
Ch. 4

---- Later That Day - Mario ----

       He sat in his chair, looking at Danielle who was looking for a peppermint in her purse, he couldn't seem to take his eyes off of her. He watched her gently move her hair from her eyes, she finally, tired of searching, looked up at him.

       Danielle stared back for a minute trying not to say something she would regret, "What Mario?"

       "Dani, I was just thinking about Homecoming night." Mario replied with a smile, Danielle bit her lip looking away like that meant nothing to her.

       "Oh, really? There were so many, and all were fun too." She replied throwing away her trash from lunch, still refusing to met his eyes.

       Mario stood up and got in her path looking into her eyes replying with a grin, "Oh, Danielle, don't play games, you know which one I'm talking about. Sophomore year, right after the dance, you know the rest."

       Danielle knew the rest indeed, she would never forget that moment for the rest of her life. I mean who forgets the night they lost their virginity?

       Mario held her hand as they walked up the hill, laughing at her because her hills were not permitting her to do very much, she looked gorgeous in her silver Homecoming Dance Dress, her 'Homecoming Court' sash blowing in the wind.

       "Stop laughing nigga!" Danielle yelled as Mario and her finally got to the place they wanted to sit at.

       Mario made a face and pulled her closer to him, "Aw, don't get upset, it's just funny how you look beautiful with the heels and the dress, but you can't walk in them."

       Danielle rolled her eyes at him, getting comfortable as he draped his black tuxedo jacket over her, "Shut up Mario, they weren't meant to be comfortable."

       "Women. It's always about being beautiful rather than comfortable." He replied as she laid back on him, the moon soft rays illuminated they whole area, making her look more like a dream to him.

       Danielle laughed looking around at the surroundings, memories of late night talks with Mario filled her mind, almost making her unable to reply him sarcastically, "Men. If women were always dressed comfortably you wouldn't want us."

       Mario smiled as she looked up at him, and decided to catch her lips for the very first time with a kiss. Her lips felt like a warm heaven, a need, a temptation grew within him to feel the very depths of her soul. He couldn't stop himself as the kiss grew deeper and deeper as the moments went by.

       They finally pulled away and just stared into each others eyes, neither had went farther than that and both felt that yearning, that lust that they had felt so many times before but never this intense.

       Mario slowly pulled one of the dress straps off her shoulder and looked at her for permission, she sat there for a minute then whispering softly, "Mario, it's OK."

       He kissed her shoulders and slowly laid her back on the soft grass, her eyes only left his once to look up at the stars, as the night she would never forget unfolded.

Danielle tried to keep the feeling she had from showing in her eyes so she looked away from him, "Why are thinking about that night?"

       "Because you are in silver and your hair is pulled back exactly like it was that night." Mario replied caressing her cheek just he had that night, she felt her temperature rise as she fought the temptation to kiss him.

       Danielle raised her eyebrows surprised she didn't even remember what her hair looked like that night, "Mario...don't do this now."

       Mario did kiss her, unleashing his lust for her in one moment, he had forgotten his girlfriend in one moment, "Do what?"

       "That," Danielle replied acting like that kiss was nothing but he knew her, "we agreed that since you are pretty serious with Talia none of that would happen again."

       "I know that, it just slips my mind when I'm with you sometimes." He replied falling back into his chair with a loud sigh.

       Danielle picked up her purse, biting her lips thinking of how she should say this, "Then for the sake of your relationship maybe we shouldn't be this close for a while."

       Mario stood up with that comment, he didn't want time away from her, matter-of-fact he would rather be away from Talia than her, "Dani what are you talking about?"

       "Don't be ignorant Mario, too much temptation is involved when we are alone, and we both know that. I don't want you to become like these other men cheating and stuff, I don't want to be the other woman, and I definitely don't want to put Talia in that spot anymore." Danielle replied walking over to him, giving him a slow kiss on the cheek before heading to the door.

       Mario shook his head in agreement he hadn't thought of all that, "Not to long OK, call me when you feel it's OK."

       "I will, bye Mario." Danielle said smiling before walking out of his office.

       Mario plopped on his chair, his face twisted in confusion, he didn't know what was going on in his head. He didn't understand why the temptation had to escalate at the very moment Jarrell came back into Talia's life. He didn't understand why he dreamt of Danielle every night and not the girl he laid beside.

       "Shit, why now?" Mario said aloud to no body im-particular, with a loud sigh.

---- Later That Day - Talia's Office ----

     Druex sat beside Talia listening to her read the errors in the contract that Kiara had written up for an account for Old Navy, Jarrell was in the chair in front of her desk staring at her. He wasn't listening, he was just looking at her, his mind thinking of one thing, the past.

     Talia felt a little uncomfortable under his obvious stare, but she continued to read the contract, using her read pen to underline where the changes needed to be. She looked up wanting to make him advert his stare, "Jarrell, is there any other changes that need to be made before we send this?"

     Jarrell blinked a few times, getting his thoughts together, "Um no it's fine what you have done.

     Druex laughed at the obvious lack of interest Jarrell was showing, until his phone rang, he pulled the cell out of his pocket looking at the Caller ID. It was Evone, he answered quickly, "Yea boo."

---- Ten Minutes Earlier - Evone ----

     Evone sat on her couch eating a hot dog, drinking a coke, and reading the new Vibe magazine.

