"Days Like This"

Chapter 2

       (Akilah POV)

       Our second PC in a week, we did have like 6 appearances before this today, may not sound like a lot but when they throw the same ole stuff at you every time, this ish is getting old. I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate these things. Not to mention that we are seated between four fine boys and one is really just flat out killa fione. The one with the braids...that's all Ima say bout that. But Dani is about to bust a nut over there by De'Mario, and lord knows all of us are ready to trip.

       We're all sat in a line with our names on little cards in front of us, me, Omari, Crystal, Jarell, Achana, Druex, Monica, De'Mario, and Danielle. It was like whoever put our names out knew about the tension between Danielle and De'Mario, and let me tell ya it's thick. They basically avoid each other at all cost, this morning when we all met at the hotel Danielle spent two hours in the bathroom getting ready then she spent another two hours in there avoiding him. And De'Mario isn't any better he gonna have the nerve to become so interested in the wallpaper any moment she was around.

       But anyways I'm counting down till this is over, we got 5 minutes, and some tall older looking woman was speaking, "When will the dates be released for the tour?"

       The one beside Achana, Jarell, looked up and I have to say he kinda cute, a little scrawny, but cute. He looked around a minute before answering, the way his eyes flew over Achana made me remember about Xavier, "They should be released by our PR (public relation) agents within the next month."

       Achana must've noticed the similarity cuz she was looking at him like she did Xavier, let me break Achana & Xavier down for ya'll. Xavier Johnson, 20, attends and plays football for Tennessee State University (the black college), 6'3, coffee skin, thick curly hair like Jarell's, thick all muscle, these dark mysterious eyes, and a smile that will unnerve you. He and Achana been together since high school and it seems like every time they talk, they argue, these days they don't agree on any damn thing.

       Now he's bitchin cuz we gonna be on tour with 4 niggas all summer and he don't like being that far away from her and all kind of shit. And it's got Chana stressin, cuz she love that nigga, at least she thinks she does, I don't think she loves Xavier I think she's attached. I think she gonna invite him to some shows since it's summer and he should be out of school. It's a stressful relationship that she doesn't need to be in, he so busy worrying about his football career that he forgets his girls' career is hard and stressful too.

       The tall woman sat down and was quickly replaced with a good looking dark skinned man, "How long have all of you known each other?"

       I don't know what did it but Danielle decided to speak for the first time, "For a while, we all do share the same record company, and some of us have known each other for a while now."

       We could tell by his close stance that he had another question, "Will your prior knowledge of each other make the tour an easy one?"

       De'Mario glanced at Danielle before he spoke and somethin about the way he looked at her reminded me of that movie, Love Jones, with Nia Long, "We know each other a little bit but not very much, just enough to be friends. A tour is never easy from the work stand point, just being with people you like and enjoy being around makes a tour a little easier. You can never be on tour with someone you can't stand, it takes too much out of you."

       Now if any of us didn't get that we are blind as hell, cuz that was too obvious! Now we all know something deep went down between them, exactly what none of us have figured out, we just act like we believe that stupid crap Dani fed us.

       Anyways after that question they ushered us outside where a few fans where but were being held back by some cops and ropes. We all smiled at them as we headed toward the black and blue Denali's. I had been waiting for this since we woke up, I love sleeping in the Denali, there is nothing like it. But, unfortunately, Ima have to wait till lata for that cuz we are supposed to be BONDING, so they split us up. It's me, the fine nigga Omari, Kris, and Druex in the blue truck. And Achana, Jarell, Danielle, De'Mario, and Monica in the black truck.

       It's gonna be along a day, I woke up at 4:30 this morning and it's only 10:30, I'm ready to eat and sleep that's all I want, but no one understands that. Damn, I'm sittin right beside Omari and I'm having a hard time not staring.

       He touches my hand before speaking in a soft low tone, now I'm staring, "You are Akilah right?"

       "Yea." I reply, trying my best not to sound rude, but I'm so tired and his pretty ass eyes aren't helping me.

