

Won't Tolerate  No More, That's It
I Tried So hard to Be
What You Wanted Me Be
I Can't Give You All That's In Me
Cause Baby That's Not Me

  "I wish you wouldn't look at me like that." She said as she lay naked in bed next to her boyfriend of 2 years. She had a blanket wrapped around her, and she could barely look at him.

       "Why, I love you?" He replied, he reached out to caress her face when she flinched back from his touch.

       "Oh, but it would make it so much easier if you hadn't cheated on me three damn times!" She sighed tiredly as she turned on her side turning from him, and closed her eyes.

       "Shit I didn't mean it!" He whined, like she had heard so many times before, maybe it was the way he said it that tipped her off that he really DID mean it.

       "Oh fuck, but I guess I wasn't enough woman for you." She whispered loudly and harshly.

       He turned on his sided with a defeated sigh, "Hell, I guess you weren't."

       Tears slowly fell from her eyes, why did she have to sleep with him?

    Talia jumped up from her dream, panting and sweating, after a moment a frown covered her face, "Damn, I hate you Jarrell Houston."

       She stood up and walked out her bedroom and into the bathroom she turned on the faucet and threw some cold water on her face. She looked up and she could see the scars that no one else could, she could see the scars on her heart, on her smile, on her soul. Nothing good came from that relationship, well actually there was a lot of good things but it didn't make her happy to think about those few good things.

       Talia just stared at the mirror, "You didn't have to say I wasn't enough, I already knew that."


I Can't Live This Way
I Was So Lost In Love Before
I couldn't See The Light

   "I don't need you, I don't want you, and you will pay for all this pain!" The voice screamed, the voice sounded like it was screaming through tears.

       Every now and then a strand of light would hit the owner of the voice and he could see her clearly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I love you!"

       "Don't say that! You don't mean it!" The voice cried in desperation.

       "But it's true!" He replied trying to touch her, trying to get close to her.

       "You fuckin bastard!" The voice yelled as it somehow it lifted into the air and jumped out the double doors behind him.

       He ran to the balcony and reached for her as she fell, "No! Please, God, no! I love you! You have to believe me, you can't do this!"

       "Watch me!" The voice whispered as she looked down at the blackness before her.

Somehow the balcony started to fall and just as he leveled with her hand something caught him and she continued falling, "Talia! Talia! Talia no! No! No Talia! NO!" He screamed as she continued to fall into the long endless black hole, he could no longer see her.

  Jarrell jumped up sweating, tangled in his sheets panting, "I'm sorry T."

       He stood up, threw a disgusted look at the girl laying next to him naked, pulled on his boxers, and walked into the bathroom. He loudly closed the door, turned on the faucet, looking at himself, he threw water on his face. He just looked at himself, at the shell of a man he had become. He really didn't understand himself, he knew he loved her, he knew she loved him, but somehow he managed to fuck all that up.

       Jarrell just stared at the mirror, "God, I wasn't even close to being worthy of her, that's why I couldn't stay committed." After a moment he sighed with a sarcastic chuckle, "Damn it! I couldn't even believe that."

Lyrics: Jennifer Lopez - "That's Not Me" (c) 2001
