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This page is devoted to some of the contests that will be going on in the FFA. We will have all the dates and members of the team for each contest up ASAP.

1) Horse Judging Contest - Wilson Central placed 24th out of 60 teams with 948 points.
Our team consisted of (individual scores by names):

Brittany Lehmann-- 323 out of 400 points
Katy Roberts-- 323 out of 400 points
Loran Williams-- 302 out of 400 points
Nathan Chambers-- No info given
And now for the alternates (no scores)
Kelli Boyd
Jeremy Wolters
Jason Bradshaw

2) Land Judging Contest -Contest took place September the 27th.
Here are the teams, their scores, and individual scores.

Team E took FIRST PLACE in county with 797 points!
Jake Jenkins -- 313
Jared Tomlin -- 262
Jonathon Gray -- 222
Team B took third place in county with 781 points.
Jerry Goins -- 301
Jeremy Walters -- 222
Jarred Cavanaugh -- 251
Jared Martin -- 229
Team F took fourth in county with 742 points.
Jason Bradshaw -- 259
Daniel Stancliff -- 268
Chaz Montogmery -- 215

Here is the team that will be representing
Wilson Central at Regionals. Good luck guys!
Jake Jenkins
Jerry Goins
Daniel Stancliff
Jared Tomlin

High Individuals:
Jake Jenkins with 313 points.
Jerry Goins with 301 points
Daniel Stancliff with 268 points
Jared Tomlin with 262 points.


Our guys did great in regionals and took us all the way to state. There, they placed 11th. That's 11th out of 190 schools. GREAT JOB GUYS!

3) Opening and Closing CDE
(Freshman Only)
Wilson Central placed 4th in the disctrict contest. We had only had 3 practices,
but we'll definitely do better next time. The team members were:
Joni Mullinix- President
Jared Martin- Vice President
Jarred Cavanaugh- Treasurer
Michael Dobson- Reporter
Tiffany Clark- Secretary
Ben Kelly- Sentinel

4) Public Speaking
We had only two members participate in the public speaking contest. The contest was held Tuesday, January 22nd, at Wilson Central.
Jennifer Cook placed 6th in the prepared speech and Amanda Shook placed
either 5th or 6th in extemptoranious speaking
, I forgot which one.
Great job, girls. Now that you know exactly how it
is, you'll surely do better next time. Click Here to go back to the main page.