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7.1 Major Utilities Networks

POWER- Power transmission for onboard systems is accomplished by a network of microwave power transmission waveguides known as the electro plasma system. Major power supplies derive microwave power from the warp propulsion conduits and the main impulse engines. Additional feeds draw from the auxiliary warp cores and the auxiliary impulse engines located onboard. A secondary power distribution system provides electrical power for specialized requirements, usually science\medical related.

QUANTUM TRANSIENT DATA NETWORK (QTDN)- Data transmission is accomplished with a network of multiplexed deuterium microveins. A series of 6 redundant major QT trunks links the main computer cores together, using quantum data transfer to double the transfer rate capable of older ODN systems. Major QT trunks also provide information links to the 400 subprocessors located throughout the ship. These subprocessors improve system response time by distributing system load and provide a measure of redundancy in the event of major system failure.

ATMOSPHERE- Breathable atmosphere is distributed throughout the habitable volume of the ship by means of three independent networks of air-conditioning ducts that recirculate the breathable air after reprocessing by machine and by artificial-ecosphere located on deck 28. Switching nodes permit alternate system segments to be employed in the event part of one primary system is unavailable.

WATER- Potable water for drinking and cooling is distributed by a single reinforced conduit network. This network runs in parallel with the wastewater return system to the water recycling and reprocessing facilities.

SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL- Linear induction utility conduits are used to convey solid waste to the reprocessing facilities. Such waste is automatically separated into mechanically and chemically recyclable material, with the remainder stored for matter synthesis. Hazardous wastes are immediately expelled or reprocessed.

TRANSPORTER BEAM CONDUITS- a series of high-energy waveguides serves to connect each transport chamber to its associated pattern buffer tank and then to the various external transporter emitter arrays. Because any given personnel or cargo transport may need to be linked to any of the 20 external emitter arrays, this network must provide for any conceivable interconnection permutation.

REPLICATOR SERVICE CONDUITS- similar to the transporter beam conduits, these waveguides connect the food service and general replicator head ends to replicator terminals throughout the ship.

SIF POWER CONDUITS- Force field generators for the SIF are located on Decks 3, 9, 13, 16 and 19. Three parallel molybdenum-coated quad-phase waveguide conduit networks distribute the field energy to the SIF conductivity elements built into the spaceframe. Crossovers between the four sections permit field generators in one hull to feed all the rest.

IDF POWER CONDUITS- Inertial damping field generators are located on decks 8, 13, 16 and 19. Two parallel molybdenum-coated quad-phase conduit networks, interconnecting with the SIF network, distribute the field energy throughout the vessel. Crossovers between the three sections permit field generators in one hull to feed all the rest.

SYNTHETIC GRAVITY FIELD BLEED- although the ship's artificial gravity field is created by the gravity generators located throughout the ship, a network of forcefield conduits is employed to shift excess inertial potential to other parts of the ship, or even into storage cells as power if the need arises. This process is computer controlled to optimize gravitational stability and subspace field differential. Any inertial potential in excess of system capacity is automatically bled off into the SIF; if this is not possible, it is bled off into space as waste heat.

CRYOGENIC FLUID TRANSFER- this refers to a number of insulated piping trunks that provide for intraship transfer of such cryogenic fluids as Liquid Helium, Liquid Oxygen, etc. Oxygen for breathing gas replenishment is transferred to atmospheric processing modules in liquid form by means of the cryogenic fluid transfer system.

TURBOLIFT PERSONNEL TRANSPORT SYSTEM- This includes the actual turboshaft tubes through with the electromagnetic-inductively driven turbolift cars travel throughout the habitable volume of the ship, as well as the dedicated EPS power trunks and QTDN links that support the system.

RESERVE UTILITIES DISTRIBUTION- this refers to a low-capacity, independent system of atmosphere, power, data and water distribution networks. These systems serve as backups for use in the event service is disrupted from primary systems. Depending on load factors, this reserve system has a capacity of approximately 48 hours.

PROTECTED UTILITIES DISTRIBUTION- another set of redundant utilities trunks, this system provides limited atmosphere, power, and data to critical areas of the ship as well as to emergency environmental support shelter areas. Also incorporated into this network are low-capacity superconductive electrical power distribution cables for critical backup systems.
