"Coffee & Cream"

*Warning* - I don't mean or want to offend ANYONE with this story. It's just and AU (Another Universe) story I came up with, I'm not hating, and I do not believe light skin people act this way. It was just something I took from a story I read.

Chapter 5

       Ya'll let me tell you, anyone who tells you a relationship with someone complete unlike you won't work is wrong. Tell them to go live their own life and stay out of yours, because these last couple of weeks have been virtual heaven. Druex is everything I ever wanted and never had. Though I know Marques, Omari, and Kris don't understand I know they are trying to be supportive. Everyone at my school knows, and honestly they don't care but some disagree, those are who we call hatas. But at Druex's school they trippin, Druex says the only reason half of those fake ass people still talk to him is because he still got money and a prestigious last name.

       Finally I got to know his sister, she isn't as siditty as she looks, she's pretty sweet and her boyfriend is kind of fine too. But anywayz life is being going pretty well, not smoothly, but well no one said this was easy. My Aunt Carha is tripping because I'm just now about to tell my Mom. Oh yea, I didn't even tell ya'll, Druex and I are gathering to tell our parents. At his house. Sounds like a bad meeting place but not really, my Mom works there and his parent's live there so it's pretty OK to us.

       I'm nervous really but actually I'm in awe of this house that he grew up in, sure my mother told me stories about the GRAND staircase and the huge ballroom that moonlighted as a dining room. This place is huge with beige colored walls, pictures, and oil paintings and all. But I don't think I could live here, it's beautiful but you can't feel any warmth, any love at all.

      "Mm I see you are enjoying the view." Druex whispered as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, I was standing in front of this HUGE window that looked over their huge beautiful back yard.

       Before I go on, I bet ya'll are wondering how we got both of our parents to agree to meet here all in the same house. Well, Druex told my Mom and his Mom that our High School's were holding joint pep rally's and we need some parents to do something. It sounds stupid but he knew exactly what strings to pull on our parents, Monica backed him up by making some fake fliers, it really helped too.

       "Yea it's beautiful. Is my dad here?" I asked laying  my hands on top of his making him squeeze me tighter, we were waiting on my dad to get here.

       "Yep he's sitting in the den with my pops..." He trailed off as I quickly tried to turn around so I could either run or go see my dad. I didn't know which one I really wanted to do.

       He wouldn't let me go so I'm in a very uncomfortable position, it may not look like one but it feels like one, his grip is not loose at the least, "What?"

       "I know you're nervous, don't be, it's gonna be fine." Druex replied moving me a little bit so I wouldn't look so uncomfortable, now I was all smushed up on him. I'm not tall at all so my face was in his chest, but I had it lifted so my lips and his lips were only spaces away.

       Now ya'll have to understand, he wasn't like the bright skinned people I had grown up despising. Druex was honestly the kind of man every girls mama wants them to have, lord knows how I made Kris understand that but I did. She and I had argued over that for a week straight, she thought, still does, that Druex didn't amount to the man Jarrell was. And that's definitely not true, Druex is just as much a man as Jarrell is, if not more. She said that people like Druex weren't taught how to take care of home, how to be a real man, how to be faithful and loving toward women and their families. Now you see how stereotypes were placed on them unfairly, just as they did us.

       "Hey I'm nervous too." He whispered biting his lip, I almost laughed at the childlike face he made, it was kinda cute.

       I kissed him quickly before finally getting out of his grasp, "Don't be nervous, you got me."

       We walked down that GRAND staircase in utter and complete silence, for the first time I could feel the urgency in my heart. I was so anxious to get this over with I almost fell down the stairs, luckily Druex had me so the three times I did trip he had me. My heart was almost beating out of my chest, the moment of truth was coming and every step we step on the louder the beating in my ears became. Druex lead me through the seemingly huge hallways, our grip on each others hand only got tighter.

       Halfway to the den Druex stopped, he pulled me close to him only holding me, whispering in a voice that sent chills up my spine, "No matter what happens I'll always be here."

       Something about the way he whispered that made me feel safe, even on this side of town, in this house, in this situation, just knowing he was with me made me feel good, "Hopefully we won't have anything to worry about."

       I didn't know we had an audience, I was just enjoying the silent moments in his arms. Nether of us had any idea that we had four pairs of eyes on us, each with their own surprised look. I don't think anyone of them thought that what they were seeing could be possible, not their children, never. But what it was, was real, nothing was faked, nothing was pre-discussed, nothing was just for show it was all us. And nothing they could say would change that, sure we are teenagers but we also have minds of our owns.

       We didn't move until we heard a voice, and I knew it's origin the moment it slipped into my ears, "Is this what we are really here for?"

       I almost jumped out of my skin, that voice was my fathers, his tone never changed but just then it held a sharp edge I will never forget. Though we let go of each other we never released our hands, and I couldn't find the heart to speak so Druex did the talking, "Yes sir, this is the REAL reason we asked you all to meet us here."

       Druex's father, who looked like an older graying version of him pulled his wife to his side and said sternly but surprised, "Now you stop all this nonsense and let that young lady go."

