"As We Lay"


"I won Man Man! Hey Boo!" Jarrell said as he ran into the kitchen with his 6 year old son right behind him.

"Aye, aye both of ya'll can come up out my kitchen with that!" Whitney yelled still upset over Druex.

Jerrell helped Desean get in his chair, and walked over to Whitney, he knew she didn't get really ghetto unless something was bothering her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothin, I'm aiight. Just eat." She replied kissing her son's forehead and sat next to him fixing his plate.

Jerrell silently sat in front of Whitney, "You not gonna eat?"

"Not hungry." She replied watching Desean pick at his food.

"Did Omari call you this morning?" Jerrell asked taking a bite out of his hamburger.

Whitney looked at Jerrell confused, Omari was still supposed to be out of town with Marques and Kelton. "No, why?"

"Found out Tarah been creepin with Kelton, O walked in on them like two days ago at the hotel, I figured he'd tell you." Jerrell said drinkin all of his coke.

Whitney's mouth fell open, she knew why O didn't tell her, he knew about Druex and her. "How long that hoe been creepin?"

"Shit, I dunno like 5 years now, but I do know Chelle ain't Druex's." He said finishing his hamburger.


Druex sat on the couch with his baby in his arms watching cartoons, he barely had said a word since that morning. It almost wasn't fair that all he gave up for his little angel and the bitch that was her mama.

"Druex where my credit card?" Tarah asked as she walked in the den with a to tight red dress on.

"Cut up." He answered simply.

"What the fuck for?" Tarah screamed not caring that Chelle was in there.

"Cuz that's my money you spendin on unnecessary shit." Druex replied not taking his eyes off his baby's beautiful straight hair.

"Fine, whateva, I'm leavin." She replied as she picked up her purse and went straight for his wallet that was sitting on the table.

He looked over at her long deep chocolate legs, "Ain't nothin in there."

"Then fuck it, I'm out." And Tarah stomped out the front door making everything in the house shake, and as she walked out he heard a male voice come in right behind her.

"What up nigga?" Jerome said as he picked Chelle up.

Druex stood up and stretched, "Not shit but that triflin Tarah. Aye baby girl show Uncle J yo new outfit daddy got you."

"K." Chelle said as Jerome sat her down so she could model her new pink jumper dress, with Scooby Doo on the front.

"Very cute Chelle." Jerome smiled and stood in front Druex. "O and them are back and we going over to Jerrell's to hang for a lil'bit, you game?"

Druex let out a loud sigh thinking about who would be there: Whitney. He almost didn't want to see her again this soon, but he wanted another taste of her before it really ended. "Shit, dog I'm game."

Jerome raised an eyebrow, "Druex, nigga, are you really game for this? You know Jerrell really likes to be all up on Whit when we all around. You sure you game for this nigga?"

Druex looked around for a minute, "Yea, dog Ima handle mine."


"What up boo?" He smiled as he grabbed Whitney into a tight ass hug.

Marques laughed, "Shit nigga let the woman breath."

"Not shit, I guess ya'll know about me and Jarrell splittin?" Whitney asked as they sat down and she laid her head on Omari's shoulder.

"Yea, he told us this morning. Where is Rell?" Marques said taking off his glasses.

"De'Mario, Desean, and him went to get some pizza and stuff." Whitney replied closing her eyes as Omari wrapped his arms around her.

Marques looked at the two best friends knowing what both of them were thinking, "So who goin' tell Druex?"

Whitney squeezed her eyes tighter, "Not me, we ended everything this morning."

Omari and Marques looked at each other surprised, Omari spoke first, "Me I guess since I saw them and everything."

"Yea but I know why Kelton ain't gon' be here tonight, he and Tarah meeting up somewhere." Marques replied looking at the picture of his cousin, Whitney, and Desean when he was just born.

Whitney stood up and walked into the kitchen, Omari right behind her, "Oh I hate that bitch!"


"So ya'll splittin after all this time and Desean?" He asked throwin two bags of Flamin Hot Cheetos in the basket.

Jarrell pulled at Desean's shirt so he wouldn't run off, "She don't love me no ways, and I don't love her, so it's all good."

Mario looked at his friend then back at the Bicardi Silver, "You sprung off Yvette huh?"

"Yea always have been I just married Whit cuz Vette left." Jerrell said as Desean handed him some Kool-Aid.

Yvette was Mario's cousin, and Jerrell and her had been together for years until she up and left, "Man Vette comin home in 3 days, I didn't know if you wanted to know but I guess you can always try to get back with that."

"If she still want me." He said picking up Desean to keep him still.

Mario looked at Jerrell like he was crazy, "Man Rell, Yvette never loved anyone else but you when do you think she done changed?"

"Like Druex will always love Whitney, huh?" Jerrell walked away from Mario leaving him with his mouth wide open.

Chapter 3