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The Cardassian Union

Once a spirutual race, they abandoned their beliefs and became militiristic. The Cardassians are long-time enemies of the Klingon Empire and had even declared war on the Federation. Under Gul Dukat's command, the Cardassians allowed themselves to become members of the Dominion, giving the Gamma Quadrant power a foothold in the Alpha Quadrant.

Now, Cardassia Prime lies in ruins, the result of massive destruction at the hands of the Dominion. As the final battle of the Dominion War was being fought, Cardassian cities were being destroyed.

2328 - the Cardassian Central Command, began to expand their borders by conquering neighboring races. This expansion quickly caused the Occupation of Bajor, as well as the takeover of the planet Ingav.

2346 - the Cardassian mining station Terok Nor was completed in orbit of Bajor. A young Gul Dukat took command of the station, and was named Prefect of Bajor.

2348 - Kira Nerys of the Shakaar Resistance cell helped the survivors of an accident at the mining facilities of Gallitep. The survivors all came down with an illness called Kalla-Nohra syndrome.

After Gul Dukat took command of Terok Nor, a Cardassian named Thrax was in charge of station security.

2355 - the USS Stargazer, under Captain Jean-Luc Picard's command, came under attack from a Cardassian warship. Captain Picard was forced to retreat from the battle.

Obsidian Order agent Elim Garak posed as a gardner on Romulas.

During the Cardassian conflict, Captain Ben Maxwell of the USS Rutledge lost his family at the attack on Setlick III. Miles O'Brien and Raymond Boone were part of the security detail that beamed down to Setlick III, to defend the civilian survivors from the Cardassian forces still on the planet.

2360 - the Ferengi businessman Quark came to Terok Nor, and opened a bar on the station's Promenade. Dukat allowed Quark to use Bajoran slave labor for menial cleaning tasks in his bar and holosuites.

2362 - Gul Dar'heel, the Butcher of Gallitep, died in his sleep due to a coleibric hemorrhage.

Cardassian civilian leader Kotan Pa'dar's home on Bajor was attacked and destroyed by the Bajoran Resistance. Pa'dar left Bajor soon afterward, believing that his son had been killed during the attack.

2363 - Aamin Marritza began teaching at a Cardassian military academy on Kora II.

Iliana Ghemor volunteered to become a long-term operative of the Obsidian Order on Bajor. This assignment included surgical alteration to appear Bajoran, as well as false memories of her life, family, and experiences in the Bajoran Resistence.

2365 - a shapeshifter, Odo, arrived on Terok Nor. Odo had been studied by Bajoran Doctor Mora Pol, and decided to leave Bajor. His name was from the Cardassian translation for 'unknown sample,' odo ital. Upon arriving on Terok Nor, Odo was seen as a neutral observer, and the Bajorans asked him to settle disputes between themselves and the Cardassian overseers.

A short time after arriving on Terok Nor, Gul Dukat had Odo investigate the murder of a Bajoran chemist on the station. After this investigation, Odo was named as the station's chief of security, replacing Thrax.

2366 - the Federation reached a truce with the Cardassian Union. Federation Ambassador Sarek assisted in the negotiation of the treaty, despite the disagreements his son, Federation Ambassador Spock, had publicly voiced.

Stardate 44429.6 - Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise-D learned from Gul Macet that Captain Ben Maxwell of the USS Phoenix had entered Cardassian territory, and was destroying civilian and scientific outposts. Due to losses caused by the Borg at Wolf 359, Captain Picard was ordered to find a peaceful settlement, and neutralize the threat Maxwell represented. Captain Picard was able to stop Captain Maxwell, but he did learn that the Cardassians had been planning an invasion of Federation border territories, as Maxwell had suspected.

The Cardassian frieghter Ravinok was lost in the Badlands. Passengers included Bajoran civilian Tora Naprim and her half-Cardassian daughter Tora Ziyal, and terrorist Lorit Akrem.

2367 - Captain Edward Jellico of Starfleet helped in the negotiation of a treaty between the Federation and the Cardassians that would allow the captives of either power to to see a representative of a neutral power after their release.

