"As We Lay "

CD: Mirror, Mirror
Song: "As We Lay"
Singer: Kelly Price

She looked over at his sleeping figure, sharing her sheets, his hand intertwined in hers. He loved her; she knew that, but not enough to leave his wife. Last night when he carried her to bed kissing her neck, they did not think about morning. When she was kissing his chest as he moaned beneath her, she wasn't thinking about her husband. This had to be the last night; too many people were involved in this. His daughter Chelle, his wife Tarah, her son Dasean and her husband Jerrell. Too much was at stake as they laid side by side passion running through their bodies.

We forgot One Simple fact
We both belong to someone else.
As we slept the night away

"Druex, baby wake up." Whitney whispered as she kissed him.

"Huh? What time is it Tarah-- oh Whit. I'm so damn glad --" He began.

She interrupted him, "Shh quiet, lets just make this last couple of hours the best."

"I'm gonna miss you so much baby. I'm sorry; I could never leave Chelle like that you know -- "Druex began to say something Whitney had heard one too many times.

She laid down flat on his stomach her head on his chest, his arms around her back holding her close, "Stop it! Don't apologize, we both know if you left Tarah she would never let you see Chelle, so lets hear no more of that. Jerrell could never make me feel like this."

Druex sighed contentedly the woman he loved safe in his arms. Shuddering at the thought that his best friend would be hugging her and kissing her for the rest of his life, "What do mean you 'like this', how do I make you feel Whit?"

Whitney sighed closing her eyes, "Like a queen, like I matter, like I'm smart, like I'm beautiful, like I'm worth so much more than I'm getting. Rell can be brutal sometimes, he just forgets I'm alive. I'm just the mother of his child. No one else, Druex love you more than it's humanly possible."

"Do you know how you make me feel?" He asked kissing the top of her head.

"No, how?" She whispered into his chest.

"Like I'm more than just her damn bank, shit like my damn life is worth livin you know." He whispered closing his eyes.

Whitney raised her head anger apparent in her eyes, in her voice; "Does Tarah make you feel like shouldn't be able to live?"

"Sometimes." He whispered his eyes still closed.

Whitney was now steaming, "Oh I hate that bitch! I ought to beat her no good ass! She is the one unworthy of being with a man like you Druex, don't you ever let her make you feel like that again! I don't know why you stay with that fuckin bitch --"

He calmly kissed the top of her head, "Hey, she's the mother of my baby girl that's why."

Whitney closed her eyes and laid her head on his chest again, "I know, but Jerrell knows I'm gonna divorce him soon. I think everyone can see it, whatever the hell we had it's not there anymore. My heart has never been with him, and everyone knows it, Druex you have always held my heart, even the day you eloped with that bitch to get back at your damn mama!"

"I'm sorry Whit, you know I am and I'm paying for it by never being able to hold you like this again. So what are you doing about Desean he just started school?"

"We are gonna share custody, Jerrell will have him on weekends actually Friday evening till Monday. And I'll have him the rest of the week and we decided to always spend holidays together his family and mine so Baby boy doesn't miss a thing." She replied knowing by his silence Druex was almost in tears knowing that she was fair game to any other nigga who wanted her.

As she got off him and pulled the top blanket around her naked body, he whispered, "I'm so sorry Whit."

Whitney replied solemnly as tears fell down her cheeks, "It's morning Druex, it's over.

How loving you is killing me
I can't think of no one else
You see I can't be in your life
You gotta go home to your wife
It's morning

Druex kissed her passionately, "I love you baby girl."

"Yea." She couldn't say it, it wouldn't come out. Not now, she couldn't break now, not in front of him.

Druex looked around this house Whitney, Jerrell, and Desean shared, they had shared that bed so many nights like the one past when Jerrell would take Desean to his mama's house. "I'm gonna miss you more than anybody could possibly try to understand."

"Me too D, me too." Whitney replied as he kissed her cheek.

"Bye." He said sadly as he walked backwards to his car.

"Bye Baby boy, take care." She whispered just loud enough for him to hear.

She knew he would only come back in her dreams, and she knew that they would only share their own love in his dreams. Tarah had a hold on him that no woman should ever threaten a man with: taking his first and only child away from him. Without Druex, Whitney felt alone and ugly, without Druex she felt like the only thing left living for was Desean. Druex had meant more than a lover; it wasn't like they weren't in love before Tarah & Jerrell. Whitney and Druex had shared a childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Nevertheless, Druex made one mistake, he eloped with a woman he cared nothin for, and left Whitney to marry a man who would only fill a dream and leave so many more lifeless. Jerrell only made her a mother, he would never have her heart, and he would never love her. But, he was what she had at the moment, her one and only love was committed to another woman.

As she walked into the kitchen getting ready to fix Jerrell and Desean lunch, for when they returned, she whispered to herself, "It's over, it's morning.

Chapter 2