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Dave Galanter and Greg Brodeur

ST: VOY Battle Lines ST: TNG Maximum Warp - Dead Zone ST: TNG Maximum Warp - Forever Dark S.C.E. Book Three - Some Assembly Required

The writing team of Dave Galanter and Greg Brodeur have penned four Star Trek novels since 1994 - Star Trek: The Next Generation #31 - Foreign Foes, Star Trek: Voyager #18: Battle Lines, and the Star Trek: The Next Generation - Maximum Warp two-book series. Book One of the duology has Deep Space Nine and the Defiant being affected by a Dead Zone. In addition to their four novels, the two wrote SCE #11 Ambush, which will be available in the paperback collection S.C.E. Book Three Some Assembly Required.

Greg Brodeur also works with Star Trek novelist Diane Carey.

The two writers live in Owosso, Michigan.

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Dave Galanter Home Page

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