Stardate 45076.3 - after the attack on Solarion IV, Starfleet Admiral Kennelly was convinced by the Cardassian Liason Officer assigned to his office that the Bajoran people were responsible. Admiral Kennelly pardoned Ensign Ro Laren and assigned her to the USS Enterprise-D crew. The admiral also ordered Captain Picard to find the militant Bajora. After making contact with Keeve and Orta, both Resistance leaders, Picard learned that the Cardassians attacked the Federation colony, in an attempt to track down Orta.

Stardate 46357.4 - Captain Edward Jellico of the USS Cairo was placed in command of the USS Enterprise-D. Captain Picard, Doctor Beverly Crusher, and Lieutenant Worf were assigned to investigate and destroy the threat of the Cardassians developing metagenic weapons. The evidence was faked by the Cardassians, to lure Captain Picard into their territory. Picard was taken prisoner and subjected to torture by Gul Madred.

Stardate 46360.8 - Gul Lemec informed Captain Jellico of the USS Enterprise-D that Captain Picard was their prisoner. After Jellico defeated the Cardassian fleet in a nebula in the Minos Korva system, Picard was returned to the USS Enterprise-D.

Stardate 46379.1 - the Cardassian government withdrew from Bajor. The Bajoran provisional government invited the United Federation of Planets to take over administrative duties on Terok Nor, and petitioned for UFP membership. The mining station was renamed Deep Space Nine, with Commander Benjamin Sisko in command.

After the discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole, the Cardassians returned in an attempt to takeover both the station and the wormhole. This attempt failed when the wormhole collapsed after Gul Dukat's vessel entered it. After a few hours, the wormhole reopened, and Dukat's warship was escorted out of the wormhole by Commander Sisko's runabout.

Bajoran terrorist Tohna Los of the Kohn-Ma was chased to Deep Space Nine by Gul Danar. Danar told Commander Sisko that Tohna was wanted for crimes against Cardassia that had been committed after the withdrawal from Bajor. While on the station, Tohna made arrangements with Klingon sisters Lursa and B'Etor for material needed to make a radiation bomb that would destroy the wormhole, which would cause the Federation to leave and the Cardassians to leave them alone.

Obsidian Order Chairman Enabren Tain became the first chairman to retire from the Obsidian Order.

Stardate 46731.5 - the Cardassian Central Command learned of Federation Professor Richard Galen's research into organic matter, and believed that he was searching for an ancient weapon. Gul Ocett commanded two Galor-class in the pursuit of Professor Galen's research. She entered into a temporary alliance with Captain Picard of the USS Enterprise-D and Klingon Commander Nu'Daq, but quickly attacked them after being supplied with false information about the location of the next DNA sample they needed to collect. But, she was able to catch up with the USS Enterprise-D in the Vilmoran system. After the Romulans appeared on the planet as well, Gul Ocett threatened to destroy the remaining biological material. Captain Picard and Doctor Crusher were able to retrieve a sample, and replay a message from a race that claimed to have seeded planets in hopes of creating other humanoid races billions of years ago.

A Kobheerian vessel arrived at Deep Space Nine with a passenger who was suffering from Kalla-Nohra syndrome. The passenger was Cardassian Aamin Marritza, who denied having the illness, which would have placed him at Gallitep at the time of the mining accident and thus a war criminal on Bajor. Marritza had altered himself to appear as Gul Dar'heel, the commander of the mining camp in order to force the Cardassian Union to publicly admit to their crimes during the Occupation.

2370 - Bajoran Minister Jaro Essa formed The Circle, a group of Bajoran extremists who wanted to remove alien influences from Bajor. The Circle was unknowingly being supplied with weapons by the Cardassian Union. When Major Kira Nerys and Lieutenant Jadzia Dax brought the evidence of Cardassian support to the attention of the Council of Ministers, the Circle quicly fell apart.

At the same time Minister Jaro was forming the Circle, Major Kira Nerys and Chief Miles O'Brien of Deep Space Nine went to Cardassia IV, to free Bajoran prisoners, including Li Nalas, from a mining facility.

