"Popular Thug II: Beautiful Disaster"


"He drowns in his dreams
An exquisite extreme I know
He’s as damned as he seems"
"And if I try to save him
My whole world could cave in"

       "Daddy I can't stay here too much longer, I really think it's a good idea for me to take that transfer." Brittney said sitting on the edge of Joe Anderson's desk, looking at him with eyes of a woman who had been through too much in her twenty-three years of life.

       "Why? So you can go run off and leave me all alone? It's been pretty lonely at home since you moved out." Joe sighed, throwing some files into a drawer not even looking at them, it had been two years since he had investigated anybody of importance. All in all the last two years time, and age, had caught up with him.

       "I know daddy, I know, but staying here is nothing but cold showers and persistant nightmares. It's time for me to go." She said looking out the window trying to avoid the courthouse which was situated convienantly in front of her father's office window.

       Joe's eyes avoided the woman pain had molded, before asking, "Where would they send you?"

       "Anywhere, I don't know really, all I know is it is way past time for me to say goodbye to this place." Brittney sighed pushing her bangs out of her eyes.

       "And me too, huh?" Joe replied looking down at his desk, he knew their relationship would never be the same after everything that happened.

       Brittney looked at her father a moment before answering, "Honestly, yes."

       Joe sat down in front of the plexiglass and picked up the phone that was connected to the other side, "Druex."

       "Joe," Druex replied staring at the man who had worked so hard to put him where he was. "What do you want?"

       "To tell you Brittney's leaving today," Joe replied calmly looking at the man who loved his daughter.

       Druex looked away from Joe at the mention of her name, "Where?"

       "California I believe, I don't know where but she seems pretty determined to go and not come back," Joe answered seeing the anguish in Druex's eyes.

       Joe knew there was a lot left behind between his daughter and the man who sat in front of him, Druex's replied came softly, like a child's, "She, uh, she OK? You know?"

       "Yea," Joe replied nodding his head. "She's doing as well as can be expected. She's growing her hair out, she got a top notch job with a beauty line corporation and she's makin good money."

       Druex hesitated momentarily before asking his next question, "Is there someone in her life?"

       Joe smiled at the young man who thrived off the very memory of his daughter, "No."

       Druex gave a sigh of relief before smiling himself, "Then please give her a message for me. 'Always in my heart, the best thing that ever happened to me'."

       "Is that all?" Joe asked as he realized their meeting was coming to a close.

       "That's all, thanks Joe." Druex replied before two gaurds directed Joe toward the door.

       Druex sat there a moment thinking about her, she was still the woman of his dreams. But he also knew what was expected of him. A take over of the whole West Coast the moment he stepped out of Jail. It was expected of him, he needed to put her out of mind and do his job. Three years until he could get out on Parole and he was waiting, biding his time, until he could get out.

       He kept wondering was she going to LA but the more he entertained the thought the more he'd realized that no matter what, they just couldn't be. And he knew that for her, it was just better that way, as the guard escorted him out of the room he whispered to himself, "Yea, it's just better that way."

"His magical myth
As strong as what I believe"
"A tragedy with
More damage than a soul should see"

*Chapter 1