"Coffee & Cream"

*Warning* - I don't mean or want to offend ANYONE with this story. It's just and AU (Another Universe) story I came up with, I'm not hating, and I do not believe light skin people act this way. It was just something I took from a story I read.

Chapter 4

       Well, I was over my auntie house after school waiting on Kris and Jarell to finish their so-called 'meeting'. I knew that talking was the last thing going on in there, and ever since that Sunday that Druex and I 'decided' to just be friends Kris hasn't let me out of her sight. And it's been about 3 and a half weeks, if there was any chance of Druex being around she somehow changed our plans. We usually go to the park after school and the mall on Saturday, we've been going everywhere but the park after school and we went to the mall Sunday before evening service.

       Anyways I'm telling this story and I know ya'll wanna know what's going on with my cousin. She and Rell are in her bedroom, laying on her bed, Kris is on her back and Jarrell is laying next to her on his side. And yes they are fully clothed!

       "So what do you think baby?" Kris asked looking up at Rell who was playing with her fingers.

       Jarell didn't say anything for a minute, he was still trying to catch his breath, kissing Kris still took his breath away after all the time they had been together, "I think we all have a problem."

       See, I'm sure ya'll wanna know the story on these two, they are the Preschool Sweethearts of South Midtown. I'm sure NO ONE, younger or older, had started their relationship as early as these two. They were girlfriend-boyfriend through Preschool & Grade School, and when they got to middle school thats when the crushes began to rise. They had their first kiss with each other 6th grade year, and they haven't separated since. Jarell never had eyes for anyone else, though Kris did look Jarell was all she could see for miles.

       Kris looked at him weird, that made no sense to her, "We have a problem?"

       "Yea, they like each other, and I don't agree with keeping them apart just cuz she from SM and he from NM. I think that's some shit K." Jarrell replied sitting up, and he wasn't kidding he meant it. He never was the one to go along with whole interracial division.

       Kris just rolled her eyes, honestly she felt the same way but she couldn't just say that, "You know I think that too, she's my family and best friend, if she wants him she ought to have him but it's not worth her life."

       Jarell sat him putting his feet on the floor looking at the wall in front of him, "Maybe not to you...think about it K, she might really be feelin him it's on her whether being with him is worth her life."

       Kris sat up the look on her face looking more confused than angry but her anger was definitely there, "How can you say that? Her life is NOT worth some yella ass, siditty, uptown nigga!"

       Jarell turned glaring at her, he sometimes wondered how anyone could be so close minded especially someone he loved, "See that's wrong, you don't even know him, and you already actin like yo brother. I trust Brittney's judgment in people, she always has chosen the right people as her friends, and so I'm keeping my mind open about him. And I thought you had good judgment too, but here you are jumping to conclusions. I guess I was wrong."

       The frown left Kris' face, I don't know what that glare did to Kris but she always hated to see it, "Rell you don't know where I'm comin from, that's my sister, my cousin, and my best friend. That's my heart, she my family J, just as much as you are. Where would I be if lost her?"

       Jarell kissed her cheek, smiling just a little bit but still keeping that look in his eye, "You my heart too, but what if someone was trying to keep us apart? Even if we stayed apart isn't there a possibility that there will never be another love like ours? And so not being together means we would never really experience real love. Now is the possibility of real love worth a life? Or is living miserably and never really knowing love worth living without?"

       Kris didn't say anything as he left her room, leaving her with those thoughts. I just kind of creeped up to her room giving Jarell a little half hug as he walked by, I heard the last of the conversation actually so I know why she was looking like that Chinese dude Confucius or something.

       I didn't say anything as I leaned on the door frame, that thoughtful look quickly ran away as she noticed me and laughed, "You been ear-hustlin trick?"

       I laughed, rolling my eyes, as she stretched and tried to make it look like she just wasn't on that bed with Jarell, "No wonder Aunt Carha ain't gotta go to mama for good gossip in this house all you gotta do is be quiet and you can hear just about anything. I mean from an arguing couple to silent moans and loud ass kisses."

