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The Klingon Empire

Time and again, enemies of the Federation, now allied in unified defense of the Alpha Quadrant.

A race of warriors united by Kahless the Unforgettable over 1,500 years ago. Kahless was one of the greatest Klingon warriors, and his legacy is felt in everyday Klingon life. According to legend, Kahless formed the first bat'leth, the Klingon sword of honor, with strands of his own hair and a lave flow.

It is unknown when Klingons first discovered warp drive. Faster than light travel allowed the Klingons to expand their empire, and the Vulcan race had encounters with Klingons before humans.

In 2218, humans and the Klingons had a terrible first contact experience. A Klingon shuttle had crashed on Earth while being pursued by Suliban soldiers, and the pilot was shot by a human farmer in Broken Bow, Oklahoma. This incident, and others that followed, caused a cold war to begin, and would continue nearly a hundred years.

Stardate 3198.4 - negotiations between the Klingon Empire and the Federation began to break down. The Klingons demanded territories they and the Federation had claimed. The only M-class planet in the territory, Organia, was where Captain James Kirk and the crew of the Constitution-class USS Enterprise attempted to save the Organians from Commander Kor, the representative of the Klingon Empire. However, the Organians proved themselves to be advanced lifeforms, and forced a treaty between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.

Stardate 3497.2 - the Klingons attempted to negotiate a mining treaty with the residents of Capella IV. Klingon Representative Kras was unsuccessful and shot Maab, leader of the Capellans, with his disruptor, but was killed by Maab's lieutenant shortly afterward.

Stardate 4211.4 - Captain Kirk and Doctor McCoy discovered that the Klingons were supplying advanced weapons to a primitive race on Tyree's planet.

Stardate 4523.3 - due to the Organian Peace Treaty, Captain Kirk was forced to allow shore leave rights to Captain Koloth and his crew at Deep Space Station K-7, near Sherman's Planet. The Klingons had an undercover agent, Arne Darvin, who was on the station to sabotage the Federation's attempts to colonize Sherman's Planet. However, a tribble infestation destroyed the poisoned grain that was going to be used, and exposed Darvin as a spy by it's loud shrills when placed near Klingons.

Stardate 5027.3 - while conducting a risky assignment to obtain a Romulan cloaking device, the Enterprise discovered that the Klingon Empire had entered into a temporary alliance with the Romulan Star Empire. This alliance allowed for knowledge in ship design, weapons, and cloaking technology.

Stardate 7412.6 - three Klingon battle cruisers were destroyed by what was later discovered to be a Voyager Probe from Earth that had been augmented by an alien race, and renamed V'GER.

Stardate 8210.3 - a Klingon Bird of Prey under the command of Kruge received stolen information about the Federation's top secret Genesis experiment. Kruge destroyed the crew that had provided him with the information, and then proceeded to the Mutara sector. The science vessel USS Grissom, Oberth-class, was destroyed by "a lucky shot" to the engineering section. Admiral Kirk and his senior crew had stole the Enterprise from Spacedock, and went to the Mutara sector. Once there, Kirk lured the Klingon crew to his ship and beamed himself & the others to the Genesis Planet before the Enterprise self-destructed. Kirk then fought Kruge to the death while the Genesis planet destroyed itself under their feet. Lieutenant Maltz was the only Klingon survivor, and was taken prisonor by Admiral Kirk after Kruge's death and the destruction of the Genesis planet.

Stardate 8390 - in an attempt to have Admiral James Kirk extradited to the Klingon Empire, the Klingon Ambassador declared to the Federation President and the Council, "Remember this well - there shall be no peace, as long as Kirk lives!"

A Klingon religious faction launches their battle cruiser, heading for unknown space in search of their savior, Kuvah'Magh.

