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The Avatar Links Page for the Books' Sites

This links page is for the writers of Star Trek novels, and other sites for the books.

The link for The World According to Allyn, the blog site of Star Trek author Allyn Gibson, has been moved from the supporters' page to this one. (11-22-04)

A link to Here Be Una has been added. Una McCormack wrote 'Face Value' in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Prophecy and Change and will write one of the stories in The Worlds of Deep Space Nine novellas, coming in 2004. (11-01-03)

A link to The Sign Post has been added. It's the official website for Geoffrey Thorne, author of 'The Soft Room' in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds VI and 'Chiaroscuro' in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Prophecy and Change. (10-28-03)

The text link to Terri Osborne's site has been added. I thought I added it awhile back, but it either got lost in the shuffle a few weeks ago, or I was just remembering wrong. Ms Osborne will have stories in two anthologies this fall - 'Three Sides to Every Story' in DS9 Prophecy and Change and 'Q'uandary' in New Frontier - No Limits. (8-02-03)

The text link to Andy Mangels' website has been updated to not send visitors to a 404 Error page. (7-27-03)

The Science Fiction Book Club

PsiPhi Book Database

Simon & Schuster - Star Trek Books

Christopher L. Bennett -- Home

Margaret Wander Bonanno, writer

A.C. Crispin's Website

Peter David - Writer of Stuff

DeCandido.Net - The Homepage of Keith R.A. DeCandido

Dave Galanter's Homepage

The World According to Allyn

Christie Golden's Website

Susan Kearney's Website

Andy Mangels - A Brief History

Here Be Una

Terri Osborne - No, that would make sense...

Welcome to Reeves-Stevens

Jill Sherwin's Star Trek Books Website

The Sign Post - The Official Geoffrey Thorne Website

John Vornholt's Webpage - Because any idiot can make a website

Susan Wright's Website

Library of the Prophets - Book Reviews & Essays

The Guide to Star Trek: New Frontier

Star Trek: Stargazer

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