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Review of Deep Space Nine Gateways - Demons of Air and Darkness

Title: Deep Space Nine Gateways - Demons of Air and Darkness

Author: Keith R.A. DeCandido

Review by Jacqueline Bundy

Warning! Reading this book will be detrimental to getting anything done. Demons of Air and Darkness is too hard to put down. Demons is the DS9 novel of the Gateways saga. Author Keith R.A. DeCandido, who penned the wonderfully received TNG novel Diplomatic Implausibility earlier this year has produced an outstanding book with Demons. The story had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Add to that completely enjoyable characters and you've got one thoroughly terrific novel. Rest assured that even if you have no interest in reading the other Gateways books, but are enjoying the DS9 relaunch novels you can read Demons of Air and Darkness on its own merits. Not only is the plot great, but the story utilizes the characters in an excellent way. And most of the DS9 characters are advanced in some way in this novel. The story opens shortly after the events in Abyss and concurrent with Doors into Chaos.

After a successful mission to the Gamma Quadrant the Defiant is on it's way home when it is hailed by a Federation freighter carrying a very confused and frightened Captain. What is she suddenly doing in the Gamma Quadrant? This little mystery turns out to be the least of the problems facing the crew when they return to Deep Space Nine. The Gateways are suddenly active which is causing disturbing activity all across the Quadrant. Activated by a race claiming to be the descendants of the Iconians, they are looking to sell the secrets of the Gateways to the highest bidder. But for some reason there are no Gateways within 10 light years of the wormhole.

While Nog and Shar set out to investigate what could make the Bajoran sector unique in the hopes of finding a way to shut down the Gateways, Kira and the rest of the crew are called upon to help divert a planetary disaster. The nearby colony of Europa Nova is being devastated by theta radiation coming from massive amounts of antimatter waste that has suddenly appeared in their atmosphere. The entire planetary population must be evacuated before they all suffer lethal radiation poisoning. Kira heads up a task force of diverse ships all working together to coordinate the evacuation effort in a frantic race against the clock.

Meanwhile, Quark is off on a little negotiation of his own. He finds himself in the unenviable position of negotiating with the Iconians for the Gateway technology on behalf of the Orions. And he is facing a familiar negotiator who is acting in the Iconians interests. As usual Quark is highly confident that he can pull off the deal. But things quickly get complicated and all is not as it appears.

Back at Europa Nova it is discovered that there is a Gateway in the orbit of the planet that leads to the Delta Quadrant. It is the source of the deadly radiation. In an attempt to stop the flow, Kira and Taran'atar take a runabout through the Gateway. On the other side they find themselves in a fearsome battle with one of the Delta Quadrants mostly deadly and formidable species. The only solution would seem to be to block their only way back home. That is if they live long enough.

As the story wraps up we are introduced to a very unique and delectable new character that should fit right in with the other intriguing regulars that inhabit DS9. The plot flows beautifully to a climax that leaves you holding your breath. Like the previous Gateways novels the ending is a bit of a cliffhanger, to be resolved in the final book What Lays Beyond. But that in no way takes anything from the entirely pleasurable read that is Demons of Air and Darkness.

Diehard fans who love detail will be delighted with the numerous little references that author DeCandido seamlessly drops into the story. This novel moves. You are gripped from the opening paragraphs and skillfully drawn in to a enthralling plot that is adroitly executed. Adventure and heroics, balanced with humor, and several twists that just come out of left field make this story a joy to read. In addition DeCandido has taken the time to make the characters unique to the story as interesting and important as the regulars. That is something that is too often overlooked in some Trek novels where all the emphasis is on the established characters everyone knows and expects while the development of the story specific characters is sort of left one dimensional. It leaves the book with an unfinished feeling, as if something was missing from the story. Even the minor characters in Demons stand out.

The use of the characters in Demons is well balanced. Something unique in Star Trek fiction based on the television series to the DS9 novels. Both the male and female characters exhibit multifaceted personalities, and both the male and the female characters get to play a vital role. That is one of the reasons I have always enjoyed the DS9 novels, and with the relaunch novels that tradition has carried through. Demons of Air and Darkness left me with that happy, satisfied feeling that a really good Star Trek episode or novel can produce. And a great big smile on my face. A good book will do that for you.

ST: DS9 Avatar, Book One & Two ST: SCE - Miracle Workers ST: DS9 Section 31 - Abyss ST: TNG Gateways - Doors Into Chaos ST: Gateways - What Lay Beyond
ST: TNG The Battle of Betazed ST: DS9 Mission: Gamma Twilight ST: DS9 Mission: Gamma - This Gray Spirit ST: DS9 Mission: Gamma - Cathedral ST: DS9 Mission: Gamma - Lesser Evil

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