"Learn The Hard Way"

Ch. 3

"What was that nigga?" Jarrell asked jumping on the chair with the huge ottoman (thing put your feet on) right in front of it.

Dreux tried to shake the goosebumbs away but they wouldn't go, "What was what?"

Jarrell just laughed at he friend, he was actin real obvious, "Don't fake it D, you had my best friend pinned to the door and yo' lips were seconds away!"

"I don't know J, when she turned around and smiled at me I couldn't move dog." Druex frowned biting his lip looking mad.

"Aww, dog what's wrong wit you?" Jarrell asked looking at his best friend like he was crazy.

"J, I can't let no female get me like that, specially not a female like Brittney." Druex said going back to that pig headed conceited playa Jarrell thought he had gotten rid of.

Meanwhile with Brittney she was in the kitchen drinking water and breathing slowly. She turned on the radio to try to calm herself down and the song was Britney Spears, lord knows she wasn't a fan but this song caught her attention:

But when your eyes say it
That's when I know that it's true
I feel it
I feel the love coming through
I know it
I know that you truly care for me
'Cause it's there to see
When your eyes say it

It was something about the way Druex's eyes were glued to her when they were up against the door, it did something to her. His smile left her faint, his cologne made her weak, and his smile made her stomach do backflips. But his eyes they wouldn't leave her mind, something was there and it wasn't playfulness, it was something else. Lord knows she wanted to kiss him, but big mouth Jarrell just had to say something. Brittney wanted to kiss those beautiful lips, and she could tell he wanted the same thing.

And the words that they say take my breath away
No song ever sounded so sweet
I love every word that they say to me

Brittney reluctantly walked out the kitchen, down the hall and to the den but stopped when she heard them talking, she knew they had over heard her conversation with Romeo so she wanted to kind of get them back.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Jarrell asked pissed that Druex was being like this, it was like they took two steps forward Druex would turn and take two steps back.

"Shit, Boog it means I can't get involved wit somebody like Brittney, I don' told you that nigga." Druex said harshly, Brittney gasped as her breath got caught in her throat, she didn't think Druex was like that. She was seriously thinking of forgetting Jerome seriously for better things.

"Druex but you said outside -- shit fuck it Druex you gon' learn, I don' told you gon' learn. You want her, I know you do but you frontin and fakin so Ima warn you one mo' time don't sneak yo' way into her heart and hurt her cuz if you do Ima be on you ass and a lot mo' and bigga niggas than me gon' be on yo' sorry playa wannabe ass." Jarrell replied looking away at the screen which was repeating the DVD intro to Love & Basketball.

Brittney bit her tongue so nothing would slip from her eyes or her mouth she silently walked over to the couch and sat down not saying a word. "Druex could you switch with Rell?"

"Yea." He said and he and Jarrell switched seats before pushing play. Brittney laid hear head in Jarrell's lap and he played with her hair. Jarrell knew she over heard them, but Druex didn't, through the whole movie, he kept glancing at her when a part would make her smile or laugh, he could see himself where Jarrell was. And he felt himself grow kind of jealous of Jarrell and Jerome thinkin they both had those kinds of moments with her, what he wanted too.

Brittney looked up at Jarrell when he tapped her shoulder, he whispered something about wanting to stretch out. So he laid behind her on the couch with his arms wrapped around her, he almost wondered why he never tried to talk to his best friend but then he thought these moments wouldn't be this good. Jarrell saw the look on Druex's face when he stretched out behind her, you couldn't make him believe any of that shit Druex had said. 'To bad Bri heard some of it though' he thought as Druex shook his head obviously fighting his want to say something.

After the movie was over they sat in silence, all thinking about the same thing, when Brittney looked back at Jarrell, "I need to talk to you alone."

They stood up and walked out the door Jarrell turned back to Druex, "Hey listen to the radio we need to talk."

"Yea." Dreux replied as Jarrell turned on the radio, and left Duex to his thoughts.

