
Ch. 6

---- Wedding Day  ----

The wedding was being held behind Brittany's parent's huge house, the backyard was full with family and friends who were sitting and waiting. Marques was still getting ready in the den, with all his best men, he was nervous yet happy but every now and then he would catch sight of Jarrell who standing in the corner fixing his tie with Druex.

And all the women were upstairs with Brittany as she rushed around trying to get ready, Talia was watching Brittany put on jewelry and her veil, to her Vera Wang orginal, when she noticed Danielle walk out the room. Talia looked at herself in the mirror, made sure the sky blue dress looked neat, and made sure her hair was perfect before following Danielle.

As Talia stepped out of the room she spotted Danielle looking beautiful while she looked out the window, "Hey Dani."

Danielle looked back smiling, but she saw the same look in her eye that she saw in De'Mario's eyes, "Hey Talia."

"Umm I just wanted to ask you what happened between you and Mario?" Talia asked standing in front of Danielle.

Danielle averted her eyes trying not to look her straight in the eye, "I um nothing, we just had a little argument."

Talia laughed to herself as she watched Danielle have an argument with herself, "Oh, I just know he loves you so much, and I know he wouldn't do anything to hurt you purposely. I mean we had a talk last night and we decided that everything would be better if we could be with who we really loved."

Danielle turned her dark eyes to Talia looking surprised and confused, "What are saying Talia? Ya'll broke up?"

"Yea, and he told me he loved you, but hell I already knew that." Talia smiled as Danielle turned to walk away looking as elated as the heavenly skies.

Danielle walked a few steps before turning back to Talia, "Talia can I ask you a question?"

"Yea." Talia relied leaning on the huge wood table in front of the window.

"How did you ever live without the man you loved?" Danielle asked pushing a strand of stray hair out of her face.

Talia thought a moment before she answered, "I guess I never really did he was always on my mind."

"Yea." Danielle replied as she walked down the stairs searching for De'Mario having something in mind.

Evone had just walked out the room, and Talia had turned back to the window her mind thinking about the long night she had last night, when Druex and Jarrell had walked up the stairs. Evone ran over to Druex trying to get him to leave Jarrell alone.

Evone pulled on his arm trying to get him to go in the other room, "Druex come on leave them alone."

"Why?" Druex whined as he struggled against Evone, he wanted to see Jarrell and Talia actually NOT fight.

"Come on Druex, they need a little moment to themselves." Evone replied finally getting him to move to the other room.

"Well, don't you just look beautiful." Jarrell replied standing next to Talia who shook her head as she looked over at him.

"Well, thank you, how you are you this beautiful day?" She asked looking at him, she was thinking he looked gorgeous in that suit.

"Fine thank you, I was just wanted to tell you thank you for last night. I really appreciate that Lia." Jarrell replied not moving his eyes from hers, honestly he wanted to kiss her, but he didn't want to push her.

Talia gave a knowing grin before answering him, she was happy because he had just called her Lia, she hadn't heard that in forever it seemed like. "Well, I hope that's not the last time we have such a good time together."

"No, it won't be." Jarrell replied as the wedding planned came running up the stairs announcing that the bride should be down the aisle in 3 to 5 minutes, so that meant the bridesmaids should be going down the aisle now.

"It's time to walk partner." Talia smiled taking his arm as they stepped toward the stairs, Jarrell could have squealed like a little girl when she got that close him.

---- A Couple Of Minutes Earlier  ----

Danielle walked down the stairs quickly, her hair flying behind her, her face wide with a heaven moving smile. As she past the men in the hall way to the den they all threw looks at her but she didn't stop until she saw him. De'Mario stood by the door talking to Omari, Mario was decked out in a black Armoni suit and matching shoes, Omari looked over his shoulder, smiled and excused himself. Mario turned around to see Danielle standing there looking like the vision of loveliness he remember the night they shared each other Sophomore year.

"So how do I look?" Danielle asked as she walked down the stairs of her parents home on Homecoming Night.

