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Ferengi Rules of Acquisition

The Rules of Acquisition are two hundred eighty-five rules that conduct Ferengi behavior, in life as well as business. The Rules of Acquisition have forty-seven commentaries, nine hundred major and minor judgments, and ten thousand considered opinions.

Rule One - "One you have their money, you never give it back."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'The Nagus'

Rule Three - "Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'The Maqui, Part Two'

Rule Six - "Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'The Nagus'

Rule Seven - "Keep your ears open."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'In the Hands of the Prophets'

Rule Nine - "Opportunity plus instinct equals profit."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'The Storyteller'

Rule Ten - "Greed is eternal."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Prophet Motive' and Star Trek: Voyager 'False Profits'

Rule Sixteen - "A deal is a deal."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Melora'

Rule Seventeen - "A contract is a contract, but only between Ferengi."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Body Parts'

Rule Eighteen - "A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Heart of Stone' and 'Ferengi Love Songs'

Rule Twenty-One - "Never place friendship above profit."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Rules of Acquisition'

Rule Twenty-Two - "A wise man can hear profit in the wind."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Rules of Acquisition' and Star Trek: Voyager 'False Profits'

Rule Thirty-One - "Never insult a Ferengi's mother."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'The Siege'

Rule Thirty-Three - "It never hurts to suck up to the boss."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Rules of Acquisition'

Rule Thirty-Four - "War is good for business."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Destiny' and 'The Siege of AR-558'

Rule Thirty-Five - "Peace is good for business."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Destiny'

Rule Forty-Seven - "Don't trust a man wearing a better suit than your own."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Rivals'

Rule Forty-Eight - "The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Rules of Acquisition'

Rule Fifty-Seven - "Good customers are as rare as latinum -- treasure them."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Armageddon Game'

Rule Fifty-Nine - "Free advice is seldom cheap."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Rules of Acquisition'

Rule Sixty-Two - "The riskier the road, the greater the profit."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Rules of Acquisition', 'Little Green Men' and 'Business as Usual'

Rule Seventy-Five - "Home is where the heart is -- but the stars are made of latinum."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Civil Defense'

Rule Seventy-Six - "Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'The Homecoming'

Rule Ninety-Four - "Females and finances don't mix."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Ferengi Love Songs' and 'Profit and Lace'

Rule Ninety-Five - "Expand or die."

- Star Trek: Voyager 'False Profits'

Rule Ninety-Eight - "Every man has his price."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'In the Pale Moonlight'

Rule One Hundred-Two - "Nature decays, but latinum lasts forever."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'The Jem'Hadar'

Rule One Hundred-Nine - "Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Rivals'

Rule One Hundred-Eleven - "Treat people in your debt like family -- exploit them."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Past Tense, Part One' and 'The Darkness and the Light'

Rule One Hundred-Twelve - "Never have sex with the boss's sister."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Playing God'

Rule One Hundred Twenty-Five - "You can't make a deal if you're dead."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'The Siege of AR-558'

Rule One Hundred Thirty-Nine - "Wives serve; brothers inherit."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Necessary Evil'

Rule One Hundred Sixty-Eight - "Whisper your way to success."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Treachery, Faith and the Great River'

Rule One Hundred Ninety - "Hear all; trust nothing."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Call to Arms'

Rule One Hundred Ninety-Four - "It's always good business to know about new customers before they walk in your door."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Whispers'

Rule Two Hundred Three - "New customers are like razor-toothed gree-worms: they can be succulent, but sometimes they bite back."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Little Green Men'

Rule Two Hundred Eight - "Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than the question is an answer."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Ferengi Love Songs'

Rule Two Hundred Eleven - "Employees are the rungs on the ladder of success -- don't hesitate to step on them."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Bar Association'

Rule Two Hundred Fourteen - "Never begin a business negotiation on an empty stomach."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'The Maqui, Part One'

Rule Two Hundred Seventeen - "You can't free a fish from water."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Past Tense, Part One'

Rule Two Hundred Twenty-Nine - "Latinum lasts longer than lust."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Ferengi Love Songs'

Rule Two Hundred Thirty-Nine - "Never be afraid to mislabel a product."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Body Parts'

Rule Two Hundred Sixty-Three - "Never allow doubt to tarnish your lust for latinum."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Bar Association'

Rule Two Hundred Eighty-Five - "No good deed ever goes unpunished."

- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'The Collaborator' and 'The Sound of Her Voice'

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Thanks go out to Tracy Hemenover who runs the DS9 Encyclopedia & Lexicon. She has a complete list of the Rules of Acquisition, as well as non-canon rules from the books, Grand Nagus Zek's revised rules, and unnumbered rules from Star Trek: Voyager 'False Profits'.

To take a look at her website, just click the link -
The Deep Space Nine Encyclopedia & Lexicon