Leth Mech
Offensive Type #6-Leth
Model number / OGR-500
Overall height / 36 m
Head height / 20 m
Base weight / 45 t
Full weight / 80 t
Generator output / 100 TW
Rocket /
120000 kg x 4
Verniers / 20
Sensor radius / 300000 km
Special Ability / Transformation to atmospheric\exospheric/Warp pursuit
Height: 36 meters
Length: 12 meters
Width: 26 meters
Construction: This Mech is constructed of a new material called Gundamium-Centauri.
Due to years of highly secretive research and development the substance
was found to have five times the strength of Gundamium-Alpha and Beta;
unfortunately, it is high-cost and nonreplicatable. Similar to the Sephiroth
Mech it has also got a low density ceramic, infused with the standard
radiation shielding Rhodinium/lead fibers, prevents the leaking of radiation
outside the vessel as well. As with the Sephiroth this mech also has
armor which channels the SIF field to distribute impacts over the entire
frame rather than a single point.
Gundamium-Centauri- 60cm
Nanocarbon stress-dispersal and heat dispersal layer-
Type 3 ablative armor- 60 cm
Shields Sustainable Load: 300 isotons
Shields Auxilliary Load: Up to 50% of Primary
-Metaphasic shields
-Rapid Remodulation
-Rapid Regeneration
Standard armament /
Phaser cannon x 4
4 arm-mounted teryon beam strips
2 Shoulder-mount SLR(Subspace\Laser radar) antimatter missile launcher
Torpedo Launchers: 4 shoulder mounted
Torpedo Payload:
Class A trinuclear microtorpedos X 100
Cloaking Device: Stealth hull coating
Class A Variable Speed Beam Rifle
Beam Sword Mk II- a much stronger version of the beam sword than the
Offensive type, capable of extending up to 3 kilometers; doing so would
require an hour for d-particle recharge.
Personnel Transporters: 1 1-person
Computer System - Uses the aurora system.
- Nanocomputer memory storage
- quantum transient relay system (a form of information transfer system
thats faster than ODN cables
- Max speed- 30000 kiloquads\sec
Max Cruise- 6.0
Max Sustainable- 7.5(for 24 hours)
Max Burst- 9.0(for 2 hrs)
Gravitational Ion Thrusters: 12 thrusters using ionic energy to accelerate
forward. This works by ions being fed into multi-layered constrictors
then fired off. With the use of microsecond irising control the degree
at which the plasma can be released can be changed instantly. With the
decrease in speed these engines make it up in extreme maneuverability.
When combined with the SIF waveguides to transfer the stress all over
the hull these engines should be the favorites of any pilot that is
fond of staying in the battle instead of running away.
Minimum- .95 c
Maximum- 1.05c
Auxiliary power comes in the form of nanofusion power generators supplied
by the main deuterium and he3 tank.
Positronic brain: A highly advanced positronic brain is not only installed
to aid in the computer system's decisions but to allow it to learn from
its mistakes