Druex sat there not moving not till he heard a Glenn Lewis song come on:

Beautiful Eyes
Something 'Bout The Way You Look At me
Making Me Feel Like This Is
A Love For All Time
Beautiful Eyes
Something In Your Eyes
Has Got Me Hypnotized That I
Wanna Stay In This Dream For Life

His mind went back to the first time he saw her smile that morning in the hall, but what he really couldn't shake out his mind was the way her eyes gleamed when she touched his hair for the first time that morning when they were talking. He knew what he wanted but he didn't know if he could change his ways. The song went on and Druex just became even more confused it was like Angel Fizz and Devil Fizz were sitting on his shoulder.

Brittney was something he used to dream about, she was a perfect imperfection, the kind of girl he used to want. Well, until he got to 7th Grade and he started to notice that getting some girls to do what he wanted, ans it wasn't hard at all. And that the girls like Brittney were better left off as friends, females to respect, like yo' mama and sisters and stuff.

Jarrell and Brittney were in the kitchen sitting at the bar listening to the music from the radio, when Jarrell looked up, "Bri you know he didn't mean what he said."

Brittney rolled her eyes, "He's just like Jerome, a playa forever and as long they don't hurt or get too attached everything is fine. They never worry how they words hurt other people, even if they don't mean it."

"So you like my boy huh?" He asked kind of like how he asked Druex earlier.

Brittney looked down at her manicured fingers, "I could have liked yo' boy Rell, but yo' boy ain't my type and I'm not his type."

Jarrell poked out his lips and raised his eyebrow, doing Brittney's attitude face, "Bri don't play, don't fake it."

Brittney laughed throwing a cloth napkin at his face, "The face only works with me!"

They were laughing and stuff when Jarrell sat next to her, "Bri, he feelin you, I promise he just weird."

"Jerome is weird too and I ain't doin it again and I know you heard me today, I know you did." Brittney replied looking at Jarrell, speaking truth.

Before Jarrell could reply Druex walked in the strangest look on his face, "Is this a private party or can I join?"

"Shoot sit down nigga." Jarrell replied tapping Brittney on the leg as Druex took a seat.

Druex looked around and his eyes caught Brittney's and her eyes were different, cold, upset, disappointed, nothin like they were earlier. He was about to say something when the phone rang, "Hello?"

"Britt what this Xabo (Xavier) say about you & some punk ass nigga at da house?" Her big brother Jayson asked mad through the phone, maybe Jayson was caught up with the wrong people, maybe he wasn't a good guy but he loved his family specially his little sister. And the last thing he wanted was her laid up like some of the hoes he dealt with.

Brittney sighed and Turned back at Jarrell and Druex who making faces at each other, trying to talk without speaking, "Jay, Xa just lying he just a friend and Rell over here too, we ain't alone."

"Ma out of town that's what you call alone! Rell ain't no betta but I know his lil ass but I don't know that otha punk so I don't trust him wit you. And Xabo say he called you his girl, what happened to Jerome?" Jayson asked all up in her business as usual.

Brittney rolled her eyes getting Jarrell and Druex's attention, "Look Jay, he was just trying to get Xa up off me aiight, no need to bring up Jerome. You know tha business there."

"Whateva let me talk to Rell." Jayson said not believing her.

She looked at Jarrell, "Rell this nigga wanna talk to you!"

He took the phone, "Wat up Jay."

Jayson didn't reply the greeting, "Rell who this punk that got his hands on Britt?"

He laughed and looked at Druex and Brittney who were both trying not to look at each other, "That's just my boy Jay, and he ain't have his hands on Bri you know I ain't havin that."

"You betta not be, shit I thought I taught that girl right, you just betta warn yo' friend me and Xa gon be ova there in a lil bit, so you betta call so mo niggas or keep that punk up off her till I can meet his ass. You feel me lil niggy?" Jayson said meaning every word of it, the only nigga Jayson would be OK with being up on his little sister was Jerome and them he could only do so much.

"I feel you, I feel you. One." Jarrell said.

"One." And they hung up the phone.

Brittney looked up at Rell, "So what he say?"

"We betta call O and Mario, Marq, Kelton, Rome somebody cuz he and Xa gon' be back ova here so he can see Druex." Jarrell said sitting down beside them, then out of no where jumped up and mumbled something about too much food and ran off to the bathroom.

