Jenny "Betty Crocker" Heineken
Kayla "Just One of the Guys" Haug
Brandon "Super V" Nelms
Will "Super Speller" Talbert
Randy "Macho Man" Gulledge
Josh "Fillis" Howerton
Preston "JP" Parker
Justin "Piglet" Moreland
Ryan "Good Bidness" Freudenthal
Trae "Kinko's Man" Caddenhead
Kayla, Dawn, Cindy, and Bethany before the Cardinal Ball.
Will, Randy, Josh, and Brandon at the Cardinal Ball.
Jenny and Dawn ride the rocket at the local park that we visit often.
Would you like to buy some cookie dough? Kayla and Bethany try to impersonate the Kappa Deltas.
Randy and Dawn are dressed for winter.
Brandon needed his hair cut because he had major wingage, so Bethany volunteered to cut it for him. Pretty good for a first time, don't you think?
Bethany, Dawn, Ryan, Cindy, Preston, Justin, and Autumn did a revival team weekend at Bethany's church.
Members of the Revival Team decided to frolick in the field.
Fairy Jenny grants Dawn a wish.
Josh is dressed up for the Halloween Party.
Brandon and Cindy do the Raggedy Ann before a very intense softball game between Dawn's team, Victory's Secret, and Nicole's team.
Jenny and Kayla smile for the camera.
Preston, Dawn, Autumn, Cindy, Nicole, and Bethany at O'Charley's celebrating Dawn's and Cindy's birthdays before summer break.
Brandon, Trae, Jenny, Randy, and Kayla were at the surprise birthday party, too.
Kayla, Nicole, Autumn, and Cindy pose next to their snow day creation "Elmer."
Trae the Punk-Rocker.