       "You're the one who sings the solo on 'This Love'?" He went on not noticing my yawns were coming in right after another, if really wants my attention he needs to hand me a caffeine pill now.

       I was sorta surprised he knew that song since it was on our album and not released, "Yep that's me."

       He smiled and I swear it felt like I took a caffeine pill cuz I smiled right back at him with way too much damn energy, "That's my favorite song...," he stopped for a minute and before I knew it he was softly singing my solo, "There's no hope for today...I can't see my tomorrow... 'cause we are no longer in love...this love...your love, my love...used to be our love."

       You better believe when he sang that I was all attention, I maybe young but I'm not stupid, "You really like that song? I'm just surprised you even have the CD."

       Omari looked at me like I was slow, then he gave that teasing smile of his and said, "That's may favorite ballad on ya'lls album, don't look so surprised."

       "I'm sorry, no matter how long we've been in the spotlight it'll never seem real that people I used to admire enjoys our music." I replied wiping the last bits of sleep out of my eyes, damn I think I might get to like this guy, uh oh.

       (Monica POV)

       How they gon' split me and my best friend up? That's some ish, specially since she got Druex in her truck! OK, OK Ima let ya'll in on something only Achana and Akilah know, I've had the biggest crush on Druex, AKA Lil'Fizz, since B2K came out back when I was 14! Yea I know 4 years is along time but dang it just never went away! And I really wanted to get to know him but maybe it's just a weird case of puppy love.

       Anyways they got me sitting in the very back with Jarell and Achana, who is on the phone with Xavier, and the two dueling lovers in front of me. Man I'm bout ready to reach over and tell Xavier exactly what to stick up his ass if he don't leave her alone! But I can see Jarell is really noticing the look on her face at this moment, oh oh oh oh, maybe he likes her! That would be good, he's nice, Xavier's a jerk, he's cute, Xavier's too pretty for his own good, and he can sing, all Xavier can do is throw a damn ball.

       Out of no where Jarell looked over at me, "Who is she arguing with?"

       "Her man, Xavier, probably mad cuz we gonna be on tour when he play at the S.H.C., he better be glad if she even watches it."  I replied messing with the platinum tennis bracelet on my wrist, we all had one with our first initial on it, we got it the day our album went Gold in the USA, the next day we found out it went Gold in 24 other countries.

       Jarell looked at me kind of funny before he glanced back at Achana then back at me, "S.H.C.?"

       I almost laughed out loud, I forgot where he was from, "Oh yea, you from Cali...the Southern Heritage Classic, it's a football game that his school is playing in, he's a football player from TSU."

       "Oh OK." He replied looking down at his fingers before laying his head back, he still looked like he had something on his mind, but I wasn't going to push it.

       Danielle looked back, she was soo out of it by now I doubt she could tell difference between me or Aki, "Is Juan at the hotel yet?"

       I didn't even know where that came from cuz I know she really didn't care Juan was Crys' responsibility, "Um I think he sposed to be there before we get there."

    "Good...." She just trailed off, she looked away and I held my giggles in, something about the tension between them reminded me of something found in romance novels. You know by all the greats: Sandra Brown, Nora Roberts, Terry McMillian, and Nicholas Sparks. You know they novels that brings life into you otherwise boring life. Achana got me reading those sappy, sex-feasts of fun, hehe.

       "Why?" I asked actually not caring why she asked I just like to watch De'Mario act uninterested when really you can almost see his ears straining to hear our almost drowned out voices.

       See now Dani tryin to get slick on me, actin like I didn't see her look straight at him but anyways she turned back to me still doing that annoying thing where she bits on a piece of her hair when she's anxious, it drives me crazy, "Cuz you know what's gonna go down as soon as Crystal and Juan spot each other."

       "Oh yea, I most definitely will be in your room chillin tonight! I refuse to put up with that again!" I replied exhaling loudly noticing that Jarell was looking at Achana again, his eyes were on her legs which were highly visible because of her love for short blue Jean skirts. Ima have to talk to her about him or him about her something could happen.