       If she would have been white she would've been the color of blood, she threw a basketball at me but I caught it, "Don't go there ear-hustler."

       "Anyways, we need to go down to the game now cuz Ty ain't waitin for nobody." I said rolling the ball under her bed, tonight was the big football game between South Moosely and North Moosely and I mos def didn't want to miss the kickoff.

       Kris looked over at me that look in her eyes and I knew the seriousness was back, "You still wanna go we might see Druex."

       I was about to move but I stopped in my tracks, "You act like I'm tryin to ignore him, you act like he was my boyfriend or somethin."

       "Naw, I mean -- B you --- aiight let me break it down. You was feelin him and you can't be wit him, somethin just tells me you want more from him than what you tellin me." Kris replied combing her hair trying make it look like she was not laying on that bed at all.

       I didn't say anything I just shrugged my shoulders and walked back in the living room, "Come on K, I gotta give O his stuff before the game starts."

       If ya'll didn't know Omari is one of the starters for South Moosely High, TY was QB and Omari is running back. And he always did like playin cuz our colors are red and black and their's is this weird purple almost pastel and white. And Omari's favorite color was red and it only helped when his quick ass was running that damn ball down the field.

       See then she decided to bring her slow ass on, I knew the little argument that just took place would be forgotten once they spotted each other at the game, they never continued their arguments.  Plus she knew if I didn't get O his stuff, which was his helmet and his coat for after we win, he wouldn't be playing. We walked the same route we always did, but found more people walking it tonight. Since we playing each other there are a lot of rumors of fights, shootings, and a bunch of shit. But don't know if any is true, just threats, as usual.

       We walked into our football field being bombarded by Omari as soon we got 5 feet in, he grabbed the hat and the coat from me, "Eh thanks."

       "Yea." I replied looking around, not really knowing why but essentially knowing who I wanted to see, but to see all of them on our turf was strange. But knowing it was gonna be another football beating just makes my night.

       He said bye and ran off then I saw Jarell, Marq, Shaniya, and NeTanya coming up to us, I looked over at Jarell then at Kris and like I said they both were look straight at each other, "OK go on you sick puppy."

       Kris hit me playfully, smiling as Jarell wrapped his arms around her, "Shut up girl."

       Jarell whispered something to her that took the smile off her face then out of no where it came back. She pulled him over to an empty section of the bleachers and sat down and it didn't look like her mouth ever stopped. NeTanaya looked around, saw a couple of niggas and frowned, "I ain't seen anything that's gon kick my babies ass."

       I laughed knowing that North Moosley couldn't touch us in Football, we started walking just as the announcer announced there was 5 minutes to kickoff, "Ne nobody is gonna kick yo baby ass."

       Marques and Shaniya stopped to get something to eat but me and NeTanya kept on walking, out of no where NeTanya hit me on my side, "Hey B isn't that the cream that you um was friends wit?"

       My eyes widened and sure enough there he was, still looking fly and today he was rockin lord knows what but whatever it was he was lookin good, "Yea."

       Netanya and I kept walking slowly, never taking our eyes off of Druex, she whispered to me quietly, "Damn he look good, specially to be one of them, somethin bout the way those twists are laying on that bandana. And the way he sag his jeans, damn I'd think he was from our side of town."

       My breath was caught in my throat, I'd forgotten 3 & a half weeks was a long damn time. He was fine, he'd be finer if he was darker but that won't happen so we just gonna say he fine to be one of them, "I know this Ne, I know this."

       Before either I or NeTanya could say another word he looked up, and the look in his eyes was about the same as mine 'damn'. We looked at each other for a minute before he gave me a little half smile looking back his sister who was hitting him in the arm. I about died, something about me felt so childish and juvenile, but something else in me felt giddy and nervous.

       I had to turn around just so I wouldn't look at him anymore, he was hypnotizing me, "Aiight Ne lets go get some seats."

       "Yea." She replied looking back at Druex then at me, there was something on her mind be she didn't want to say it, and I was glad of it I didn't want to talk about it.