Stardate 8454.1 - Nimbus III, a joint colony between the Federation, the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire, was taken over by the Vulcan renegade Sybok. General Korrd was the Klingon's representative on the Planet of Galactic Peace. The refit Constitution-class Enterprise-A, under Captain Kirk's command, was sent to rescue Sybok's hostages. Klingon Captain Klaa also went to Nimbus III, to gain great honor in killing Kirk and destroying the Enterprise-A. His efforts were futile, and Korrd stopped him from killing Kirk.

The Klingon Empire launched the IKS T'Ong, with the crew in cryogenic sleep and headed for Federation colonies.

Stardate 9521.6 - the Klingon moon Praxis was destroyed, by over-mining and substandard safety precautions. This led to the openings of peace talks between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.

General Chang entered into an alliance with Romulan Ambassador Nonclus, and Starfleet Admiral Cartwright to assasinate Chancellor Gorkon of the High Council, an act that would be the first step of a war between the Klingons and the Federation. Chang and his men believed that it would be better to die fighting than to live in peace with their enemies.

After Gorkon was murdered by two Enterprise-A crewmen, his daughter Azetbur took his place as the head of the Klingon High Council. Captain Kirk and Doctor McCoy were arrested and tried for Gorkon's murder, but Azetbur ordered for them to be sent to the prison asteroid Rura Penthe, rather than be put to death.

During an aborted resue mission, Captain Hikaru Sulu of the USS Excelsior, Excelsior-class, engaged Captain Kang's vessel in a gaseous nebula within Klingon space. Sulu ordered junior science officer Tuvok to fire upon the nebula, which damaged Kang's vessel and allowed for them to escape.

General Chang had developed a Bird of Prey that could fire while cloaked, but this prototype vessel was destroyed in orbit of Khitomer by both Captain Hikaru Sulu's Excelsior and Captain Kirk's Enterprise-A. The peace conference on Khitomer continued, after Kirk saved the Federation president from Colonol West, a Starfleet assasin disguised as a Klingon.

2346 - three Romulan warbirds attacked and destroyed the Klingons' Khitomer Outpost, and over four thousand Klingons were killed. Only two Klingons were known to survive, Worf, the eldest son of Mogh, and his nurse, Kahlest. The Ambassador-class Enterprise-C attempted to stop the attack, but they too were destroyed. Their sacrifice allowed for a new phase of peace between the Klingon Empire and the Federation.

Joined Trill Curzon Dax was the Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire. While negotiating with Koloth, he formed a strong friendship. Koloth's firstborn son was named Dax, in the ambassador's honor. After the criminal known as The Albino killed the first sons of Koloth, Kor and Kang, Ambassador Dax joined in a blood oath to avenge the children's deaths by killing The Albino.

2361 - Worf, son of Mogh, was the first Klingon to graduate from the Federation's Starfleet Academy.

Stardate 41503.1 - two Klingon fugitives tried to tempt Lieutenant Worf of the Galaxy-class USS Enterprise-D to join them, and live as true Klingon warriors. Captain Korris and his two men caused the destruction of the cruiser T'Acog. Korris' fellow warrior Konmel was killed during an escape from the Enterprise brig. Korris was killed by Worf before the fugitive could destroy the ship by firing a disruptor shot into the warp core.

Stardate 42506.5 - Commander William T. Riker of the Enterprise-D was the first Starfleet officer to serve onboard of a Klingon vessel, during an officer exchange program. Commander Riker was the first officer of the IKS Pagh under the command of Captain Kargan.

Stardate 42901.3 - the Enterprise-D, with Klingon Liason K'Ehleyr onboard, intercepted the IKS T'Ong and neutralized the threat they represented to the defenseless Federation colonies.

Stardate 43685.2 - Commander Kurn of the Klingon Defense Force was the first Klingon warrior to serve onboard a Federation ship, the USS Enterprise-D. Kurn turned out to be Worf's brother, who was still on the Klingon homeworld at the time of the Khitomer attack.