Stardate 47177.2 - unemployed Bajoran Proka arrived on Deep Space Nine with his adopted Cardassian son, Rugal. The DS9 crew learned that Rugal was the lost son of Koton Pa'Dar. Garak and Doctor Julian Bashir also discovered that a female officer under Gul Dukat's command had placed Rugal in the Bajoran orphanage.

Stardate 47566.7 - Joret Dal successfully hijacked a shuttle from the USS Enterprise-D. His Bajoran prisoner attempted to use the shuttle's escape pod to return to Federation territory, but it was quickly destroyed.

Cardassian dissident Natima Lang and two of her students arrived on Deep Space Nine after fleeing Cardassian space. After Chief O'Brien repaired her ship, they were allowed to leave, peacefully.

Later that same year, the United Federation of Planets signed a peace treaty with the Cardassian Union. This treaty created a Demilitarized Zone between their borders. It also put many Federation colonies in Cardassian territory, and vice versa. The former Federation colonists refused to be resettled, and quickly formed a rebel group called the Maqui. The Maqui fought against the Cardassians, but rarely fired on Federation vessels. Many Starfleet officers resigned their commissions to fight in the Maqui, including Cal Hudson, Chakotay, W. Thomas Riker, Ro Laren, Tom Paris, and Micheal Eddington.

Stardate 47944.2 - Chief Miles O'Brien was arrested by Gul Evek for supplying the Maqui rebels with weapons from Deep Space Nine. Despite evidence of O'Brien's involvement, Makbar released him to the custody of Commander Benjamin Sisko.

Major Kira Nerys was kidnapped from Deep Space Nine by agents of the Cardassian Obsidian Order, and surgically altered to appear as a Cardassian; Iliana Ghemor, the daughter of Legate Thikani Ghemor. The Obsidian Order believed that Legate Ghemor was a dissident, and when he tried to help Kira escape from Cardassia, only the timely arrival of Commander Benjamin Sisko, Garak and Odo saved the two.

Stardate 48467.3 - Maqui rebel W. Thomas Riker, a transporter duplicate of Commander William T. Riker of the USS Enterprise-D, went to Deep Space Nine, posing as the Starfleet officer. He was able to steal the Defiant, and launched an attack on Cardassian territory. Commander Benjamin Sisko was forced to work with Gul Dukat to stop the rebel from starting a war.

The Obsidian Order placed a surgically-altered agent named Seska into a former Starfleet officer's Maqui cell. Contact with Seska was lost a short time later.

2371 - a peace treaty between the Bajoran people and the Cardassian Union was negotiated by Vedek Bariel Antos on Kai Winn Adami's behalf. After Bariel was mortally injured, the kai took over the talks, but continued to rely on the vedek's knowledge and experience.

Stardate 48543.2 - a group of Cardassian scientists were sent to Deep Space Nine to assist in the deployment of a communications relay station/sensor array that would be able to send signals from the Gamma Quadrant to the station through the wormhole. Despite interference from the Obsidian Order observer, the project was a success.

Grand Nagus Zek of the Ferengi Alliance acquired the Orb of Wisdom from the Cardassian Union. After he and Quark used it to contact the Prophets in the Celestial Temple, the orb was returned to the Bajoran people.

Enabren Tain came out of retirement to lead a joint Obsidian Order - Romulan Tal Shiar attack on the Founders' Homeworld in the Gamma Quadrant. This attack was unsuccessful due to Founder infiltration, and many Cardassians were taken prisoner, including Tain.

Commander Benjamin Sisko constructed a replica of an ancient Bajoran lightship. He and his son, Jake, took the lightship on a flight from Deep Space Nine, and got caught in a tachyon eddy, and were taken to warp speeds. Upon their arrival in the Cardassian system, Gul Dukat told them that their arrival coincided with the discovery of a crashed lightship on Cardassia Prime, proving the ancient contact theory that Bajorans had once visited Cardassia eight hundred years before.

