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4.8 Warp Field Nacelles

The plasma created by the matter\antimatter annihilation quickly arrives at the nacelles via the PTC`s. This is where the actual warp field is made. Each nacelle consists of a number of major assemblies, including the warp field coils, plasma injectors, separation bolts, and maintenance docking ports.

The basic structure of the nacelles is somewhat different from the remainder of the ship. Monotanium with carbon-nitride whisker framing members are combined with duratanium longitudinal stiffeners, and overlaid with 3 meters of phase-transition welded cortanium hull skinning. The addition of three inner layers of cobalt-vanadium carbide provides protection against high levels of warp-induced stress, particularly at the physical connections. All framing and skinning of the nacelles and support pylons accommodates quad redundant conduits for SIF and IDF systems. Attached to the inner framing members are shock attenuation cylinders for the warp field coils, as well as thermal insulation and radiation attenuation struts for the plasma injection system.

The emergency separation system would be used in the event that a catastrophic failure occurred in the PTC, or a is nacelle damaged in combat, a really big bomb is needed or other situation in which it could not be safely retained on its support pylon. Ten explosive structural latches can be fired, driving the nacelle 'up up and away!' at about 40 m/sec.
