"Know What You Want"

(Sequel To Learn The Hard Way)

Ch. 7

Druex was staring at that picture when the phone rang, it took his a minute to answer it, "Fizz here?"

A moment later Monica's voice came over the line, "Hey, I just got home, and I decided to call and ask what went down. Cuz Britt just called me saying Brittney wasn't goin out wit us tonight."

Druex sat up laying the picture next to him, "She was goin out wit ya'll?"

"Yea, we had planned a ladies night and then Britt called from Brittney's house sayin it was gonna be one less, cuz Brittney had something she needed to do." Monica replied looking out her window into Druex's room, she had known her since the 7th grade when his family moved next door.

"I dunno what I said that would make her skip 'ladies night'." Druex replied looking down at the picture again. He smiled remembering that day, it was their nine month anniversary, and he had wanted to celebrate it but Brittney thought it was weird to celebrate a nine month anniversary. And they had play fought over it the whole day until she had agreed to at least let him take her to the fair.

"Maybe she was goin to see someone else, I dunno I was just wonderin. Anywayz how did this mornin go?" Monica said looking away from the mirror and back to herself in the mirror, she had to be at Kris's in 20 minutes.

"It went aiight, I said what I had to say, she listened. But I guess in the end she just gave up on me. Not surprising at all." Druex replied laying back on his bed again.

"Nigga I doubt that shit." Monica replied fixing the edges of her hair with glaze.

Druex sighed loudly looking up at his ceiling, "Why does everybody keep sayin that?"

"Because," Monica replied trying to get both of her sideburns to look the same, "how does a sweet female turn this hardcore playa into a lovin boyfriend? And then why would she take the time to do that and then give up on yo sorry ass? I've known you too long not to know that this is yo girl, from the point of her being yours, and you being hers. Ya'll care for each other too much to let some juvenile ish break ya'll up."

"You know I ask myself that all the time. I used to take pride in bein a love'em and leave'em type, until she came along, smiled and turned my whole world upside down. But that always leads me to why I actually cheated, it wasn't cuz I was drunk." Druex replied grabbing the picture and throwing it on the floor.

Monica laughed softly putting the top back on the glaze, "So you finally see that you cheated because you were scared of how Brittney made you feel? You were scared of fallin in love with her."

Druex raised his surprise, she had hit the nail on the head, "How'd you know?"

"You may be a sorry excuse for a playa now, but you are a good man. And all former playa's that fall in love have the same damn fear! Ask your boys, ask Rome, ask Chez, it's true she made you into the good man you knew you could always be." Monica replied quickly pulling the rest of her hair back.

Druex didn't say anything as she spoke again, "Hey D I gotta go, if I'm late Kris and Brittany will have my head so holla at you lata. Aiight?"

"Aiight One." Druex replied sitting up shaking the thoughts out of his head.

"One take care aiight." Monica said before putting down the phone.

"Aiight have a good time." Druex said hanging up the phone with a forlorn sigh, he fell back on his bed letting his eyes close.

-- Brittney --

She slowly walked up the walk to the front door, she was nervous out of her mind, she knocked twice, slowly. The door answered opened quickly, and she came face to face with Druex's little sister, Brooke.

Brooke smiled like a Cheshire Cat, she could see the look in Brittney's eyes, she knew why she was here, "Hey girl, come in."

Brittney stepped in the beautifully decorated home, that was in the middle of redecoration, "Hey Brooke, is D here?"

"He's up in his room." Brooke replied walking beside Brittney toward the stairs.

"Thanks," Brittney replied starting up the stairs be she stopped half way up them, "is your mom home?"

Brooke looked at her strangely, she didn't know why Brittney asked that, probably just an excuse to stall, "No, she and dad are at grandma's. Why?"

Brittney shook her slowly and walked up the stairs, "No reason I just wanted to see her."

Brooke smiled watching her walk down the hallway to the last door on the right and knock softly, she knocked again no answer, Brooke was standing on the last step, "Just go in he may be in the bathroom."

Brittney smiled and walked into Druex's room, he was laying across his bed sleep. She almost didn't want to wake him up, so she just closed his door softly, picked up the picture of them, and laid next to him caressing his cheek. She had always loved to watch him sleep, he always looked so cute, so innocent, and lovable. When he was sleep you could see the youthfulness joy on his face, most of the time, not this time you could see the sadness take over his childlike features. She kissed his cheek, he must not have been in that deep of a sleep because his eyelids came fluttering open.

Druex looked at her surprised, "Brittney."

Brittney smiled a little watching his eyes struggle to stay open, "Can I ask you some questions? And if I'm right about you the answers to all these questions will be yes."

Druex yawned, turned on his side like Brittney, and leaned his head on his hand, "Yea."

Brittney licked her lips before asking the first question, "Do you love Flamin Hot Cheetos?"

"Yea." Druex smiled finally seeing that she took his idea.

"Do you like Playstation 2?" Brittney asked biting her lip, hoping he could see where she was going with this.

"Yep." He replied playing with her fingers, watching her eyes look him over.

Brittney took a deep breath before asking the next question, "Did you really mean it when you said you loved me?"

Druex stared straight into her eyes a moment before answering, "Yes."

Brittney gave a small breathless smile, "Do you believe I love you too."

Druex bit his lip a moment, then tighten his grip on her hand, "Yes."

"Can you wait for me?" She asked taking her hand from him so she could run it over his face.

"Yes." Druex whispered kissing her hand as it passed his lips.

Brittney smiled, that same smile that had made him love her in the first place, "Will you be mine again."

Druex's smiled fell as he wrapped his arms around her, "No...only if you'll have me again."

Brittney sighed a sigh of relief as he pulled her close to him, touching her lips for the first time in almost two weeks, she kissed him back with such urgency she couldn't stop herself. Druex traced her bottom lip with his tongue before pulling back, "I love you so much pretty girl."

Brittney smiled on his lips, they still hadn't pulled away far enough so their lips wouldn't touch, "I love you too, just don't forget I'm scared too. I've never felt this way, you know."

"I know, one day I'm show you heaven. I promise." Druex whispered kissing her again, holding her tighter, he didn't think he could get any happier. She was in his arms again, right where she belonged.

"You leave me breathless already, I don't think I could handle your heaven." Brittney replied closing her eyes, she forgot about Akira, she forgot about the pain, and she just thought about the tingling that was going up and down her spine.

Druex let her so she could lay her head on a pillow next to him, "Don't worry about that, all I wanna do is love you right."

Brittney smiled as he laid his head on the pillow next to hers, and they just laid there staring into the each other's eyes. She laughed before whispering, "I'm glad you let me go, you almost broke a rib."

Druex laughed hitting her on the arm, "No I didn't missy, you shouldn't be so short."

They never gave up on each other, they never stopped dreaming of each other, and now it's another happy ending.  Boy loves girl, girl loves boy, what other way should it be? Mistakes are made but it's all ways up to you to forgive them. Failing to forgive can mean the loss of a lot of things in life, and happiness being one of them.

=== END

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