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Review of Deep Space Nine Mission: Gamma - Cathedral

Title: Mission: Gamma - Cathedral, Book Three of Four

Authors: Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels

ISBN: 0-7434-4564-3

Review by Jacqueline Bundy

Powerful, dramatic and shocking are the first words that come to mind for me in trying to describe the third Mission: Gamma novel Cathedral by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels. This extremely poignant story takes numerous twists and turns before it leaves you with your mouth hanging open in astonishment on the final page. Whatever you do-don’t peek or I guarantee you will regret it.

As the Defiant continues it’s exploration of the Gamma Quadrant the ship stumbles upon a dispute between two native species and they are forced to intervene when caught in the crossfire. One of the alien vessels is left crippled with injured crew and the Defiant stays to render aid. Meanwhile Ezri, Nog and Bashir have taken a shuttle to survey a nearby cometary cloud where they discover a baffling object that seems to be drifting between dimensions. After gathering as much data as they can the shuttle passes briefly through the objects dimensional wake before returning to the Defiant where Dr. Bashir is urgently needed to treat the wounded.

When Bashir, Ezri and Nog each begin to regress to former versions of themselves it soon becomes obvious that their encounter with the mysterious alien artifact has had unimagined consequences that only a return to the artifact can put right. But the ancient feud between the D’Naali and Nyazen complicates the crew’s efforts to save their shipmates forcing a deadly confrontation.

Back in the Alpha Quadrant the ramifications of Kira’s release of the Ohula text continues to reverberate through Bajoran society. Preparations for the signing ceremony formally admitting Bajor to the Federation continue. Vedek Yevir takes a bold step to force the issue of peace with Cardassia. And Ro Laren comes to an ominous decision regarding her future.

One theme recurs again and again in the various plot threads of Cathedral, the significance and necessity of faith in every individual’s life. Not necessarily religious faith, but just plain old confidence in ourselves and the conviction that no matter how dismal or dark things may seem somehow we can make it better. Cathedral utilizes compelling and emotive language and imagery to drive the point home.

It needs to. The constant reiteration of the idea is all that keeps Cathedral from crossing over the line and becoming histrionic. Despite it’s deep, and at times dark plot, Mr. Martin and Mr. Mangels dexterously lead the reader across the tightrope. Just as you think the story is going to loose it’s balance and topple over the edge it suddenly catches itself and assurance returns.

Stirring and gripping from beginning to end Cathedral leaves the reader with numerous questions but also with the conviction that somehow, someway everything is going to be okay. Bravo!

Other Reviews by Jackie 'MsFerengi'Bundy

ST: DS9 Avatar, Book One & Two ST: SCE - Miracle Workers ST: DS9 Section 31 - Abyss ST: TNG Gateways - Doors Into Chaos ST: DS9 Gateways - Demons of Air and Darkness ST: Gateways - What Lay Beyond
ST: TNG The Battle of Betazed ST: DS9 Mission: Gamma Twilight ST: DS9 Mission: Gamma - This Gray Spirit ST: DS9 Mission: Gamma - Lesser Evil

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