Mogh, their father, was being accused of being a traitor to the empire. Duras of the Klingon High Council altered records to protect his own father, the true traitor at Khitomer. To protect the empire, Worf accepted discommendation and exile.

Stardate 44001.4 - several Klingon vessels were destroyed by the Borg cube at the Battle at Wolf 359.

Stardate 44246.3 - Chancellor K'mpec, the longest running chancellor in Klingon history, was poisoned. Before his death, he asked Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Enterprise-D to choose the next chancellor. The two appilcants were Duras and Gowron. With the help of Ambassador K'Ehleyr, Picard oversaw the proceedings to decide which of the two would be the next chancellor. K'Ehleyr was murdered by Duras after attempting to access records of why Worf was discommendated. Worf beamed to Duras' ship, and killed him in an honorable fight after claiming K'Ehleyr as his mate.

Stardate 44769.2 - Klingon officer J'Ddan was exposed as a spy for the Romulans while onboard the Enterprise-D.

Stardate 44885.5 - members of the Romulan Tal Shiar kidnapped and brainwashed Chief Engineer Geordi la Forge. His mission was to frame the Federation by transporting weapons to rebels on Krios, and killing Governor Vagh. Due to e-band emmissions detected by Lieutenant Commander Data, Chief of Security Worf was able to stop la Forge before he could kill Vagh and Klingon Ambassador Kell was exposed to be a traitor. Despite his request for asylum, Kell was turned over to Governor Vagh.

Stardate 44995.3 - as Gowron was to be named the new chancellor for the Klingon Empire, the Duras sisters Lursa & B'Etor backed Duras' illegitamate son Toral in a challange against Gowron. The High Council voted to allow for the challange, which forced Captain Picard to side with Gowron, since the Duras family had been known to be in alliances with the Romulan Star Empire. This decision caused a Klingon Civil War, between the supporters of Chancellor Gowron and those of Toral & the Duras sisters.

Stardate 45020.4 - believing that the Romulans were behind the support of the Duras family, Picard led an armada of ships that formed a blockade to detect cloaked ships near the Klingon - Romulan border. The USS Sutherland, under the command of Lieutenant Commander Data, discovered Romulan Commander Sela's cloaked warbird. This caused Sela to withdraw Romulan support, and ended the war.

Stardate 45236.4 - Chancellor Gowron allowed for a Bird of Prey to take Captain Picard and Lieutenant Commander Data, disguised as Romulans, to Romulus. Starfleet was concerned by the defection Ambassador Spock to the Romulan Star Empire. While there, they discovered that Spock was a pawn in a Romulan ploy to capture the planet Vulcan. After averting the disaster, the Klingons took Picard & Data back to Federation space, leaving Spock behind to continue his unification efforts.

Stardate 46579.2 - Lieutenant Worf discovered that the Romulans took prisoners when they attacked the Khitomer Outpost, and formed a colony in the Carraya system. The Romulan jailors & Klingon prisoners had abandoned the anger between their cultures, and lived in peace, even raising families. The older Klingons refused to leave with Worf, but their children chose to return to the empire.

Stardate 46731.5 - Captain Nu'Daq accompanied Captain Picard in the search of DNA that was seeded on various planets in the Federation, Klingon Empire, Romulan Star Empire and the Cardassian Union. The final strands were found in the Vilmoran system, and when the final strands were put together, it activatd a holoprogram of a member of the first humanoid race. They had planted DNA throughout the galaxy, seeding planets so that humanoid life would flourish.

Shortly after Starfleet arrived at Deep Space Nine, it was discovered that the Duras sisters were working with Bajoran terrorists to drive the Federation away from Bajor.

Stardate 46852.2 - while studying with the Followers of Kahless at the temple on Borath, Lieutenant Worf encounters Kahless the Unforgettable. Worf discovered that Korath, leader of the monks, had cloned Kahless from a sample, and implanted memories into the clone. Worf also convinced Chancellor Gowron to allow the Kahless clone to be named Emperor of the Empire. Emperor Kahless II became the spiritual leader of the Klingon Empire, while Chancellor Gowron retained the power of the High Council.