       She was reading an article on some rap artists longevity her phone rang, she glanced at the caller ID it said 'K & A. Incorporated', she immediately thought it was Druex, "Hello?"

       "Is this Evone Lopez?" A sultry female voice asked over the phone, making Evone wonder.

       "Yes, may I ask who is this?" Evone replied wondering why a woman would be calling her from this number.

       "All you need to know is Kiara, and I have some info on Druex that you ought to know. And you know who I am talking about so lets not go there OK." The voice replied rudely.

       The way the woman said it she knew Druex wasn't hurt so went on, "Then Kiara, say what you need to say so I can go on with my day."

       Kiara replied quickly, "OK, Evone lets get something straight, after he took your little plain, celibate ass home he came to my house and you know what went down. He may love you but he's fuckin me, so let's get something straight bitch he may have said he didn't want me anymore but I'm gonna get him, even if it means trapping him to do it. And he won't have the heart to hurt his precious Evone."

       Evone didn't like the way this woman, who didn't know her from a hoe on the street, was talking to her, "Look, trick, hoe, bitch, Kiara whatever your name is! Whatever you had it was nothing, he loves me, and you were just a good fuck. So you can get the fuck away from him, and his bank account."

       "Well, he wanted to fuck me." Kiara replied trying to get it together, she hadn't expected this from her.

       Evone laughed long and harshly, she was pissed at Druex but she wasn't about to let this hoe see her sweat, "You opened your legs, he's a man what do you expect? Druex certainly isn't gay sweetheart, he, like every other man in the world, will never refuse free space to stick their dicks."

       Kiara was quiet for a minute, she thought for a minute before saying, "Well, anyway I thought you ought to know. Good Bye."

       "Oh yea trick, don't call my house trying to start some shit between me and my man anymore. Cause you or no other bitch is gonna come between me and my man, so step back before you get you hoe ass beat. Bye." Evone replied her attitude hitting the walls, she was pissed at Druex but no female was gonna step to her and try to disrespect her or her man.

       She slammed the phone down, took a deep breath, and picked the phone up dialing the familiar numbers. Kiara wasn't gonna see her sweat, but Druex was.

---- Ten Minutes Later - Druex ----

     "Don't yea boo me, nigga who is this girl you been bonein?" Evone asked her Puerto Rican temper getting the best of her.

     Druex excused himself from Talia and Jarrell and stepped out into the hall, "What Evone?"

     "Don't play innocent! Who is Kiara, Druex?" Evone replied shaking in anger, she wanted the truth and she wanted it right then.

     Druex's eyes opened wide as Kiara walked by smiling, he wasn't gonna let her see the damage, he replied sweetly, "Vone, baby, meet me at Dilemma, at 5 and we can have this conversation."

     "OK, OK, " Evone replied calming herself down, "I know that hoe is around, so OK see you then Druex."

     Druex was about to say something when she hung up the phone, he glared at Kiara like nothing was wrong, laughing at her change of expression. He wanted to kill that girl, he didn't understand what the hell she was trying to pull. But that little hoe would not know what hit if she tried this again.

       He then walked back into Talia's office his mind going everywhere, wondering exactly how it happened it, how Kiara told Evone about them. He shook his head as Talia and Jarrell looked up both wanting to ask what happened.

---- Later - The End of the Workday ----

Jarrell watched Talia pack up of her papers silently, he watched her bite her lip, looking over each paper before she threw it into her briefcase. Her hair was still down, following her every move, she eventually looked up and neither said anything as again their minds went back yesterday.

       "Beautiful is not the word for you Lia." Jarrell whispered as he held her in his arms.

       Talia looked at him strangely not understanding him, "What do you mean Rell?"

       Jarrell put his fingers through her hair kissing her forehead, "I mean sometimes I watch you move, talk, smile, hell sometimes breath. And you are more than beautiful, and Lia I can't fully describe it."

       "I'm not to prettiest girl in the world Rell." Talia replied tracing his abs slowly wit her index finger, only recognizing his body by the moonlight that was coming in through the window.

       "To me you are Lia, it's weird how I feel for you, like if I ever lost you my whole world would turn upside down." He replied straight from his heart, little did they know all the happiness wouldn't last.

       Talia inhaled deeply smelling the body wash that over took her nose, "Jarrell Damonte Houston, you have too much charm for you own good."

       He laughed looking at her closed eyes and then at the clock, it was almost 3 in the morning, "It's not charm, it's truth Lia, just truth."

       "I love you." Talia replied looking up as he kissed her softly, making the tiny hairs on her neck rise.

       "I love you to Lia, now go to sleep." He whispered quietly as she snuggled deep into his embrace, he didn't lie he really did love her more than anyone alive at that very moment, and that would never disappear.

Jarrell looked away quickly, his mind not comprehending the memory he couldn't forget, he knew she was thinking of it, "It's was so long ago."

       "We were young, and naive." Talia replied quickly as they walked out of her office locking the door.

       "But truly in love." He replied pushing the elevator button, still not meeting her eyes.

       "Sometimes the truest love can't stop the people that it believes in." Talia replied as they stepped on to the elevator.

       Jarrell finally looked up, and straight into her chocolate eyes, "Sometimes those who believe in love don't believe it could last forever."

       "Then love makes liars out of those who can't fight for it." She replied looking away from him. They stood like that with the slight movement from the elevator until they reached the bottom floor.

Chapter 5