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11.4 Teryon beam Operations
In the more preferred arena of high-energy operations, several interrelated computer systems assist the Tac officer in placing the beam on target, within microseconds. Long and short-range scans provide targeting information to the threat assessment\tracking\targeting system (TATT), which drives the teryon beams with the best target coverage. Multiple targets are prioritized and acted upon in order. The maximum effective tactical ranges of teryon beams are approximately 200,000km. Teryon beams may be fired one-way through the ship's own shields due to EM polarization, with a small acceptable drag force at the inner shield surface.
In Cruise Mode, all teryon arrays receive power directly from the main warp core, with supplementary power provided by the auxiliary warp cores. Recharge times are kept to <.1 seconds. Full power firing endurance is rated at 4 hrs, give or take. During MVAM mode, recharge times remain the same, but firing endurance drops to 2 hours. Teryon beam arrays do not seem to have the same thermal problems phasers do, and research into why this is so is continuing.
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