Stardate 46922.3 - the Klingon ship IKC Toh'Kaht self-destructed after returning from a scientific mission in the Gamma Quadrant. The final survivor was beamed to Deep Space Nine, but died shortly after.

Stardate 47182.1 - Klingon mercenaries T'Kar and Yeto assisted the unjoined Trill Verad in an attempt to steal the Dax symbiont from Deep Space Nine's Science Officer Jadzia Dax and escape to the Gamma Quadrant.

2371 - Lieutenant Jadzia Dax joined the aging Klingon warriors Koloth, Kang and Kor to fulfill the blood oath previous host Curzon Dax had made to avenge the deaths of the Klingons firstborn sons. The four successfully infiltrated The Albino's compound, and attacked. Kang died in Kor's arms, and Koloth was injured by The Albino. While taunting Jadzia Dax, The Albino was killed by the dying Koloth. Kor and Jadzia Dax were the only survivors of the confrontation with The Albino.

2372 - a Romulan delegation was on Deep Space Nine to get a briefing on Dominion activity from Commander Benjamin Sisko and his crew as part of the agreement in which the Defiant used a Romulan cloaking device. Three Klingons who came to the station at the same time were found to be operatives there to spy on the Romulans.

Stardate 48650.1 - Duras sisters Lursa and B'Etor were able to destroy the USS Enterprise-D in orbit of Veridian III, thanks to a signal from Chief Engineer Geordi la Forge's VISOR that gave them the shield frequency the Enterprise was using. Commander William Riker was able to fire a final shot, which destroyed the Bird of Prey.

Stardate 49011.4 - after a coup de grace on Cardassia Prime, a Klingon fleet led by General Martok launched an attack on the Cardassian Union. After their action was condemned by the Federation Council, Chancellor Gowron withdrew from the Khitomer Accords.

After the invasion began, the Klingon Defense Forces provided cloaking technology and weapons to the Maqui Resistance against the Cardassian Union.

Major Kira Nerys of Deep Space Nine was taken to a Cardassian outpost to share intelligence on the Klingons. Gul Dukat of the freighter Groumall was transporting her. When they arrived at the outpost, they found that it had been destroyed by Klingon Captain K'Temang's Bird of Prey. Kira, Dukat and Glinn Damar made modifications to the freighter, and damaged the Klingons enough to board their ship while transporting the Klingons to the freighter. Dukat destroyed the Groumall with the Klingons onboard, and launched his own attack against the Klingons with the fleet deployment records found in the computer systems.

2373 - while in command of the Defiant during a Klingon attack, Lieutenant Commander Worf fired on and destroyed a decloaking Klingon transport. During the extradition trial, it was proven that the transport manifest was forged, and that no one was aboard when it was destroyed. The Klingons had hoped to discredit Worf in the eyes of Starfleet, since he sided against Chancellor Gowron before the invasion of Cardassia.

2373 - in an effort to expose Chancellor Gowron as a Founder, Captain Sisko, Chief Miles O'Brien, Constable Odo, and Lieutenant Commander Worf travel aboard Gul Dukat's Bird of Prey to Ty'Gokor, the command center of the Klingons' military forces. There the four discovered that it was Martok, not Gowron, who was the Founder. The Martok Founder was killed by multiple disruptor blasts after attacking Odo. Captain Sisko and Constable Odo convinced Chancellor Gowron to call a cease fire between Starfleet and the empire.

While en route to a medical conference, Doctor Julian Bashir and Jake Sisko received a distress call from Ajilon Prime; the colony was under attack by the Klingons. The USS Farragut was destroyed in orbit of the colony after Bashir & Sisko arrived. During the evacuation of the make shift hospital, Jake wildly fired a phaser rifle, sealing the cavern and stopping the Klingon soldiers from pursuing the esaping medical staff and patients.