Stardate 49011.4 - due to weakened military forces and intelligence agency, the civilian Detopa Council was able to reassert power over the two. The leaders of the Klingon Empire - Chancellor Gowron and General Martok - believed that the coup d'etat on Cardassia could only have been caused by the Founders' influence, and declared war on the Cardassian Union. When the UFP condemned that actions of the Klingons, Gowron cut off diplomatic ties with the Federation, and declared war on them, as well.

Major Kira learned of evidence of the freighter Ravinok's presence in the Badlands, and, along with Legate Dukat, began a search for survivors. The wreckage of the ship was found, as well as several graves on a desert planet. Their continued search led to the discovery of a Breen mining operation that was using Bajoran and Cardassian slave labor. One of the slaves was Legate Dukat's half-Bajoran daughter, Tora Ziyal. Major Kira kept him from killing the young girl, and Dukat took her home to Cardassia.

Upon returning with his illegitimate daughter, Legate Dukat's wife left him, and took their children with her, his mother disowened him, and he lost his position as military advisor to the Detopa Council and reduced in rank. Gul Dukat was then placed in command of the freighter Groumall.

The Cardassian extremist group, the True Way, took credit for the murder of several Bajoran officials, and threatened the life of First Minister Shakaar Edon while he was on Deep Space Nine.

The Cardassian Central Command abandoned Empok Nor, a mining station in the Trivas system.

During the Klingon - Cardassian War, Major Kira Nerys was to attend a conference with the Cardassians, to discuss tactics that could be used against the Klingons. The freighter Groumall arrived at Deep Space Nine to take her to the conference. Upon arriving, they found that a Klingon Bird of Prey had already destroyed it, killing Bajorans and Cardassians. After making alterations to the freighter's weapons systems, Dukat and Kira were able to take control of the Klingon ship and beamed the Klingons to the Cardassian freighter. Dukate quickly destroyed the freighter after beaming his officers and daughter to the Klingon ship. The Detopa Council berated Dukat for his actions, so he denounced his position in the military, and started his own war against the Klingons.

Major Kira was returned to Deep Space Nine, and she convinced Dukat to let Tora Ziyal stay with her on the station.

The Defiant was sent to Cardassia Prime to retreive the Orb of Time. While there, they took on a passenger, a trader named Barry Waddle.

Stardate 50416.2 - a disfigured Cardassian civilian, Silaran Prin began to exact revenge against members of the Shakaar Resistance cell, killing a terrorist-turned-vedek on Bajor, an informant mid-transport, and two other on Deep Space Nine. Major Kira was able to track down his location in the Demilitarized Zone, but was overcome by his security systems. He planned to remove the human baby from Kira's body, before she could poison it with her beliefs. Captain Sisko and the Defiant arrived in time to rescue her.

Stardate 50485.2 - the Maqui leader Micheal Eddington began using biogenic weapons against Cardassian colonies in the Demilitarized Zone, poisoning the atmosphere of Veloz Prime and Dorvan colony. Captain Sisko launched a counter-attack against Maqui colonies, and forced Eddington to surrender himself and turn over his biogenic weapons.

2373 - the pirate Dukat conducted negotiations with the Dominion. A massive fleet from the Gamma Quadrant came through the wormhole, and led by Dukat, went to Cardassia Prime. With the Dominion's help, the Cardassians were able to wipe out the Maqui, and push the Klingons from their borders. Gul Dukat became the leader of the Cardassian Union, and the Vorta Weyoun was the Dominion advisor assigned to assist Dukat.

Stardate 50712.5 - Ghemor, dying from Yarim Fel syndrome, went to Deep Space Nine, believing Major Kira Nerys was the only family he had left. On his deathbed, he gave her information on the Cardassian government since Dukat's takeover, with the Dominion's help. Gul Dukat and Weyoun also went to the station, but Captain Sisko refused to turn Ghemor over to them, and allowed Kira to bury him on Bajor.

During Starfleet's push to reclaim Deep Space Nine from the Dominion, Dukat was trying to get his daughter Ziyal to evacuate with him. She refused, admitting that she had been helping the resistance onboard the station. Ziyal was then shot down by Gul Damar, who then left a weeping Dukat behind.

