"As We Lay"



Druex laid around watching his little girl play Barbies until the doorbell rang he looked back at her and ran to the door and who he saw surprised him, "Hey, come in."

Whitney smiled and walked into the beautiful home she had hated coming into for years. It had been a month since that disastrous party, and Tarah had mailed the divorce papers to Druex and surprisingly signed over all rights to Druex. Everyone knew they may never see Kelton nor Tarah again but not many worried about that.  And even though Jarrell had moved into Omari's house and Druex had complete custody of Chelle, he and Whitney had not spoken.

Whitney smiled as Chelle ran to her, she could never believe that this pretty little girl could be anyone's but Druex's. "Hi, I was just wondering how you were?"

Druex sat next to her, "Better now that you here."

Whitney smiled and said nothing as Chelle showed her a new outfit that Druex had obviously bought, "Druex you are going to spoil this girl to death."

"I know, but that's the way I want to treat all the women I love." Druex replied taking her hand.

Whitney knew what he meant, she didn't know what to say or how to act, hell she never did when it came to Druex, "What are tryin to say Pierre?"

Druex laughed as she called him by his middle name a habit she had when she was nervous around him, "I'm sayin, Mychelle, that I want to spoil you for the rest of your life."

Hearing him call her by her middle name making her look at his baby, he name his baby after her it was weird but that made her smile. Even when he was with Tarah his mind was always on her. "Could you still love me with Jarrell's son under your roof?"

"I don't care that Jarrell is Desean's daddy, we could make our own baby, and he could be ours. To live with in our life, with our other babies, to love and raise together. To make a dream come true, to give you my name, to make you my wife, for me to be your husband." He whispered sitting closer to her, Chelle sat her Barbie down and listened to her daddy talk to Whitney.

"So whatcha askin me Pierre?" Whitney asked her breath caught in her throat.

Druex looked around and noticed his baby girl staring at them, "Com'mere baby."

Chelle came and sat in her daddy's lap, Druex whispered something in her ear and what ever it was made the little girl smile. Whitney remembered all the days she stood in for Tarah while she God knows where. Whitney had even heard Chelle's first word, it was 'dada', but it was the fact Tarah didn't hear her daughter speak till she was 3 and Whitney heard her when she was a year old.

Druex looked back at Whitney with the cutest smile, "Chelle and me wanna know would you and Desean like to live here for the rest of ya'lls lives?"

"As in marry you?" Whitney asked looking at Druex, finally.

"Yea, you know I love you Mychelle." Druex replied kissing her softly, they almost got lost in that moment but a high pitched giggle pulled them away.

"I love you too Pierre."


Jarrell lay naked next to a short, chocolate colored girl with just black short hair, with honey colored eyes. He promised Omari that this wouldn't happen in his house but once Yvette kissed him all promises were broken. At first he had missed sharing a bed Whitney, the little things like she'd always run her fingers through his curly hair before going to sleep, but once he had laid with Yvette again all his old feeling had come back.

"Vette you asleep?" He asked softly, pulling her closer.

Yvette smiled, "No."

"Why did you come back?" Jarrell asked as she turned to face him.

"Because there was this man I love that I had left behind and I knew I couldn't live without him." She whispered the soft light coming the through the blinds making her eyes glow.

Jarrell ran his fingers through her hair kissing her forehead, "It just feels like God set this up, me and Whit divorcing right as you came back."

"Yea it does kinda feel 'meant to be', but Jarrell we both knew that we were supposed to be together. I mean shit you first, last, and only man I ever slept with I could never see myself doing something so personal with anyone but you." Yvette sighed not minding that he had slept with Whitney, but they were married what did she expect.

"Damn, Vette I love you, you know that? There is only one other person I love like that is Desean."

"I love you too Jarrell and that's all it is too it." She replied kissing a tattoo on his chest.

--- End