Mario looked up stunned to see his best friend in a long silver dress, with thin straps, and silver pumps, her hair was in curls with little diamonds spread around in it. She looked gorgeous as her mother handed her a silver shawl, "You look like a princess."

Danielle smiled at the look on his face, "Then good evening my prince."

Mario smiled and took her arm, "Wow Dani, wow."

"Speechless I see." She giggled while they walked to the door.

"You look amazing." He replied not able to say much more, just smiling at her like a dumbass.

As they walked down the down the steps to Mario's car he found himself wanting to just stand and look at her forever. He had never seen her out of the jeans and shirts she wore to school and everywhere they went. It was unusual to see her in a dress, period and he thought he was falling in love.

"Dani I'm having flashbacks." He smiled walking up to her, and honestly he wasn't lying that moment was flashing back and forth in his mind.

She just smiled as he pulled her into a hug, "What are talking about?"

"You look like a princess." Mario said looking down at her, he had missed her, it felt 2 years rather than 2 months. She smiled at him sending him reeling.

Danielle mustered up all her strength, "Mario I have something for you."

"What?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows, still not moving his hands from her waist.

"This." Danielle whispered her hot breath on his lips, making his skin tingle. She slowly kissed him, becoming more passionate with the passing moments, their lips met first, with tongues locking in a furious battle for control. She pulled her head back quickly, catching her breath, letting her bruised lips rest for a moment.

Mario was stunned for a minute as she pulled away, "Damn D what are you tryin to tell me?"

"I love you too." Danielle replied as the wedding planner walked over to them saying get ready.

---- The Wedding ----

Everyone sat in there chair waiting and watching, Marques stood at the alter with the preacher waiting. The mood was a happy, joyful one, even as the wedding march began and the flower girl walked down the aisle. Everyone turned their head toward the aisle as Brittany's sister and Marq's best man walk down the aisle. Followed by Omari & Michelle, seconds went by and pairs after pairs walked down the aisle. The suspense only rose as seconds went by and the last pair came down the aisle along with a few scattered gasp, Jarrell and Talia, followed by the bride and her father.

The priest started the ceremony as Brittany's father sat down, Marq quickly forgot that Jarrell was staring at his sister, and her boyfriend was staring at his best friend. Everyone felt it, they felt the endless love, the endless happiness. Throughout the guests in the seats, old men grabbed they wives hands, young lovers held each other hands, and people who remembered love smiled as they recalled their own days. Druex stole a look at Evone giving her an 'I told you so' look, making her roll her eyes.

Talia gave her attention back to the couple as her brother ended his vows, "And baby you were right, it is never too late to say I love you."

Just as the words came out of his mouth Talia looked back over at Jarrell, she realized that she had been so blinded by her hurt, pain, and resentment she had almost walked away from the man who really knew and loved her. A lot of things she had said to him hadn't been from the heart and more from anger at him that should've been buried along time ago.

"I should have seen what was going on you know. I shouldn't have been so scared of being with someone I actually loved." Jarrell whispered as she laid her leg over his on the couch. They had been talking since she showed up at his door, being that the wedding was in less than 8 hours he knew he wouldn't be getting any sleep but honestly he didn't care, she was giving him room to let all his heart out there.

Talia looked up into Jarrell's eyes silently for a moment before saying, "The only thing I regret is what I said to you that night I left. I didn't mean the comment about never knowing you, because through all of this shit was that I knew you, and I mean I truly knew who you were inside and out."

"That night I saw everything went flashing by my eyes, you know, I thought I had lost it all. But a couple of months ago when some left me, that I had cared about, said that you were smart not to listen to me beg. And she was right, if you had listened how would I learn my lesson at all? And I thank you for leaving because now I realize it's never too late to realize love never goes away." Jarrell whispered pulling her to him as she twisted so she could lay on his chest.

"Rell do you believe that?" Talia asked as he sighed loudly, she laid her head right under his chin.

"Did you really stop believing that Talia?" He asked closing his eyes, laying his hands on her stomach.

She stayed quiet for a minute messing with his fingers, "No Rell I don't think I did."

