"Coffee & Cream"

*Warning* - I don't mean or want to offend ANYONE with this story. It's just and AU (Another Universe) story I came up with, I'm not hating, and I do not believe light skin people act this way. It was just something I took from a story I read.

Chapter 2

       You know I told you that there were very few places we actually shared with one another. Well, one is the mall, the adults don't want us at their stores so they built a Midtown Mall just for teens. It pretty hostile around here, they don't want to try on anything after us, and they watch us like hawks. But we don't care cuz we run this mall, they are too scared to step to us when 5-0 isn't around.

       Well, we were all there, I mean we were riding deep, it was like nine of us including Kelton & his girl. It was crazy cuz everywhere we went we were either mean mugging them or they was mean mugging us. It was like straight hate, the white girls were showing off their daddy's credit card with more bags than they could carry. We were just chilling and buying stuff every now and then, we weren't trying to show off what we didn't have.

       Kris, NeTanya, and I were in Maurice's checking out their white jeans when Kris noticed the girl from yesterday, "Hey Bri look it's the trick from yesterday."

       Me and NeTanya looked up at the same time, but only I caught sight of the dude from yesterday, NeTanya spoke sounding mad, "Ah damn, look what she's wearing!"

       The girl Druex had called Monica was decked out in the same exact Baby Phat outfit NeTanya was sporting, I looked between the two and laughed, "Dang Ne, she looks good in that outfit too."

       NeTanya pulled a pair of pants off the rack and walked toward our side of the Dressing Rooms, "I know, it would be better if she looked like shit in it!"

       Kris pulled a pair off laughing and followed her into our side of the Dressing rooms, leaving me to watch Druex & his friend. When he looked up I looked away, I was taught I was too good for one of them siddity niggas, though they had lived the high life, I was the real class. I acted like I had home training, I acted like my family had taught me something, it's not about good breeding it's about a good raising.

       Druex walked away from his friend and made his way over to me, licking his lips, he had something. I don't know what it is, it's like he's like my cousin, he had something about his fashion. He could dress, and he looked good in everything, today he was decked out in Ecko. I didn't want to admit it but he was looking good, but I knew if the boys walked by and saw him talking to me it would be on.

       I didn't even look away from the rack of cloths when he stopped right next to me, "Hey Brittney."

       I didn't look up, I looked out the store and made sure no one was looking, I also had a reputation to keep up with, "Sup Druex, you and your friends having a nice day?"

       Druex watched me look through skirts and pulled out a cute pastel blue skirt, and had large rhinestones down the side and handed it to me, "Try this, yea we are but me & D are tired of Monica & Lovely not being able to make up their minds."

       "Lovely?" I asked wondering if he was referring to a dog or a person, I looked down at the skirt thinking it was cute.

       "Yea Lovely, it's her real name, she's the only child and they named her after the first word that came out of her pops mouth after he held her." Druex replied pulling out a matching shirt and belt, complete out fit, but I couldn't afford it.

       I put the top & belt back on the rack and walked around to the next knowing he was following me, "Mm and she sure doesn't look lovely, she look like a walking bakery."

       Druex laughed but not to loudly, he didn't know I took that joke from Jarrell, "Yea well she does have a problem with keeping her full figure in the right cloths, unlike you."

       I ignored his comment and looked for a cheaper top to go with the skirt, cuz it wasn't like my moms was spitting out mad dough for an outfit every weekend, thank God I have a job, "Yea well why don't you help her out, she seem like she like you."

       Druex stopped beside me to say something when my cousin came into the store of no where and stood in front of me, "Hey butta, get out my cousins face."

       Druex wasn't know punk so he wasn't gonna step back from something he wanted, he had a little thug appeal I liked that, "Hold up I wasn't in her face, I was talking to her."

       Marques didn't let me get a word in he grabbed my arm and the skirt, paid for the skirt and pulled me out the store, but not without saying something to Druex, "You can't spit game to my family, you're not good enough for her, and she too good for some siddity actin, pretty, nigga."

