded husband? Will you love him, comfort him, honor him, and keep him in sickness and in health until death do you part?"

       I smiled as another tear fell down my face and onto my chest, "I do."

       The Priest continued with a smile, "Omari repeat after me: "I, Lord Omari Ishmael Grandberry, take you, Princess Mikaela Luciana Dione Andreas, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

       Omari took both my hands and said, his voice as rich as wine, "I, Lord Omari Ishmael Grandberry, take you, Princess Mikaela Luciana Dione Andreas, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

       The priest then turned to me, "Now repeat after me: "I, Princess Mikaela Luciana Dione Andreas, take you, Lord Omari Ishmael Grandberry, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

       I gave a small smile before speaking, my voice thick with emotion,  "I, Princess Mikaela Luciana Dione Andreas, take you, Lord Omari Ishmael Grandberry, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

       The Priest smiled and again addressed the audience, but Omari & I didn't notice, we were staring into each other eyes, "We will now exchange rings. The rings please?"

       As he said that the ring bearer, my cousin Justain Fredricks, Druex's six year old brother, brought the rings up to us. And the Priest continued, "The wedding ring is the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual bond which unites two loyal hearts in endless love. It is a seal of the vows Omari and Mikaela have made to one another. Bless O God these rings, that Omari and Mikaela, who give them, and who wear them, may ever abide in thy peace. Living together in unity, love and happiness for the rest of their lives."

       Omari picked up my diamond ring and placed it on my finger, "Mikaela I give you this ring as a symbol of our vows, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, With this ring, I thee wed."

       I picked up his platnium and gold ring and slid it on his finger, "Omari, I give you this ring as a symbol of our vows, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, With this ring, I thee wed."

       The entire congregation rose, many with tears in their eyes, as the Priest said, "In as much as you have each pledged to the other your lifelong commitment, love and devotion, I now pronounce you husband and wife, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Those whom God has joined together let no one put asunder. Omari, You may kiss your bride! "

       And he did just that, he reached over and pulled my lips into a kiss that I would never forget. We walked out of the church with the crowd cheering and crying and it left me thinking that sometimes fairy tales do come true.

== The End

"Love. We think about it, sing about it, dream about it, lose sleep worrying
about it. When we don't have it, we search for it. When we discover it, we
don't know what to do with it. When we have it, we fear losing it. It is the
constant source of pleasure and pain. But we cannot predict which it will be from one moment to the next. It is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to
define, impossible to live without." - Unknown

*Wedding Pics

*Chapter Index