Before Talia knew it they were kissing and everyone was clapping and making all kinds of noise. She smiled clapping loudly as her cousins started throwing rice at them, they followed the couple to the limo waiting out side the house, waiting to take them to the place for the reception. All the women gathered close to the front of the crowd because Brittany was about to throw her bouquet, Talia wasn't going to get up there at first but Sheena had pushed her up there. She wasn't looking to catch it as it landed right in her hands. She looked stunned as Druex and Brittany threw their significant other's a look saying 'I told you so'.

---- The Wedding ----

The bride and groom had already had their toasts, had cut the cake, and had had their dance. So everyone else was out on the dance floor, the reception being nothing like Jerome and Sheena's. Danielle and De'Mario hadn't left each other since the music had started, and everyone had figured out that they were finally together. But surprisingly Jarrell and Talia hadn't dance one dance, Talia was sitting talking to somebody when Jarrell walked up to the table.

"Excuse me, may I have this dance?" Jarrell asked she smiled stood up and let him lead her to the dance floor.

As they stood on the dance floor, his arms around her, she thought of a dream that she had had. Except this time she could hear the music, it was Brian McKnight singing 'Love Of My Life', he held her closer as she remembered the dream vividly. They were in a restaurant much like this one, except she was scared then, and now she was relaxed.

"So who are you marrying Lia?" He asked as he hummed along with Brian pulling her so close she could feel the fall and rise of his chest.

"Huh?" She replied thinking of her dream still, but now her eyes were closed and she felt his body tremble as he hummed.

"You caught the bouquet, who's the lucky man?" Jarrell replied his eyes closing letting her glide slowly with him.

"Oh nobody yet.  Rell do you  I had a dream about this." Talia whispered gripping him tighter just to make sure he didn't up and disappear on her.

"Really? What did I say?" He asked pulling his head back smiling at her, looking straight into her eyes.

"You told me to go ahead and run, because no matter where I went, or who I was with, I would always come back to you." Talia replied taking her fingers through his curly black hair.

Jarrell smiled at her as she kept putting her fingers through his hair, "So umm did I tell you the truth?"

"Well, you sure as hell wasn't lying." Talia replied as he laid his head on her shoulder this time, closing his eyes as she held him.

Meanwhile Druex and Evone were dancing also but they having a less serious time. Druex pulled at a strand of her hair make her wince, "What did I tell you? They picked some of my happiness...and it was on sale to I was having a small clearance sale."

Evone shook her head laughing, "Let me tell you again, Marq and Britt shared with all of US. You cheap cracker, on clearance? What are you selling Big Bob's Happiness?"

Druex shook his head laughing, looking around at all the people dancing, "Come on pookie bear we shared with all those lonely asses, and for a good decent price. Look at Danielle and Mario? And Jarrell and Talia, and there's even a plus Marq didn't try to kill him either."

Evone hit him harder than she had yesterday at his house, "Druex how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that? And who buys happiness on clearance? it's best wholesale."

Druex jumped a little still keeping his hands on Evone, "And you call me cheap? Didn't I tell you to stop hitting on me?"

"Then how am I gonna pick you up in a bar boo?" Evone replied smiling as he looked annoyed they were still dancing but they had totally forgotten the song.

"Anyway, you like my hair cut?" Druex asked lowering his head so she could see the freshly cut hair.

Honestly she liked it she just liked picking with him even more, "Oh, lordy -- um anyway it looks like everyone here is pretty happy."

Druex looked alarmed and he panicked, "What Vone? What's wrong with my head?"

"Which one? The one with one eye and no brain? Or the one with the brain and hair?" She asked smiling as he hit her softly, he sighed pulling her closer, he liked the settling down thing. Evone was perfect for him in every way, she was goofy in this sarcastic evil way but yet she could still be sweet and loving.

"I love you Evone." Druex whispered into her hair as they danced forgetting all around them.

Evone smiled tightening her hold on him, "I love you too, just change barbers."

"What?" He asked loudly pulling away as Evone went to go sit down laughing to herself. Leaving him standing on the dance floor trying to check his hair in a window nearby.