When Starfleet took Deep Space Nine back, Captain Sisko learned that Odo had taken Dukat into custody.

Stardate 51413.6 - while being transported to Starbase 621 aboard the USS Honshu, Dukat escaped with Captain Sisko before the ship was destroyed by a Cardassian attack wing. After several days on a desolate planet, Dukat escaped from Sisko, using a Honshu shuttle.

Stardate 51597.2 - Strategic Operations Officer Worf and Science Officer Jadzia Dax were sent to Soukara to get Cardassian informant Lasaran. Due to a serious injury sustained by Dax at the hands of the Jem'Hadar, the mission was a failure, and Lasaran was killed by the Dominion while Worf returned to Deep Space Nine, with Jadzia so she could get medical treatment.

The renegade Dukat used a Bajoran artifact to become host to a Pah Wraith. He was then allowed the use of a Dominion ship to go to Deep Space Nine, where he killed Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax and sent the Pah Wraith into the Orb of Contemplation, in the station's Bajoran temple. This allowed the Pah Wraiths to close the Bajoran Wormhole, and fight the Prophets outside of linear time.

Three months later, Captain Benjamin Sisko found the Orb of the Emissary on Tyree, and was able to reopen the wormhole, once again defeating Dukat.

Colonel Kira Nerys was kidnapped by a Pah Wraith cult member, and arrived on Empok Nor, where Dukat was worshipped as the Emissary to the True Prophets. After a mass suicide was stopped by Kira, Dukat escaped from the angry Bajorans.

2375 - the Breen Confederacy joined the Dominion. Cardassian Legate Damar believed that this made his people second-class citizens, and he began a revolt against the Dominion, starting with assisting in the escape of Lieutenant Commander Worf and Lieutanent Ezri Dax from Cardassia Prime. Garak, Odo and Commander Kira Nerys agreed to assist Damar and his officers in their rebellion. After Damar's military forces were destroyed by the Jem'Hadar, he called on the citizens of Cardassia to rebel against the Dominion. This revolt resulted in the destruction of many major cities. However, the warships fighting in the final battle of the Dominion War switched sides, and joined the Alpha Quadrant Alliance.

One of the survivors of Damar's resistance movement was a cousin of Dukat's named Gul Macet.

Damar himself was killed by the Jem'Hadar guards inside the Female Founder's stronghold, but Garak and Kira survived, along with several other Cardassian troops and they were able to take control of the war room. The Female Founder refused to end the war, until Odo beamed down, and linked with her.

After nearly a decade in exile, Elim Garak returned to Cardassia to stay. On Cardassia Prime, Garak took up residence in the ruins of Enabren Tain's home, using the gardener's shack as a shelter.

Due to the weakened forces on Cardassia, the United Federation of Planets and Bajor organized a massive relief effort, in which Deep Space Nine was a major port-of-call. Several of the outer territories of the Cardassian Union became protectorates of the Romulan Star Empire, the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets.

Due to tachyon eddies from the Denorios Belt in the Bajoran system, Cardassia was unaffected by the Gateways when they were reactivated by the Petraw in 2376. Captain Jean-Luc Picard, in temporary command of the USS Marco Polo, learned this from Garak when the Federation was assembling a joint fleet to confront the aliens responsible.

During the evacuation of the human colony on Europa Nova, Gul Macet arrived to assist in the evacuation. The Galor-class Tragor had transporters and weapons systems of Dominion design, which were used to beam up refugees through the theta radiation caused by the antimatter waste coming through a Gateway from the Delta Quadrant.

The Cardassian Union

  • Elim Garak of Cardassia Prime
  • Gul Macet of the Trager
  • Legate Parn, leader of the Directorate
  • Gul Madred of the Directorate
  • Gul Hadar of the Directorate
  • Gul Evek
  • Nal Dejar of the Directorate
  • Gul Malyn
  • Korbath Mondrig of the Directorate
  • Natima Lang
  • Pythas Lok
  • Alon Ghemor of the Reunion Project
  • Doctor Parmak of the Reunion Project
  • Kel Lokar of the Oralian Way
  • Crell Moset
  • Deru

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