       We were halfway to our seats when a gentle hand reached out and grabbed my arm, my head swung around to see Druex standing there. I looked back at NeTanya so she would go on and save my seat, and she left with a disapproving look. But I let it just roll off me, I wanted to be here, I wanted to look at him and say something more than 'hello'. But I knew that wasn't going to happen, hell no.

       "Long time no holla." Druex said letting go of my arm, he wasn't like some of those siditty niggas, he wasn't wearing their ugly ass school colors. He was decked out in blue & white and I have to say blue is his color.

       "Yea." It was all I could get out, I know sounded dumb but hell this nigga was breath taking if you don't see him everyday. There was something about him, he was like a thug-angel, he had the thuggish mean ass look but then once he opens his mouth you see he is soo sweet. That's what women want, a rough neck, but a sensitive man all at the same time.

       "So how you been?" Druex asked looking me over, his eyes making their way slowly down my body, giving me goose bumps and ideas that my mama would kill me for thinking.

       I on the other hand wasn't doing as good as I wish I would be, I mean I didn't know him enough to like him, but that was the scary thing I think I do like him, "I've been good, real good lookin forward to tonight."

       Druex looked over to where the football players were being announced, he smiled for a second then looked back at me, "I have too...maybe for a different reason than you but lookin forward to it no less."

       I smiled, something bout the way he said that just made me grin like an idiot, I was crushin on this nigga I just knew it, "So hows your cru...I mean your friends."

       Druex caught my so-called slip up, he looked my friends who were staring at us and then back at his friends who were obviously arguing, "They cool...can we go somewhere to talk?"

       I looked over at my cousin, then at TY, I wanted to see Ty throw his 100th yard as a senior but I wanted to talk to Druex more, "Sure."

       We started walking out of the stadium not noticing peoples stares as we walked side by side. Honestly I didn't care what those people thought, I enjoyed being close to Druex, and I could tell by the way he kept glancing at me that he didn't care anymore than I did. It was weird, we are both black but we get strange looks for walking together.

       We walked for a minute before we got to exactly the spot he wanted to stop at, it was just behind the stadium, a little piece away from the park but still it had a lot of trees and a little bench. When got the bench we both sat down side by side, a little closer than what was necessary but close.

       "So...." I whispered looking around at the beautiful scenery that surrounded us, right now you couldn't see the terrible world we existed in, I was nervous out da frame but he didn't have to know that.

       "I know how you feel about me and where I come from and just want to say that --" Druex started but honestly I didn't like the way that sounded at all.

       "No, you don't know how I feel about YOU or WHERE you come from at all. So don't assume what you don't know." I interrupted him with a little too much sassiness but I didn't care.

       I could tell Druex was a little surprise by the attitude I had but I don't think he let it get to him, "Then explain, how you feel about me...and where I come from."

       I wasn't going to hide anything so I decided to myself that this was the moment of truth, "How I feel about you? Scared is the first thing that comes to mind, then I think adoration I really do like you -- as more than a friend --, then I think different, you are nothing like the men that come from your side of town, last but not least I think 'cream' your soft milk chocolate skin is the reason I'm not able to tell my best friend that every time I see you -- I want to kiss you."

       Before I knew it, his lips were touching mine, and I could feel the electricity running my spine as his soft lips connected to mine. He parted his lips just a little to get a taste of my lips and then he slowly pulled away, I had never been kissed like that in my whole life. He left me feeling cold, like he was the only heat in the world, like a bear without his fur, like a baby without a blanket, like he was my only warmth and comfort. His eyes twinkled, in that moment, with emotion I had never imagined before. And I knew my eyes were glowing because I could feel my heart tremble, that was the moment I knew that if I was with him too long my 'adoration' would turn into 'love'.

       I couldn't speak, but I reached out and took his hand I think he knew what it meant, so he spoke quietly and gently, "I thought I was the only one who felt that way, I feel the same way you do except for that color thing my best friend knows how I feel -- you are everything I spent my whole life tellin him I wanted, and more. I want to get to know you, everything about you, I wanna know more about your family, your friends. Though I spent most of my childhood listenin to yo mama's stories about you and your brother I want to be there. I want to meet your brother, I wanna meet your aunts, I wanna get to love you."