       Marq had me out of the store and beside his girl Shaniya, Marq went back in the store to hurry Kris & NeTanya, meanwhile I was steaming I don't like people in my business, "Why he gotta be like that?"

       "Dude was in your face Bri, he stood there and watched for a minute, he knew if he did it to one of them it would be his head but that dude could do it and it would be cool. You know he just doing what Q would have done." Shaniya said chewing on her gum like it was the last in the world, and it was bothering me.

       My brother and Marq were the same age and best friends so he had taken over as my older brother. Soon Marques, Kris, & NeTanya came out the store all looking angry, Marq came over to me looking me over like I was attacked, "Are you all right?"

       "I'm fine that nigga didn't touch me." I replied glaring at my cousin, Kris & NeTanya sat in front of me both mad cuz they didn't get the pants they wanted.

       "Aiight then if he step cross you again cut his ass or something." Marq replied as he Shaniya went toward the whole side devoted to music stores.

       Kris & NeTanya looked at each other stood up and walked back into the store, not saying anything to me, I guess they were going to get those pants. Before I could get up Kelton sat down beside me, "Wuz up little girl?"

       I tried to let go of some of my anger cuz Kelton was a nice guy, and he had been calling me little girl as long as I could remember, "Nothin, just my cous trippin over some nigga in my face."

       Kelton looked over at the store where Druex & his little crew was coming out of the store, "Was the nigga him?"

       I looked over at where his finger was discreetly pointed, and he was pointing at Druex, "Yea why?"

       "Don't even attempt to be social with him, his family would destroy yours just for saying hi too loud." Kelton replied looking away from Druex as if he was revolting to the eye.

       I looked over at Druex who was looking straight at me, not knowing his sister was looking too, I looked back at Kelton, "Who are they? He's not a Fredricks is he?"

       I asked about the Fredricks first because my dad worked for them and I would never jeopardize his job like that, "Yep, Druex & Monica Fredricks the only children of the wealthiest black family in Midtown. Don't mess with that, it's no secret he doesn't like his girls creamy but that don't mean you should mess with him. Just watch your step aiight."

       I shook my head letting him know I agree, "But can I ask you somethin?"

       Kelton was not about to say no to me so all he did was nod his head up, "Pop it."

       "I wanna know about the crew, I know it's weird but they seem so distant from each other. Nothing like out crew." I asked as Druex sat by Lovely on their side of the food court.

       "They not tight as you and yo crew, it's pretty much cuz they got the most money and they don't like the white kids anyway. It's Druex, his sister Monica, his closest boy De'Mario, De'Mario's cousin Lovely, Monica's nigga Jerome, and his sister Carlene who want De'Mario. That's all I can say, but it's no secret De'Mario is related to someone from South Midtown, his family don't like talkin about it though. Dat's all I know little girl, check ya lata." Kelton replied standing up checking his two way, I knew he had a run to go on.

       I knew what he meant when he said 'check ya lata', he walked off leaving me alone with my thoughts. I was watching them move, the way the girls looked at the people who walked by, like they had seen better. Druex was whispering to his friend, De'Mario I think, and he kept looking over here so I was relieved when Omari made his way over to me.

       My cousin was rocking an Ecko outfit much like Druex's but it looked even better on him, even though it was only the jeans and the shoes. Some reason I was proud that my cousin looked good, could dress, and had all those tricks staring; like he was a bone and they were dogs. I could see the girl Carlene, I think, staring at his muscles that were clear through his wife beater. I wanted to laugh at loud, she couldn't touch him, ever. Though I don't know why, it just made my bad mood go away knowing there was actually something they can't have.

       Omari looked at me a minute then back at their side of the food court, it was obvious Marq had told him, "Want me to pop his socialite ass?"

       I was stunned at the thought of my cousin popping anybody, "What the fuck?"

       "You want me to pop his ass?" Omari asked again focusing his eyes on Monica, she was probably the only cute yellow girl over there. She would be even prettier if she lost that bad attitude, the attitude that we were unacceptable blacks, and that she wouldn't step a manicured toe in South Midtown. If she did that hell she could even get with my cousin, but I ain't gonna push it.