While trying to find the source of a Cardassian signal from the Gamma Quadrant, Lieutenant Commander Worf and Garak were taken prisoner by the Dominion. At Interment Camp 371, Worf and Garak found and Doctor Julian Bashir, General Martok, dying Cardassian spymaster Enabren Tain, as well as Breen and Romulan prisoners. After several days, Worf, Bashir, Garak and Martok are able to escape and make their way back to the station.

The Dominion fleet that Worf and Garak encountered entered the Alpha Quadrant, and Dukat led them to Cardassia. Shortly after, the Klingons were driven out of Cardassian space. Captain Sisko allowed for medical attention and repairs to their ships, and convinced Chancellor Gowron to agree to a permenant peace treaty between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. Part of the treaty left a garrison of Klingon soldiers on Deep Space Nine, under General Martok's command.

General Martok was later given command of the IKS Rotrarran. His first mission was to conduct a search of the battle cruiser B'Moth in Cardassian space.

Stardate 50975.2 - the mining of the wormhole caused the Dominion to declare war against the Federation. Starfleet and Klingon forces had to withdraw from Bajoran space, and the Dominion took over Deep Space Nine. During the evacuation, Worf went with Martok instead of the Defiant crew.

Six months later, the joint Starfleet/Klingon task force pushed the Dominion out of Bajoran space, and retook Deep Space Nine.

2374 - General Martok, Lieutenant Commander Worf and Kor the Dahar Master led an attack force in raids against Dominion outposts. After a lapse in memory, Kor was shamed into submission. To regain his honor, he led an attack against ten Jem'Hadar cruisers while Martok & Worf and their crew sang his praises.

Stardate 52576.2 - The IKS Koraga, under Worf's command, was destroyed by a Dominion patrol in the Badlands. Lieutenant Ezri Dax went agaist orders to search for Worf after the Defiant was forced to give up.

The IKS Pagh was part of a twelve ship force against six Breen and Jem'Hadar ships. When the battle was over, only the Pagh and a Jem'Hadar remained. The Pagh crashlanded, and was followed by the enemy cruiser. First Officer Klag was the only survivor, at the cost of his right arm. He went on to slay seven Jem'Hadar troops and their Vorta with a mek'leth. Klag was hailed as the Hero of Marcan V, and given command of the IKS Gorkon.

After the Chin'toka system was retaken by the Dominion, Chancellor Gowron arrived on Deep Space Nine, to take direct command of the Klingon forces. After ordering ships on reckless missions, in an attempt to gain more popularity than Martok, Gowron was killed in a fight with Worf. Worf named General Martok as the new chancellor of the empire.

2375 - Chancellor Martok led the Klingon forces in the final battle against the Dominion. With Admiral William Ross and Captain Benjamin Sisko, the task force pushed the Dominion all the way back to Cardassia Prime. Alone, Martok drank a toast to their victory over the bodies of the dead Cardassians in the Dominion headquarters.

After the war with the Dominion ended, Lieutenant Commander Worf left Starfleet to accept the position of Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire.

General Martok replaced the former flagship IKS Negh'Var with the IKS Sword of Kahless.

Ambassador Worf's first assigment was to deal with the al'Hmatti rebels on the conquered world of taD. The newly commissioned Qang-class vessel IKS Gorkon took Ambassador Worf to this assignment, as well as to the Klingon Homeworld.

2376 - after the destruction of the USS Aldebaran at the hands of three rogue Jem'Hadar shis, the Klingons dispatched the patrol ship Tcha'voth to defend Deep Space Nine from any other attacks originating in the Gamma Quadrant.

During the Gateways crisis, Chancellor Martok dispatched two battle cruisers to accompany Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise-E during the confrontation with the Petraw, who were claiming to be the long lost Iconians.

Warriors of the Klingon Empire