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The Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

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"There is an old Romulan saying that tells that if all around you lies in ruins, either fault yourself, or seek the serpent. Are you the serpent?"

Star Trek: The Lost Era - Serpents Among the Ruins

by David R. George III

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"You, on the other hand - you break the rules all the time. You broke the Cardassians' rules, to protect people they would've killed. You break Starfleet's rules whenever it suits you, if they get in the way of your precious 'justice.' And what about that shapeshifting? It gives you an unfair advantage. It's cheating. But that never bothers you, does it? You don't even obey the normal laws of physics! An eighty-kilo man one moment, a hundred gram goblet the next. How do you even do that?"

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Prophecy and Change '...Loved I Not Honor More'

by Christopher L. Bennett

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Active as of March 6th 2004

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Last Updated on March 20, 2004.