       I shook my head not noticing the way Druex's friend was looking at us, "I'm not poppin what you handlin cous."

       "Aiight lemme just say this did he step out of line?" Omari replied tried to make me understand, finally seeing the three dudes looking over at us.

       I stood up quickly, shaking my head 'no', almost knocking over a tall dude, he was dark, the kind my grandma said were real African blood lay. He was fine, 6'5, 240 lbs, a rippled body, smooth ass skin, and the most perfect slanted brown eyes. I got my voice back, while he caught me with his perfect quarterback hands, "Sorry Ty."

       TyDerek Watson, Senior Quarterback, and probably the only nigga I ever crushed on, he gave me that smile filled with straight white teeth, "It's aiight Brittney."

       My crazy ass was so hyped he remembered my name I forgot that the butter cream gang, I was trippin after I came up with that, was sitting over there watching us, "So what you up too?"

       Omari raised his eyebrows at my change in tone, he laughed shook his head cuz he knew I was in Sophomore heaven, he still let go of my hand when he spoke, "Not too much cutie, hey I'll holla at ya'll lata."

       I didn't say anything as he walked away with a smile, my state not disappearing until my cousin stood up laughing, "Damn B I didn't think a nigga would ever penetrate that heart. Shit I see Ty did it."

       I rolled my eyes looking away but unfortunately over to their side to see Druex staring at me like he had something on his mind, running into that nigga was really starting to bug me, "Whatever O lets go get find Rell before Kris finds him and that pretty ass dress he tryin to buy her."

       Later that night after dinner I ended up at the park again, I don't know why I was just sitting there. Not really thinking and not really NOT thinking. I was just there, my mind where it was supposed to be, now I don't want ya'll to think I'm without fault. I think bad of them too, I always laugh at the way they are in our face during election, the bazaar, and the parade. I always hated when they come through South Midtown, my neighborhood, my community, during their publicity stunts.

       I wanted to throw a cap in all their asses, I hated them everyday my daddy came home overworked, I hated them everyday they treated my mother as a slave, I hated them everyday my Auntie's & Uncle's came home overworked and under paid. But the moment when my resentment, my anger, and my hatred became never ending was the moment they took my brother. That was the moment I, and my family, became permanent fixtures of hatred toward the fair skinned blacks of North Midtown.

       I could remember so many times in my life that they have interrupted my happiness somehow. I know hating your own race is stupid, but my whole family somehow works under those high class bastards. And we aren't dumb either, we just aren't given opportunity. My brother was supposed to be the fist kid in my family to go to college, now that title is given to another cousin of mine. I was caught up in seeing red that I never saw Druex walked into the park ready to play basketball.

       Again he didn't even get to bounce a ball cuz he spotted me sitting there gritting my teeth. He sat in the same position he did yesterday but didn't touch me, "You, OK?"

       I glared up at him, expecting for the sight of him to irritate me but it didn't, I just looked away like the thoughts in my head were embarrassing me, "I'm fine."

       Druex just did a tight uncomfortable laugh, that's when I knew he needed a good laugh, "Do you always lie when people ask you that?"

       "I'm not lyin, I'm fine! Why a nigga gotta act siditty in a females face?" I replied shifting a little so I was sitting on one leg.

       "I ain't acting siditty, I never act siditty, ever, specially not to a female. You got me confused with some of these niggas from where I'm from. My sister and her girls be actin all siditty and shit but hell I ain't like that." Druex replied moving that basketball between his hands and I knew I was about to have some problems. He had edge to his voice that reminded me of Kelton & Ty, the thug appeal.

       "Really so you down for a scrap if a nigga mess wit yo girl? And you bring it to them not somebody else." I asked actually wanting to know, I wanted to know could this over bred North Midtown nigga step to another for his female. Or was he punk and I had my signals all messed up.