       No one had ever spoke anything so sweet to me before in my life, and sounded so real, so sincere, I was almost dumbfounded, "I think I want that too, but you won't be meeting my brother."

       I saw the look of recognition register on his face and before I knew he was speaking, "Oh yea, Quentin is no longer with you."

       I didn't know he knew, and I didn't want to how he knew, not right now I didn't want to ruin this perfect moment, "Yea, can we not go there right now?"

       "Of course, whatever you want." He smiled sitting our intertwined hands on his leg, I moved over just a little to be closer to him, I've never wanted to be this close to anyone.

       "I'm scared of this." I whispered looking back over to the stadium where I could see the score, we were winning 5 to 0. I was scared of what I felt, it was dangerous to my health to feel like this about him, it was dangerous to everybody for either of us to feel like this.

       "Don't be, I will protect you with my life, when I'm with you there is nothing to be afraid of." Druex whispered looking at me with those eyes, he was killing me and loving me at the same time.

       I was surprised by that but at the same time I liked the thought of it, I tightened my grip on his hand and whispered, "You and me...will we ever work?"

       Druex looked at me with a passion I never noticed before, "Love doesn't come in colors sweetie."

       I smiled the moment he called me 'sweetie', "Tell that to the world."

       "I have what a lot of people don't in this town, I can get away with things that a lot of people can't. Are getting exactly what I'm trying to say?" Druex replied looking at me with a sweet yet mischievous smile.

       I understood him completely, he had money, his family was VERY high-up, and he could do things that other people could only dream of doing, "Yea, so where should we start?"

       "Well, you tell your Mom, I tell my sister and we go down the line in importance until we get to the point where we can walk in the mall holding hands and not have anybody flip."  Druex replied kissing me on the cheek out of no where, he had a point with his plan but he didn't know how hard it was gonna be to tell everyone specially my mama. I promised her I'd leave him alone, how am I supposed to say 'I'm bringing him home'?

       "Druex, I promised my Mom I wouldn't be involved with you in anyway." I said turning toward him, he was looking at me like he didn't want to move.

       "Well, she's gonna have to see that you can't stop destiny." He replied laughing, that was corny for real but it was cute, kind of.

       I was still laughing when I looked around and said half joking, half serious, "I got me a republican, my dad will love that."

       "Cute real cute." He said hitting me softly laughing, we didn't notice the little group of people watching us.

       Well, all of our friends had noticed our early departure and decided to investigate. And they were all standing by the exit watching us, Kris, Jarell, Shaniya, Monica, Jerome, & De'Mario. They were all standing there silently, watching, not speaking just thinking.

       Kris looked over to Jarell, thinking of the conversation they had earlier, "I still don't think love is worth a life, but maybe we could get Kelton to watch her?"

       Jarell smiled, kissing her on the cheek, he knew she would come around, "Yea, they both deserve a chance."

       Monica looked over at Jerome, frowning she had nothing against me but she just didn't want her brother to have to fight anything, "Well he didn't listen."

       "Did you expect him to?" Jerome asked wrapping his arms around Monica's waist, he had sat and listened to her vent about her brother getting into something he couldn't handle.

       De'Mario shook his head and turned away, "He gonna be aiight, ya'll I know this when he loves something nothing and no body can take that away from him."

       Shaniya looked at all the people standing beside her and then looked back at us, "I think them bein together will be a good thing for all of us."

       I didn't know it then but that was the first time, of many times, that we would all be thrown together and not mind at all. I had set my mind to have Druex, and I aim to keep him. Maybe some think it's wrong, maybe they think it's disgusting, maybe they see it as a sin but this is my life and I'm going to live it at my own risk. My brother always said, 'if you live your life at other peoples limits you aren't really living your life'. And I intend to live my life, to the fullest, and hopefully my friends and family will too.

*Chapter 5