All that was left was the radio, Druex, and Brittney in silence until Druex spoke, "I hope yo brotha ain't pissed at you."

Brittney gave a little half smile, "Don't sweat it, he'll be aiight."

"I was trying to help, you know. But as usual I made it worse, hey I'm sorry." Dreux replied looking at her, and something at the way his eyes had a guilty look made her heart melt. It made her forget what he had said.

Brittney moved over a chair right beside him, "Dreux it's not that serious." But she knew he had another meaning to his apology.

He didn't say anything, again they were left in that position where they were tested, and this time Druex spoke, "I want to."

"Why don't you?" Brittney replied as he got closer and he played with her fingers.

Dreux intertwined their fingers and his chocolate eyes swept over her, "I can't, b-but I want to so bad." As he caressed her cheek, her eyelashes fluttered as she could feel her temperature rise.

Jarrell tried to warn them but before he could get a word in four niggas walked up and in the kitchen and one of them was Xavier. The first one was visibly steaming, was tall Carmel skinned, big brown eyes, with cornrows like Allen Iverson, he was like 6'2 and he said nothing as Brittney nor Druex noticed anybody in the room.

"So this is da punk huh? Back up Britt, damn!" Jayson said loudly as Brittney and Druex jumped simultaneously

She shook her head as she smiled at her brother and glared at the other three niggas, "Hey Jay."

"You can't speak Britt?" The other three who were Jayson's closest boys, Xavier, Leon, and Marlon. Leon and Marlon were both dark skinned, with Marlon having deep brown eyes, and Leon with bright gray contacts. Marlon had semi 'Kobe Bryant' Afro, and Leon had amazing waves.

Brittney turned up her nose, "Wat up, Xavier, Leon, Marlon. Jay what you doin here?"

"See what my lil'sis lied to me about. Rell is this yo' friend?" Jayson replied looking back Jarrell.

"Yea, this is Druex Fredricks, Dreux this is Brittney's brother Jayson Parker," Jarrell said standing behind Brittney and Xavier kept giving him looks and he added, "and that's Xavier Anderson you met him, Leon Boyd, and Marlon Murphy."

Druex looked at all them and then back at Brittney, "Wat up."

Brittney looked up at her brother, "Boy I ain't lie about nothin."

"Yea whateva, you said he was just a friend the way he was all up in yo' grill didn't look like a friend. You and Rell don't do that shit." Jayson replied glaring at Druex.

Jarrell pushed Jayson and Brittney together, "I think ya'll need to talk."

"Yea." Jayson said grabbing her arm, Xavier, Leon, and Marlon walked out on the Patio and sat down and became their loud ghetto selves again.

Jarrell sat in front of Druex, "I thought you said nothin happened?"

"Nothin did happen! Why didn't you warn me that they were here?" Druex replied trying to keep his voice down.

"Nigga first I didn't think that would happen again, and second of all how I'm gon' keep somebody out of they own house?" Jarrell replied biting his lip.

Brittney sat down on the couch beside Jayson and he wasn't happy, "So is that yo' new nigga or what? Cuz if he just tryin to bone I ain't havin that."

"Jay he is not my new nigga, he just a friend like I told you. We not messin around or nothin." She replied biting on her pinkie finger.

Jay sat up and looked at his little sister, who he would do anything for, "But the way he looked at you, he wants to be more than yo, friend Britt you can't get caught up. I thought you promised me that you would always be honest to me, and yourself Britt. What happened to that?"

"I am being honest Jay." Brittney replied not really knowing where this was going, as she grew up her parents stressed education, and her sister stressed being strong and independent, but she brother always taught her always be honest and not to fall for niggas games cuz he knew them all.

"Yea an honest-tramp-ass-hoe! I know that nigga, I know how his mind works, he real tight with Jerome'nem. Rome don' told me how he work, and Britt don't think I don't know cuz I don' played the same game. And if he ain't tryin to be with you and respect you he ain't worth it. You belong with Rome, I know it, and everything gone work out, you ain't gotta do nothin stupid with some nigga you don't even know. And if Rome don't work out, Rell is always gon' be you boy forever." Jayson replied tapping her leg, Brittney couldn't remember when Jayson had ever steered her wrong, but this time she didn't agree with him.