       "It's not nonsense she's what I want." Druex replied pulling me to him, exactly like his father did his mother. I was too nervous to do anything but keep my breathing from being the loudest thing in the room.

       My mother walked slowly toward me, she stopped not a foot in front of me, her eyes were filled with tears. And she stood there for a moment not saying a word, just standing there with her hand on my chin she whispered, "Is this what you want? To end up like your brother."

       I think that was the moment the first tear rolled down my cheek, my eyes darted everywhere but when they landed back on her, my mouth opened and what came out surprised even me, "What I want is to be happy and I'm happy with him. And I think my brother wanted to be happy too, we all have to take losses to get victories."

       I don't know whether I hurt her feelings or she got my point because the moment those words fell from my lips she turned and walked back to where my father was standing. Druex's mother shook her head, her soft straw yellow skin turning red from the sobs she held in, "Druex why do you insist on this forbidden relationship?"

       "Why is this 'forbidden' mother?" The tone in his voice was just as strong as the beating I could feel in his heart. I could tell he meant everything he said and maybe that's where I was drawing all my strength cuz I know other wise I would have cracked under that glare my mother was throwing my way.

       In my head I could envision some bloody scene occurring at this very moment, but this is reality nothing bloody or morbid happened. My father hadn't spoken since he let the cat out of the bag, so the moment he opened his mouth my knees began to lose their strength, "My baby girl, now my only Chile, wants to be with you son. Now I dunno what yo folks think of this but as long as YOU be a man and keep all the heart I have left safe, I can and will accept this and you."

       Those words made my mothers wall crumble and her body shook with tears, and my tears wouldn't fall anymore, Druex was still holding me up and when he spoke I closed my eyes for a brief second, "Sir, your baby girl is the woman of my dreams, and as long as she is mine I will do my all to protect to her. There is not a doubt about that."

       I still couldn't say a word when Monica made her way down the stairs and right to the exact spot we stood at. She put her hands on hips and looked back and forth between all us and then spoke toward her mom and dad, "I don't understand why ya'll are trippin over this! Things change, they do everyday, it's about time black stop being 2 different races. Maybe you say they are too young to be takin chances with an ignorant world out there, but don't tell me you haven't seen the way Druex acted before she walked into his life? Please don't try to tell me you would rather him sit and wonder what if forever, rather than knowing if she was the one. Yes, they are teenagers but teenagers fall in love too, and they fall apart too. But in a relationship where you have to give your all to prove what you have to the world, your love is only bound to grow stronger. Oh yea, daddy you met mom in the 9th grade, everyone thought that was just a CRUSH."

       I could hear the soft gasp that came from Druex's lips, neither Druex nor I really expected her to come down here and take up for us. I almost did a double take when Druex's mother walked over to me and hugged me with an uncomfortable air, but it was still the fact that she did it. The rest of the night was kind of a blur, we ate dinner, we actually talked, and somehow got out alive and still breathing. I thought it would be a long night it was quite short and enjoyable, they aren't as bad as I always thought, maybe we aren't as savage as they all want to believe.

       Not two hours later we were sitting on the bleachers at the park, this time I was laying on his shoulder his arm around my waist. I was in heaven, happy as hell, and finally finding that serene feeling of peace in my heart. Maybe even that old scar that Quentin had left, beginning to heal.

       I was looking up at the stars when Druex whispered, "The beginning of the end."

       "No," I whispered looking away from the sky and down at his hands, "the end of the beginning, this is only one chapter of many more in the book of life."

       "Can I ask you something personal?" Druex asked now playing with my hand as I glanced back up at the stars.

       My mind was in space and my heart was sleeping so soundly it seemed that nothing could cover the happiness I felt, "Yea."

       "Do you think Quentin's book was supposed to end so early? Like you know before his time." Druex whispered as I sat up threw my other leg over the bleacher so I was facing him.

       "I think...everyone's book is prewritten, we never know the next chapter nor the last chapter so really, yea, I think that was the end of his book but not his time. Time goes on and on everyday, his time isn't over until the memory of him is gone, and that I think goes for everyone." Lord knows I sounded like some crazy physic but that is exactly how I feel. Your time here, is your time here, some peoples time is longer than other peoples time, that's just life.

       Druex smiled at me, OK I know I made that sound like he never smiled at me but something about the ways he smiled at me this time got me thinking, he took my hand and replied sweetly, "That's really a good way to think of it."

       Now, I'm not going to go into details I'm just going to say the years past by, and they did so slowly. I'm not going to say we lived a modern day fairy-tale cuz that's just not possible but my days seemed like something straight out of a Disney movie. It definitely wasn't all smooth and slow rollin but it was easy enough to say I would never, if ever offered, rewrite these last couple of chapter of the book of my life.

       Judgment should be a considered a mortal sin, like murder, because so much can be ruined by judgment. Cream's thought coffee's were uncivilized and stupid, coffee's thought cream's where siditty and money hungry. Neither ever stopped to think they were exactly alike except the rocky exterior, and so preconceived judgment prevailed. Never in my life will I ever judge someone's book by their cover color, seems you can never get ahead with judgment, only backtracking in your own footsteps.

*Chapter Index