       Druex was still moving that ball in his hands, just like my brother if there was a basketball around he had to touch it, the look on face showed he wasn't lying, "Shit I ain't never had a girl worth fighting over, but I see why niggas from around yo way be fightin to keep they females. And hell I'm down for that shit, specially if that's my boo."

       I shook my head, looking him over, he was a cutie I had to say that, and it helped he wasn't like the rest of those fake high rollers over there, "Well niggas from around yo way be killin niggas, from around my way, for touchin females from around yo way. Even when the female wanted that touch."

       Druex could hear the bitterness in my voice, hell I could taste that shit, he sat the ball on his knee, "You seem to know that situation well."

       "Hump." The sound I made sounded just like the one Kris had made yesterday, sure I was bitter but my family never got justice. Murder is like a wound and justice is like the Band-Aid to heal that wound. And without justice the wound would never heal. And my wound was still bleeding, and the more I saw of them the more I felt like alcohol was being thrown on it.

       "That situation is not somethin I know much of...so who's the nigga fightin to keep you? The guy at the mall?" Druex asked catching me off gaurd, I wasn't ready for that question.

       But I answered anyway giving him an 'don't cross the line' look, "There is no nigga fightin to keep me, and what at the nigga at the mall are you talking about?"

       "Not the one in the store, the one who caught you in the food court." Druex asked sounding nosey, but he was feeling me but I wasn't giving off any vibes that I was felling him.

       "Oh lord, Ty? Damn I wish!" I replied not trying to sound like I wanted to hurt him but I did wish, Ty was fine.

       "So is that who you tryin to pull?" Dreux asked, he was bugging me now, he just asked 3 questions in a row.

       I hate questions, and where I come from we don't snitch, so we all hated people who asked to many questions, "Aiight enough questions."

       "Why? You don't like questions or something?" Druex asked again seeing the irritation on her face he got his answer.

       "Look Druex, me and you, we like OIL & Water, we don't mix. So why we sittin here trying to get to know each other when my dad is off working over time letting your family kill him? I don't know why I'm sitting here with you --" I said all at once my words flying together,  all I could decipher in my head was that my brother was probably turning over in his grave right now.

       Druex didn't get loud, rude, or even angry he just looked hurt, that was the moment I saw that he wasn't like all the rest of the fair complexioned peopled from North Midtown, "I was hoping we could be friends, I didn't think it would be a real problem. I mean I've been watching you since we both started High school, I know we maybe from two different world but that doesn't mean me and my boys haven't sat after school watching your drill team."

       I was surprised I didn't expect that either, this boy was pulling out surprises at me, "Look I didn't know...I've been taught about the same shit you have, to let ya'll think ya'll better but all the time know who the real classy people are. But I just didn't figure I'd be sitting here with one of you after what I happened to my brother...hell I'm sorry."

       Druex looked perplexed yet elated that I let him touch a wall there, "Brother?"

       "Quentin --" Anything else I had to say was thrown right from my mind as Monica came across the fence with her hands on her hips.

       "What the hell are you doin out here with her Druex? Nana is here for God's sake we gotta entertain." Monica replied, I hated the way she said Nana, I hated the way she looked at me.

       I looked at Druex for his reaction but he just stood up, "Monica this is Brittney, Brittney Monica...my sister."

       I gave a half-ass smile, she gave me the same, "Nice meeting you, come on Druex."

       Druex picked up his ball and walked toward his sister and then looked back at me, "Bye...see you here tomorrow?"

       I thought about it a minute, looked back at my neighborhood, then at Monica, and then back to Druex, "Yea...and Druex I'm not trying to pull Ty."

       He smiled as his sister pulled him out of the park, lord I don't know why but I walked down my side park toward my neighborhood with a smile on my face. That boy from the buttercream gang just made me smile! I knew it was gonna be some problems now, I need to tell him tomorrow that we can't be friends. Kelton was right, a guy, let alone a Fredricks, is not worth my family. Little did I know only one person besides Monica knew we were out there alone, and I was gonna hear it tomorrow.

*Chapter 3