"Jayson! I didn't fuck him, hell I didn't even kiss him! Everything I had with Jerome is over, Jayson I need to make mistakes to learn. But I promise I ain't gon' end up like Isabelle damn." She said widening her eyes he was taking this A LITTLE too serious. Their sister Isabelle had ended up pregnant year before last, and it almost ruined her college career.

"I know that, but you wanted to kiss him, and that will only lead you to where some of dem hoes I be with are at. Britt, you too good for that." Jayson said hugging her, he loved his little sister and seeing her get caught up wasn't something he wanted.

"OK, Jayson look I promise you he doesn't see me like that, and whatever you think almost happened today won't happen again." Brittney replied hugging him back.

They walked to the hall where they could see into the kitchen and she saw Druex and Jarrell talking. Druex looked up and noticed her standing there and a little grin crossed his face, and she just kind of blushed. Jayson looked at Druex and then at Brittney and said, "OK, let's make a deal I can see a lil attraction here, so you do nothin with him. Kiss, or stuff like that, until ya'll hook up so if ya'll don't, please don't touch him like that. Deal bug?"

"Deal," She said as they linked arms and walked into the kitchen, "Ima go holla at you weak ass friends." Brittney said as she walked out the door to go talk to Leon, Xavier, and Marlon.

Jayson stood in front of Jarrell and Druex, "Holla at ya'll lata, nice meetin you Druex. Rell watch Britt she ain't feelin to good."

"Yea." Jarrell said as Jayson walked out the door, to see her standing next to Leon, the only friend of his she ever got along with.

"Look I'll see ya'll lata huh." She said hugging her big brother.

"Bye bug!" Leon, Xavier, and Marlon yelled as they jumped in Jayson's jag.

"Bye dumb-asses." Brittney yelled back.

"Bye, be good girl." He said and walked down the drive way down to his new Jag.

As Jayson's brand new light green Jaguar drove away she stood out and looked out at the stars. It had been a long day, and it wasn't getting any better, she was tired and tomorrow would be a longer day she had to baby sit her sister Isabelle's baby boy while she was at work.

She heard a voice behind her, "Hey what yo' thinkin about?"

"How I'm goin crazy." Brittney replied turned around and smiled at her best friend.

"Aw, you not goin crazy, you just confused." Jarrell smiled back grinning at her.

"Ha. Well, I'm tired I got a lot to do tomorrow like keep a year old baby all day long tomorrow. So Ima go take a long bath, I mean like an hour and a half." She sighed booty bumbin him.

"Yea well me and Druex finna go back on ova to my house, see you tomorrow." Jarrell said kissing her cheek and walking back over to his house.

Just as she walked into her back door she ran into Druex, "Well bye."

Druex got closer to her, so close he was right over her, she was looking up and his hands found her hips, "Bye."

"Yea." Brittney replied as Jarrell screamed 'Fizz hurry yo ass up!'

Druex smiled and let her go, running out the door, she smiled and laid back on the door just now noticing the song on the radio.

Some people will work things out
And some just don't know how to change

Let's don't wait till the water runs dry
We might watch our whole lives pass us by
Let's don't wait till the water runs dry

We'll make the biggest mistake of our lives
Don't do it baby

Now they can see the tears in our eyes
But we deny the pain that lies deep in our hearts
Well maybe that's a pain we can't hide
Cause everybody knows that we're both torn apart

Why do we hurt each other
Why do we push love away

Brittney sighed and shook her head, running up the stairs, nothing was going to change Saturday's never did. She would have to deal with Jerome tomorrow all day and remember nothing could ever happen between her and Druex, it wouldn't work, she wasn't his type.

(c) Britney Spears - 'When Your Eyes Say It', Glenn Lewis - 'Beautiful Eyes', & Boyz II Men - 'Water Runs Dry'

Chapter 4