       But what I need to do is get the best and the brightest persuasive speakers, Achana & Cyrstal, to talk to Dani, she is acting so childish, she didn't even act like this during high school. It's like now that De'Mario is around a piece of her personality that we never saw before is visible, like some of those demonic 4 year olds that ACT sweet but in reality are DEMONS sent from hell. She only acted like this when she was around De'Mario Monte Thorton, the love of her life and she can never seem to get away from that.

       Now let me tell you about Crystal, otherwise known as Kris, she's a lot like Achana 'cept she's not a perfectionist. She's just real laid-back, a down-ass chick, you know the type the real ones. The type who don't hold anything back, that's why she and Achana are the ones who deliver bad news. She's the type to take off her earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets tell her girl to hold them THEN beat the hell out of some skeeho. Not the type to fight over men but now when it comes to Kyjuan I think it's possible, he's one of a kind for her, the first man since her father to hold her attention for more than a week.

       And it's not hard to see that Crystal and Kyjuan REALLY care about each other but Crystal is starting to have those normal female doubts about it being all about sex. Honestly I can see why EVERY TIME they see each other they be bangin, it never fails, even if his plane leaves in 15 minutes he has to have a piece.  It's an other wise healthy relationship but sex just seems to dominate their to-do list. Well, they about to prove my point in about 5 minutes cuz we just pulled up to the hotel.

       (Achana POV - 2 Hours Later)

       That was the longest damn drive I've ever been on, specially since Xavier has found something else to bitch about. Sometimes I feel like the nigga in the relationship and he's the female, all he does is whine and complain! I thought that was my job? I'm about ready to give up this strained and painful relationship it's getting too much to handle as it is. But I need to stop worrying about my own problems cuz Crystal is laying on my bed looking like the world is against her...meaning she wants to talk.

       "So what happened?" I asked like I always have, never changing words or phrase, as soon I sat on the edge of the bed I could see it on her favorite subject. Kjuan.

       "It took 3.5 minutes to get our clothes off Na Na and we only whispered three words to each other before we ended up on the bed." She replied looking out the window with that faraway look in her eyes, I knew she was serious, these days he was the ONLY man who had gotten her attention enough to make her serious.

       "But ya'll haven't seen each other in months Kris." I replied biting my lip a bad habit of mine along with biting my nails and sucking my teeth.

       She looked up at me like 'aw naw', "Not the point maybe he would want to look at me a minute before he starts kissing on my neck. Not that I don't enjoy it, cause I do, he can lick the hell out of a neck, but it kind of feels like sex is all we have."

       "Ya'll have more than sex Kris, ya'll have a really good, healthy, relationship and the sex is just a HUGE plus. Because we both know he's the best you ever had...don't even stress it'll get better." I replied like I had the authority to give ANY kind of advice with my messed up relationship.

       A slow smile crept on to her face she had her moments where the naughty just seemed to stab the nice out of sight, "Oh yea my Juan is swinging some monsta d---- sorry Na Na...it's just it's hard to believe a nigga could have such big heat and know how to work it. "

       I couldn't so anything but laugh cuz she looked like she was reminiscing about her late afternoon activities with Juan, "Lord knows it's a miracle for some."

       Crystal laugh REALLY loud before hitting me in the arm trying to sound like she was really sorry, "Aww Na Na I'm sorry I forget that Xavier is...um how do I say this nicely? Not too good at laying his pipe."

       "Has never been good at laying the pipe, to my disappointment." I don't know why but we both broke out into uncontrollable giggles. Crystal is my best friend and even though she may have the worst moods out of all of us she still deserves the best, that's why I hope Juan wants more than a good hit out of her. And even though she gets the hot heat and I get the cold heat days like this are the best days we ever shared.

Lyrics: Glenn Lewis - "This Love" (c) 2002-2001

*Chapter 3